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Chief Petty Officers
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Everything posted by rthomass

  1. I feel compelled to warn all my fellow Veterans to be very selective in who they have represent them before the Department of Veteran Affairs. I have as some of you know been envolved in an Agent Orange case for over 41 months now, for the bean counters it works out to 14, 600 days or 350,400 hours! Once the lawyer I selected got my case remanded from the CAVC to the BVA and had me sign a paper in order for her to further represent me. I had precious few contacts with her to the point she seldom took my calls or acknowledged my paperwork. I was basicaly on my own. I developed my own case, did my own research, and pleaded my case without benefit of effective counsel. I finally dismissed this lawyer and her firm and I am fervently getting another Lawyer up to speed as the local Regional Office refuses to render a final decision and insists on issuing an SSOC and returning the remanded claim back to the BVA for a decision; even though the local RO was given the option by the BVA to render a decision. I tell you this as my brothers and sisters, we have only our selfs and each other....no one ...not he VA, Not the BVA...or even the CAVC is going to help you. It is your claim, you must be your own advocate, you must be agreesive, ruthless, cunning and even wallow in the gutter with the Veterans Administration. A lawyer is a resource, a tool......but ultimately as President Truman said "The Buck Stops Here". That firm I am talking about is Liberman & Mark, PLLC of Washington D.C. I absolutely do not recommend them. I am not trying to slander these lawyers but to warn you there are lawyers out there that are not looking out for your best interest. After the rmmand they have the Veteran sign a 20% agreement to futher represent the Vetrean at The RO level and hope they luck out by sheer number of Veterans Claims they have...for a few to bingo with them exerting as little effort as possible on the claims........a nice racket if I do say so. Randall
  2. Beta I took your advice and hired Karl Kazmierczak of Oakland, NJ as my lawyer; he cetainly is easy to talk to and he actullay listens to you. I have already sent him all the documents I have on my hebicide AO claim. Started claim 10 January 2005. RO wants to remand it back to the BVA/AMC but I told them no! I want to use my full 60 days. That is not the amazing part!! Karl wanted a copy of my complete C file so I hand carried a request to the VARO,Louisville, Kentucky on March 17, 2008 ............this is the incredible part.........I recived the C file, via US Mail today March 26, 2008......8 days from request to receipt........That is like moving at the speed of light for VA. Regards Randall.
  3. Michael I sent you an e-mail that wiil be of Great help to you. Randall, Louisville, kentucky.
  4. This a Veteran that has a sign that is 2 feet wide by 4 feet high. Has an 18inch diameter VA seal at the top, you know like the Presidential seal. I had it professionally done at a local sign shop. The wording is "Veterans Administration Unfair to Vietnam Era Veterans in Thailand". I am really geting their attention. I protested in December (Based on no decison to my remanded claim, March 18, 2009 (Based on receivig a hatchet job SSOC) and on 19 March 2008 because they seemed to be on ambivilent to me on March 18, 2008. In December 2007 and March 19,2008 they peronally talked to me and seemed very interested in what I had to say. Yes picketing is legal under the Constitution...remember we still have a Constitution and Bill or Rights ! Check with your local governing body as to the need for a parade or picket permit. I did not need one because Louisville, Kentucky's city government told me this. It is effective. My reason for picketing is I have a ton of proof as to spraying herbicide (Agent Orange) not only at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base 1969-1970 but at the other bases in Thailand. The Department of Defense States there were no C-123 Ranch Hand Aircraft At NKP yet I have four credible independent sources that say C-123 Ranch Hand Aircraft were permanently stationed at NKP and other bases in Thailand. The DOD states NKP was never attacked yet I have independent sources stating that indeed there was an attack in 1969. I picket for myself and my fellow veterans.
