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My claim was marked for expedition but today the estimated date for completion moved to 05/01/21

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Alex Madrid


Good evening warriors,

      My claim was marked for expedition but today the estimated date for completion moved to 05/01/21. It started 02/19/20 and now the dat is over a year later, how does that work out? My C&P exams are done, every last record possible is submitted along with civilian MH signed DBQs, Civilian Ortho DBQ signed for loss of use right hand, butty letters, spouse letter, A&A signed off by Civilian PCP and PTSD, Bipolar, Anxiety and Panic Disorder diagnosis dating back from 2008-present. What am I missing?

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4 answers to this question

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

I learned to never pay much attention to the estimated completion dates. They can change without notice. Last time I had a date like that was when it was placed back in the queue and was waiting to be picked up by the next team.

Since you had your exams, it should hopefully not be long before you hear something.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Alex Vync's advise is proved out every day. Don't worry about the est. completion date that the VA puts on your claim. I know it sounds strange, but don't pay attention. Period. It very often becomes an arbitrary date based on some input an admin person gets. If everything possible has been done and there is no more evidence to be obtained, it should be developed and completed a lot faster than an additional 10 months from now. Get a hobby or something else to do if you haven't anything left to do for your claim. You just have to let the VA do its thing.

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These guys are Right!

The last time I called "Peggy" ( the VA 800#) they told me that the date they gave me on my claim ( as an End product)

was usually not  an accurate date.

It sounds to me like you have your ducks in a row and they are well armed with evidence....but....

If you are not a combat veteran falling under the 2010 PTSD regulations,VA will need proof of your stressor inservice, that caused the PTSD. If you have the PH, CIB or CAR on your DD 214 the VA usually will concede a stressor.

I say usually but have only seen one situation here ,whereby the VA denied the veteran's claim for PTSD and he said the CIB was on his DD 214....he never returned to hadit.

We have had a few bi polar vets here as well, but VA only pays for one MH SC disability.

If we know more about your claim we can help more.

If the VA has to run your stressor through JSRRC, they will need as best as you can describe, the location and date of the stressor. and enough details to search your unit' records.

If those buddys gave sworn statements that bolster the stressor, that will help.

My daughter got 4  vets in the same unit proper SC PTSD awards, and they all ( there were 5)got more awards/decorations on a DD 215.

It was a very unusual thing she had to do to help them. They asked me to help at hadit many years ago - because she was a certified Vietnamese linquist for the USAF at the time. The fifth vet had sent them all copies of his SC PTSD award for the very same event in Vietnam.I dont know if any of them used that as evidence because what my daughter did immediately got them all SC and awards for their bravery- and they  saved ( per the Vietnamese document she translated for them) the lives of many others in their unit.

The folded two page Vietnamese document was found by our member here, months after this incident, in the dirt ,on a road in Vietnam. He was scared every since leaving Vietnam, that it was a hit list because the only thing he could read was the names of his men and unit and their SSA ( or Service) numbers. And he didn't understand the signature. It was signed by a Vietnamese General, lauding each one of them specifically  for the exemplary bravery they each had shown in a recent  battle, actions that had saved American lives.The hadit member ,who contacted me to request the translation ,received the Distinquished Flying Cross.They all received more awards on their DD 215s. And their proper PTSD ratings.

We must often never leave any stone un-turned, in finding the evidence we need.

And, of course, we must NEVER give Up!







Edited by Berta
bad access due to being in cloud

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Berta makes a good point regarding missing awards/decorations.  You submit an SF180 to NPRC if you want an award you never got), or say even a unit citation, etc. that you didn't even know you should have gotten.  So, lets say you were infantry, mos is 11b for example. They do the research and add the CIB to your record by issuing a supplement to the DD214, which is called a DD215. If, however, they can't verify through your records that you should get a specific award, the tell you how to appeal. But the point is, if it isn't on your DD214, the VBA isn't going to make the effort to doing any research on you. For PTSD, that means it isn't an automatic you have a combat stressor. Veterans should take the time to correct errors on their DD214's even if they don't have any potential disabilities right now. Because, maybe you will need them later and it saves a lot of time and effort later when you do need it correct.

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