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Second Class Petty Officers
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About asheth007

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  1. Hello Berta thank you for the response. None of my initial ratings had anything that looked to be combat related and I never saw any that said combat related on my initial award letter. However, my second award letter does have the following in regards to my migraine headaches. Migraine - 30% Service connection for migraine headaches has been established as related to the serviceconnected disability of polymyositis (previously rated as fibromyalgia DC 5025). • We have assigned a 30 percent evaluation for your migraine headaches (related to: environmental hazard in gulf war) based on: • Characteristic prostrating attacks occurring on an average once a month over last several months. This is the only one that I feel meets the criteria word for word on CRSC I also know that training for preparation for combat also counts as well like a road march. I was in for 14 years 9 months. I didn't make the 15 or 20 as I was medically retired. I don't get any thing from CDRP I think I did before I reached 100% VA. I am officially 60% DOD and 100% VA.
  2. Hello Berta thank you for the response. None of my initial ratings had anything that looked to be combat related and I never saw any that said combat related on my initial award letter. However, my second award letter does have the following in regards to my migraine headaches. Migraine - 30% Service connection for migraine headaches has been established as related to the serviceconnected disability of polymyositis (previously rated as fibromyalgia DC 5025). • We have assigned a 30 percent evaluation for your migraine headaches (related to: environmental hazard in gulf war) based on: • Characteristic prostrating attacks occurring on an average once a month over last several months. This is the only one that I feel meets the criteria word for word on CRSC I also know that training for preparation for combat also counts as well like a road march.
  3. Hello Hadit, It has been about a year since my last post here. I am trying to find out if I am entitled to CRSC and if it is based on what the VA says the rating is for? Looking over my award letter I only see one thing that mentions a hazardous zone. Should I submit all of them anyway or just the migraine would apply? I am also not sure how the pay works for CRSC also. I know the formula is complicated.
  4. Thanks everyone this forum has been a life saver Is it K? I have been looking at SMC I think I could qualify for the K with loss of use of buttocks. I can stand but I have to use my hands to push up.
  5. I am not sure where to go next. I will fill out CRSC once I receive the packet from the VA as this was just decided on Friday. I know about chapter 35 for my daughter who is about to go to college, but I'm not sure about any additional benefits. I plan to see if I qualify for WWP they seem to have some great resources for veterans. I'm not sure how dental works now that I'm eligible
  6. Thank you Hadit for all your help so here is a breakdown of what I got. Mind you that when I was initially medically retired June of last year I had a 60%VA/50%DOD and initially they wanted to give me 30% VA 10% DOD. My main condition I deal with is Polymyositis and they rated it analgous to fibromyalgia which can only max at 40% which is what they gave me when I got out last year. Thankfully it has all been corrected now. So here is how I am going to be rated now, This is also 100% P/T. I was lost when I got out last year and you guys here really helped me to understand the process much more. I will say my experience at my VA with the examiners I had was very good and I was pretty surprised to be honest. Total time from separation to completion was 1 year the claims didn't actually get opened until October so 10 months to completion. What maybe helpful notes to others is: They knew I was going to school, they didn't really test me hard on ROM they wanted to see what I was capable of against gravity, but not helped. acial acne 0% Service Connected 06/15/2014 obstructive sleep apnea 50% Service Connected 06/15/2014 lumbar degenerative disc disease with polymyositis (previously rated as thoracic spine degenerative disc disease) 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 sciatica, right lower extremity 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 sciatica, left lower extremity 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 thoracic spine degenerative disc disease 10% Service Connected 06/15/2014 dysphagia 0% Service Connected 06/15/2014 cervical spine strain (previously rated as cervical spine IVDS) 10% Service Connected 06/15/2014 pseudofolliculitis barbae 0% Service Connected 06/15/2014 cervical spine intervertebral disc syndrome 0% Service Connected 06/15/2014 radiculopathy with carpal tunnel syndrome, right upper extremity 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 bilateral pes planus Not Service Connected left knee patellofemoral pain syndrome with polymyositis, with limited extension 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with dysphagia 10% Service Connected 06/15/2014 right knee patellofemoral pain syndrome with polymyositis, with limited extension 40% Service Connected 06/15/2014 right knee patellofemoral pain syndrome with polymyositis, with limited painful flexion 10% Service Connected 06/15/2014 left knee patellofemoral pain syndrome with polymyositis, with limited painful flexion 10% Service Connected 06/15/2014 radiculopathy with carpal tunnel syndrome, left upper extremity Not Service Connected right shoulder rotator cuff tendinopathy and AC joint osteoarthritis (dominant) 20% Service Connected 06/15/2014 polymyositis (previously rated as fibromyalgia DC 5025) 0% Service Connected 06/15/2014 migraine headaches 30% Service Connected 06/15/2014 major depressive disorder (also claimed as posttraumatic stress disorder) 30% Service Connected 06/15/2014
  7. I looked at examples that others uploaded and I have essentially 3 C&P examines on my healthevet, but it has references to so many tests I've done with doctors names and locations I'm wondering if there is an important section I could just copy and paste. Maybe the end diagnoses is important? I can't imagine cutting and pasting all of this its just so much.