  5. Fellow Veterans I am literally in the fight of my life with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Office, Louisville, Kentucky. I have a claim for exposure to Agent Orange while stationed at Nakkon Phanom Royal Air Force Base Thailand from August 1969 to August 1970. I have found a previous case where an Airman who worked at the NKP Base Gym was exposed to Agent Orange while personnel were spraying the perimeter of Nakhon Phanom RTAFB. This Veteran Served from August 1969 to April 1970 at of Course at the same place and time as I did. The VA refuses to accept this as corroboration of my claim. The Board of Veterans Appeals approved his claim. The citation number of this claim was 9916522; Decision date : 06/16/99; Archive Date: 06/21/99; Docket No. 96-31 706A. Decision can be viewed at http://www.index.va.gov/search/va/va_searc...vt_vetapp99_ext. I initiated MY claim on 10 January 2005 and to date I have been denied at the Regional Office, The Board of Veteran Affairs, remanded from the United States Court of Appeal for Veterans Claims to the Veterans Board of Appeals, The Appeals Management Center and remanded by them to the Regional Office at Louisville, Kentucky. On 13 March 2008 The Regional Office denied the claim again and is sending it once again to the Board of Veterans affairs..Probably end up back at the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Read copy of initial denial decision by Board of Veterans Appeals by clicking on http://www.index.va.gov/search/va/va_searc...vt_vetapp99_ext. Not to seek Sympathy but the exposure per my Oncologist at The VA hospital states that Agent Orange was the culprit. Now I have a rare myxoma tumor in the right atrium of my heart that will have to be surgically removed any day now. If you served at Nakon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand and are aware of the use of Agent Orange on The perimeter of The Base or Across the Mekong river I would appreciate if you would contact me with all due speed. I also was there when we were attacked; The veteran cited above also knew of this attack. Of course the DOD denies everything. Please reply to rthomass@insightbb.com, or Randall D. Thomas Sr., MSGT, USAF, Retired (1961-1981), PO BOX 20761, LOUISVILLE, KY 40250-0761, or call Collect at Area Code 502 491-7864, or Fax to Area Code 402 491-3832. If you write a statement stating the use of Agent Orange or the referenced attack please include the following statement at the end prior to you signature I certify under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this statement is true and accurate.
  6. Berta, they could find the herbicide agent orange in my back yard and the Veterans Administration would find a way to deny it was there.
  7. I have been struggling with the VARO since January 10, 2005; a total of One Thousand -eleven Hundred and eleven days!!!!!!! I am a Vietnam "ERA" Veteran with a VSM & VCM who seved at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand from August 1969 to August 1970. NKP is on the Melkong River 4 miles from a branch of the Ho-chi- Mihn trail and sixty miles from North Vietnam. Twenty four years later after seving for over 20 years I contracted Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was treated for two years by a civilian and Veteran Administration hospital. The treatment has been good but that is high praise when compared with the train wreck the VARO is. Now I am fighting for my life because I have also developed hypertendion and a myexoma tumor in the right atrium of my heart . I have a statement from the Va oncologist that the additional heart tumor is further proof that I have been in contact with Agent Orange. Despite repeated notices to the RO of my serious medical condition they have failed to appreciate the gravity of my situation. To be frank they just are so wrapped up in a mountain of claims one indivisual claim doesn't matter! (Can't see the Trees for The Forest) In addition the VARO people who answer telephone inquiries will not talk to me because I have retained a civilian lawyer who is as much help as some the Veteran Organizations representing veterans at the local level. A real "Catch 22" if I ever saw one. Now you ask why I am frustrated ? ........... I could cease to exist in a twinkling of an eye....yet I don't believe the VA or for that matter my Country would even give me a small whimper....for my service to my Country. As Jesus said "forgive them lord for they know not what they have done"! A nation is only as great as what the citizens and World as a whole perceive the good or bad of deeds it has done.
  8. vaf: I have to agree with you. I believe the firm is amber of the CAVC Bar. Are you aware of anyone who has complained to the US Court Of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar? My remanded appeal is back at the local Veterans Administration Regional Office with the Appeals Management Team. I feel I have done all the research and prepared all if not most of the documents to prove my case. Hate to terminate this late but damn I really do want to. did you encounter the weird procedure they use such as one is the contact and the other member of the firm is the litigator befor the Court? Randall Nakhon Phanom Thailand Aug 69 to Aug 70 Agent Orange Contact
  9. Stretch it is true as it applies to the US Court Of Appeals for Veterams Claims; unfortunately Secretary Nicholson appealed the CAVC decision to the United States Court Of Appeals for The Federal District. They will probably rule on this wihin the next few months. re: Haas V. Nicholson.
