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Connecting Sleep Apnea with Service

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I was discharged January 29, 2011. During my time in I did not have a sleep study, but some sleep issues were documented. I filed for disability for sleep apnea through the VA January 9th, 2012. By Feb 22 2012, I had a sleep study. I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and issued a CPAP. After that my life turned into complete chaos with a divorce and losing my house to my wife. I moved probably 8 times between 2012 and 2014. In 2013 I got a call from the VA saying that my claim was about to be closed, and that I don't have evidence of service connection for my sleep apnea.  They also told me that I had no medical service records on file. They extended my claim to give me time to get my records in and any other supporting evidence. I never got around to submitting my copy of my medical record (that I had made prior to separation just in case this happened) due to my life being a complete mess. By march 2014, my case was denied and closed. Comments are "STRs unavailable". 
Now 7 years later I'm working on getting this taken care of. I plan on doing a supplemental claim. The VA website says there's no time limit for doing a supplemental claim, but it's best to do it within a year of the decision. I have 5 buddy statements from fellow service members that were roommates and shared the same bunk room with me on duty for 2 years. I am working on getting a nexus letter from my primary care doctor.
I also have email correspondence with a medical officer on my ship in November of 2010, requesting to be seen for possible sleep apnea, due to excessive snoring and stopping breathing in my sleep, to which he responded. I was not able to setup a date before separating that coming january. The email I sent read as follows:

Dated 22NOV2010

"Good morning Sir, this is AD3 (my name) in IM-2 on CVN-71. I am having problems logging in to the computer today so I'm doing this from my Gmail if you don't mind.

I came to medical today but it was after sick hall hours and the personnel at the desk told me to email you rather than coming in tomorrow. I get out of the navy on Jan 28 and I have recently discovered that I could possibly have sleep apnea. My duty section leader brought it to my attention not too long ago and said I need to get it checked out. I asked my wife if she noticed anything different while I sleep and she said I stop breathing in my sleep quite frequently. I woke up the other day to my wife crying and she had me sitting up while I was sleeping because it scared her so much. I don't know what to do because I have never had any health issues before. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Sir."

"I have never had any health issues before" might've screwed me, but I'm not a Doctor, so I don't know. 
Will a copy of that email conversation between the medical officer and I help my case? Should I submit it as evidence as "seeking treatment" while on active duty? Any other advice/tips?
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I was awarded/granted sleep apnea secondary service connected to my already service connected fibromyalgia.  I did get an IMO from my VAMC treating Rheumatologist. 

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

When I was discharged back in 1971 I don't think OSA was even a recognized disorder.  I never went to a doctor about sleep issues because they would have laughed in my face back in the army of those days. Guys were getting by on 3-4 hours of sleep at night for months on end in Vietnam if they were lucky.  Army was not sympathetic to soldiers complaining about sleep issues back in the day.  We have come so far in 50 years.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I wonder how many of us 100% vets still work?  I doubt there are many because by the time you get 100% you are so disabled you could not work if you wanted too.  Maybe back 20 years ago when I was first P&T I would have liked to work but now I doubt I could hold down any job.

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