  8. I have like 93 pages from 2 exams which is alot so what is the most effecient way to upload it? I know I have to go through and remove sensitive information like names(which is also a pain) Do you need to upload the whole exam or specific parts are what matters?
  9. DBQ's seem so hit or miss. My rheumatologist filled it out for the primary condition I suffer from the RO wanted me to have other ones filled out but it just east happening. I really wish they would put something out highly encouraging the VA docs fill them out. It doesn't even have to be something done with a 3 day turn around. The DBQ's are involved it's not like writing a script, and it's not even anything beneficial to the Vets treatment that other docs can reference etc. I think if DBQ's maybe became a standard form that Va docs need to fill out every 6 months - a year then a addendum form in case of a major change would smooth the whole process out. If I was a doctor I wouldn't want to have to fill it out over and over it kind of requires research and work
  10. Thanks for the tip I tend to want to try and self DX to try and let the doctors know that I am somewhat competent about the conditions I suffer from I guess to give validity when I am telling of symptoms or whatever I suffer from.
  11. Sorry I'm on my phone so can't edit. I also get SSA disability and the award letter was sent in with the initial claim. Will there be a separate unemployability C&P?
  12. Well hadit helped me get to this point and it's finally here. Since I've joined hadit I have gotten Family Caregiver also. I now have my first C&P exams since being medically retired last year. These were increases, un employability, and new conditions/secondary. I have hearing in about a week the person I spoke to on the phone asked me if I had ringing which I do occasionally and asked if I had a hearing test last 30 days which I haven't had one. I have a C&P with neurology General Exam Ortho and my last one in May is for PTSD The person helping me filed for the PTSD anyway even though I said I don't think I have PTSD but depression. I have seen a psychiatrist and see a psychologist regularly through the VA. At that PTSD exam will that be where they make a determination of I have PTSD or Depression or will need a separate one for depression. I know depression is one that was filed but I'm don't have a C&P exam strictly for depression scheduled. I suspect I know how the neurology exam will go since I have dealt with them often. This will probably be in reference to migraines which I am prescribed Sumatriptan, I also get monthly IV/IG infusions which require me to stay in the hospital for 4 days every 30 days to get the medication. I am on a steady dose of prednisone, methotrexate, ambien, and Zoloft. Not sure about Ortho exam though. For reference I am 80% combined 40% inflammatory myopathy(rated analogous to fibromyalgia). 20% for shoulder osteo arthritis, 10% back DDD, 50% sleep apnea. The main condition I suffer from is polymyositis, but when I was retired they didn't have a firm diagnoses so they out the general inflammatory myopathy which they don't have a rating for. They do have one for polymyositis which is now in my problem code after discharge. The wording is strange but I believe I could get a 100% just from that. Also should I take my family caregiver paper work? My mother is my caregiver I'm tier 3 or whatever the lowered tier is she does receive about $550 a month.
  13. I received the Award letter and it doesn't really say why they chose the August date. I did look at my VA records to see if anything significant happened and it was my first visit with my Rheumatologist at the VA for the main condition that I suffer from. I think they chose August because that was the first re-diagnosis of my condition which is basically reconfirmation of what had already been diagnosed while I was in. I don't think an appeal is worth it vs. the risk since we are talking about 1 or 2 months of backpay. In my award letter it doesn't have any real information just the payout numbers, backpay and all that stuff. How can I get a copy of the actual review and exam or whatever I need to add to my IU claim. The award letter doesn't state what I was given SSDI for really just that I am awarded it. Free or Berta?
  14. Will do I'll see how it goes. I know it is a separate program but still under the VA umbrella. Thanks Stretch I'll keep this post updated. I have done some reading were there are cases when someone goes through just about everything but still gets denied at the end, but from what I have read it isn't something that takes a year to find out if you are approved or not. It seems to be relatively quick in finding out what they have decided compared to something like a claim. Thanks Berta as always with good helpful information.
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