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High Blood Pressure

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So I have had high blood pressure for over 40 years and been taking medication for the hole time. I was diagnosed with high BP when I got out of basic training and was in the best shape of my life. I am now 62 and out of shape. it wasn't borderline either, I could tell when I had forgotten to take my medication, i would feel different. 

the VA gave me a BP monitor at the first of the year so I could monitor it regularly. I was have in dizzy spells when I would stand up or just walking up stairs. when I would take my BP it would read 90's over 60 something. it was doing this for a while so I talk with my VA provider and he took me off all of my BP medications. that was almost 5 months ago and my BP is in the 118/75 range everyday now without exception.

I have never heard of this before. I havent lost weight, changed my diet, or started working out. I am not complaining but it is hard to believe that after 40 years my BP is normal now without any changes to my life style. Like I said when i got out of basic training is when I found out I had it and was in great shape I had just went through Marine Corps boot camp.

Just curious if anyone else has had this happen?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hi Ronc531 Nice problem you have; I'll swap with you! No really, you have to get a good eval from another cardiologist/specialist (non-VA.)  First thing is you should assess your overall health, and by that I mean, do you have any symptoms or conditions now. Anything, If you do, tell them to the new doc. The idea is to find out if being treated with unnecessary meds has caused you some harm after all these years. Example, you now have acid reflux/GERD; maybe caused by meds? Other heart problems? ED; again caused by meds. Take evidence of your treatment by the VA with you so the specialist can review. If you have problems that are related to taking improperly prescribed meds, and you get a diagnosis, you may be able to receive compensation. The best way, and easiest way would be by way of secondary disability. The other is title 38 US Code 1151, which is legal remedy where you sue the government for negligence, etc. That is a tough thing to win and you would need a lawyer for sure on that. The thing is just because the VA screwed up, if you haven't developed symptoms and received a diagnosis, nothing happens. No harm, no foul. But definitely see a specialist; you could be harmed and don't know it.

Good luck.

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GBArmy is right !!!!- you need an independent ( non VA ) doctor's opinion on why there is a sudden change in your BP, after the VA stopped the Prescription.

High blood pressure meds can be contraindicated by other meds. Meaning the other medicine can make HBP worse.

You could file a Section 1151 claim, if you have incurred any disability that can be attributed to taking an inappropriate medication.

Do you have any form of Hypertensive heart disease?

Something was wrong with your VA care in my opinion, but it is hard to say they damaged you ,if the HBP med was inappropriate or contraindicated by something else.

I know personallly how the wrong VA med can cause problems, and even death.

My husband filed a 1151 claim a few months prior to his death.He asked me many times, if the VA "killed" him, to continue his claim."I would say Honey the VA doesn't kill anyone."But I felt the 1151 would get him better PTSD care. That care did change after a few battles I had with them.

With no apparent warning he suddenly dropped dead years ago-I filed right away and succeeded in 1151 and FTCA. 

VA had malpracticed on many serious issues he had, heart disease, TIAs and major stroke,, diabetes mellitus, and HBP.

The VA had diagnosed a prior heart attack he had while employed by the VA, as a sinus infection. They prescribed a high dose of sudafed for the next 6 years after the misdiagnosed heart attack at VA.

I proved that the sudafed contributed to his and the VA agreed, and also I proved they malpracticed on all of the above conditions.

One single misdiagnose and the meds that are inappropriate for the misdiagnosed condition ,can cause further problems down the road.

I also proved after the 1151/FTCA ordeal that he also died due to 2 AO disabilities ( AO IHD and AO DMII) and have claim pending now for AO HBP.

I sure didnt think the VA would ever kill him or any other veteran but I was wrong. He made me promise to go after them ,if they caused his death.I did that. I also found thepharmacy had made a significant error and sent him another local vets HBP meds by mistake. It was the dose he should have been on all along ( per VACO review), but the higher dose also might have caused his death.I dont know if he took the higher dose-he was visually  impaired by a stroke, and all I did is check his meds with the PDR when they came by mail to make sure they looked right. I discovered the other vets name on the bottle when the coroner called here to see what meds he was on.

Section 1151 and FTCA involve  incurring a ratable documented disability or death directly due to a VA medical error.

The doctor ,in your case, obviously thought something was wrong-and mitigated further damage of the HBP med.

But, in my opinion, you need a Specialist as GBA said, to review your entire medical profile and they can determine if you have any other ratable disability that the VA caused due to medical error.

I filed FTCA right away- and then ordered my husband;s VA med recs. I was in shock over  his sudden death.They revealed the local VAMC's malpractice as well as a major cover up attempt by a different VAMC he was sent to.

If I had not done what my husband made me promise to do, the VA would have gotten away with ,in my opinion,Murder due to the steps they took , knowing one VAMC had already misdiagnosed him, to try to conceal the malpractice.

I even found their motive for the malpractice but you do not need to prove motive.My husband was only 47 years old when he died, a decorated Vietnam Combat veteran. No veteransregardless of their type of service, should be treated the way he was.I thought his death and the FTCA case would stop further malpractice, but  I was wrong, The same original VAMC locally ,who cauised the initial malpractice , also almost killed another vet who worked at VA with him. I got the vet 100% P & T under 1151.

Everything I know about FTCA and 1151 is in those forums here.

VA saves lives every day!  But something is wrong here.







Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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You stated :

"he took me off all of my BP medications"

All??I can't understand why the VA gave you more than one HBP med????

It sounds like none of them were effective and caused the HBP to raise.

It might cost you some cash to get a thorough review of your medical records, and for a doctor- if they find you incurred other ratable disability  problems, due to their past errors, who would need to prepare a strong IME for 1151 claims purposes

.FTCA has a 2 year Statute of Limits ( in some states the SOL is only one year) and if you filed for FTCA you would have to do that within those 2 years -but check your states SOL first.

I personally feel 1151 is the better way to go here. IMO/ IME info is in our IMO forum at hadit' under 'Read First before getting an IMO/IME.'

Also Google, IMO docs and even FTCA lawyers were not available when I filed for 1151/FTCA. 1995. It was difficult for me to access the medical info I needed for my claims over my husband's death. No NY lawyer would help me, as I contacted many, and I had to do all of  the medical and legal work myself.I even had to use a local law library to get into 38 USC, CFR.

I could only get 20 xeroxes at a time, for a fee. I would get 20 , then leave and go back later and then I could get 20 more  of VA regulations and case law. Luckily I also had been purchasing the VBM by NVLSP since 1991 and that gave me an idea of what 1151 was all about. and I read it to my husband who dictated his 1151 claim to me. But their FTCA info was limited in the VBM and they suggested FTCA cases required a lawyer.Every lawyer I contacted told me I could Never succeed. They were all wrong, and these days many lawyers specialize in malpractice.And IMO/IME doctors are much easier to find.



Have you googled every medication you were on, at a valid medical web site , to see the side affects of each med  and any cause for contraindications, with other meds VA prescribed?



GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I never heard that taking a person off blood pressure meds will make the blood pressure improved  that seems down right ridiculous.and dangerous.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder


What was the name of the blood pressure meds the VA HAD YOU ON  OR WHAT THE VA Dr Prescribe you?

and do you take other medications for different conditions?

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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