  10. Stretch unless I have dementia this was decided a while back by the CAVC. Do you perhaps mean the US Court of Appeals For The Federal Circuit?
  11. I engaged a lawyer from tbe firm of Lieberman & Mark of Washington DC to represent me before the United States Court of Veterans Claims. She did get the court to remand the case back to the AMC and BVA and now it sets at the Local VARO, Louisville, Kentucky. I have researched and feel that I am the one doing all the work in perfecting my claim. She refuses to take my calls and as far as I can ascetain she has never contacted the VARO Appeals Management Team. I want to terminate her but my wife thinks if I do so it would set us up for a lawsuit. I have read the agreement between this lawyer and myself and feel that since she is reiticent in her duties she has breached the contract. I do not recommend this firm to any Veteran.
  12. Out of pure curiosity why was this post deleted. It appears to be a legitimate post. Moderators any thing to say?
  13. Monday God willing I am going to take my sign down to VA at 321 w. Main Street Louisville, Kentucky around noon time and just simply dispaly the sigh peacefully to all that pass by. If they ask questions I will try to explsin our Vetrans troubles with VARO. Perhaps a bright light will make them all run for their hiding places.....Like roaches in a kitchen when you turn on the lights.
  14. Picket Sign is ready. Company called "Fast Signs" did it up for me in red, white, and blue. Sign size is 2 feet by 4 feet. Sign has 18 inch VA official Seal at the top. Sign lettering under VA Logo reads "VA UNFAIR TO VIETNAM ERA THAILAND VETERANS .
  15. Nope not TDiu, just pissed and vindictive.......
  16. Friday I plan to start a one Veteran Thailand picket of the VARO, Louisville, Kentucky. Any Veteran wanting to join me just e-mail me at rthomass@insightbb.com, or just come on down. " Picket sign professionally done by a local sign shop to read " VA UNFAIR TO VIETNAM ERA THAILAND VETERANS". This agent orange debacle has got to end. I know I am only one Veteran but damn I have done everything I know how to do. I have sent letters to every member of Congress; Proposed a BILL that would approve every Veterans AO claim that served in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. I have an AO claim that has been all the way fron the VARO to the CAVC to the AMC and now back to the VARO....Three years and many to go I am sure. You cannot reason with the VA entity, they are impervious to reason and frankly I think they are mostly ignorant all of the suffering Veterans are going through. Then again they get a lot of help from our Government and our judicial system. These bureaucrats are just like roaches; turn on the kitchen lights and they run from the bright light. Let us all stop talking and do overt demonstrations in front of the VARO's and VAMC's. Hope the TV reporters show up.
  17. For what it is worth I am going to find out from my local City Government if I need a permit to personally picket the Veterans Administration Regional Office at Louisville Kentucky. I cannot think of any more direct action that I could take than to bring the publics attention to the plight of the Agent Orange Thailand Veteran.
  18. Pete53. I read the onlne post on this thread by Brandon and it echoed exactly the way I feel. Of course due to warranted or unwarranted censorship I have no way of judging Brandon.
  19. I am in total agreement with the statement. Our Government both Democrats and Republicans have no idea or do they care about integrity and justice let alone the Consatitution of The United States of America. I love my Country but frankly our leaders are arrogant self serving SOB's.
  20. Gentlemem of you you will write a letter supporting Agent orange claims and tell Senator Akaka to kill S-2026 I will go to bat for uou when uou need letters to be sent to Conrress. This is for our bothers that a dying of cancer dut to herbicide spraying against the blue water Navy but other Veterans in Thailand. Laos, and Camodia. Use the following letter as a guice: Pleas Help Us! U.S. SENATE COMMITTEE ON September 10, 2007 VETERANS AFFAIRS ATTTN: SENATOR AKAKA, CHAIRMAN 412 RUSSELL SENATE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 SUBJECT: Sponsorship of Senate Bill S-2026 Senator Akaka: I have been a lifelong Democrat. I read with outrage your sponsorship of Senate Bill S2026. This would negate the decisions of the 9th Circuit Court Decision as well as that of The United States Court of Appeals Decision as regards Haas V. Nichoslson. I can assure you that as a twenty year Veteran of the United States Air Force that Agent Orange was not only used on the land mass of Vietnam but in the Country of Thailand. I was assigned to Nakhon Phanom Thailand Royal Thai Air Base from August 1969 to August 1970. NKP is located on the Mekong River across from Laos and the Ho-Mihn Trail. The Air Force sprayed the trail with Agent Orange as well as NKP'S perimeter and other areas on base. It made it easy to see enemy insurgents since it was an excellent defoliant of the tropical jungle around us. I have a three year claim that is presently before the Veterans Administration for exposure to the Herbicide Agent Orange. I am presently in the fight of my life against Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma; one of the eleven presumptive cancers cited under 38 CFR 3-309(e). I personally thought that of the two political parties that the Republicans were the "BAD" Guys but now you and the Democrats are stabbing the Vietnam Era Veterans in the back! Guess you never know who your enemy your enemy is! Based on your sponsorship of Senate Bill S2026 I will not vote for any Democratic Party candidates in the 2008 National Election or any other election in the future. This statement galls me to write but when you are getting raped you are reluctant to give the rapist a round of applause for the heinous act. Your assurance that you have re-considered sponsorship of Senate Bill S-2026 will give me reason to re-consider my declination to vote Democratic. Senator we put our lives on line for our country. Please help us and do no harm. Just a Veteran that has been forgotten Randall D. Thomas Sr. PO Box 20761 Louisville, Kentucky 40250-0761 (502) 491-7864 rthomass@insightbb.com VA Claim C-27-219-809 In addition write the following letter to you 2 Senators and Representaives. LET US BE LOAD AND VOCAL CONGRESS WILL RESPOND IT ENOUGH US APPLY PRESSURE THIS IS THE LETTER I SENT TO YOU AND EVERY SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE DECEMBER 7, 2007December 7. 2006 Honorable Senator Daniel Akaka US SENATE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS AFFAIRS 412 RUSSELL SENATE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 The United States Court for Veterans Claims in a decision dated August 16, 2006 “ Haas vs. Nicholson “ruled that the appellant on appeal from the Veterans Board of Appeals was entitled to a presumption of exposure to the herbicide specifically identified as Agent Orange. It further found that any veteran serving during the Vietnam Era (1962-1975) and who had been awarded the VSM “Vietnam Service Medal” was presumed to have been exposed to the herbicide commonly known as Agent Orange. The desire of my fellow Vietnam Veterans who served during the Vietnam Era in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia as well as their territorial waters who have one of the eleven diseases set forth in 38 C.F.R. 3-309(e). be presumed to have been exposed to agent orange and awarded 100% Veterans Administration Compensation. I propose the decision of The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims “Haas Vs. Nicholson” be a guide to re-write those portions of U.S.C. 38; 38 C.F.R.; and the Veterans Administration Adjudication Procedure Manual M21-1 by means of new legislation promulgated by the United States Congress. I have attached the U.S. Court Of Appeals for Veterans Claims decision Haas Vs. Nichoson; National Veterans Legal Services Program additional information on exposure to agent orange. Randall D. Thomas Sr. rthomass@insightbb.com PO Box 20761 3123 Spring Breeze Court, Louisville, Ky 40
  21. Come on Veternas this needs your support. You can copy my letter if you wish but guys we relly to rally and shoot this puppy down.
  22. Hadit members this is a very serious action that requires your serious attention. Your Veteran Brothers need your support......so even if you never were exposed to Agent Orange....write a letter protesting the fact that we are all about to get the shaft.
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