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Second Class Petty Officers
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About Memory235

  • Birthday July 12

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    shooting guns, reading books, va regulations

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  1. Yeah I waited three years total to get my claims adjudicated. Vietnam Vets got shafted for years and they have fought like hell for themselves and they are fighting for Gulf War vets 1 and 2 . Still the VA screws us Gulf I and OIF OEF guys plus it seems the VA is just overwhelmed with claims. Vietnam Vets have major health problems and they still wait 5 years it seems. My Dad got exposed to agent Orange. Waited 10 years to get a measly 10%. Finally six months before he died the RO sent the tidu letter. He was approved. Me three years. Vocational Rehab was quick. Not disability. VA health care rocks in California. I used to go to the LA VAMC and I've been to San Diego. The first claim I filed was in LA. And from all the vets I spoke with took a good while lots of vets in CA.
  2. He was on an Aircraft. Did a search online. Not going to violate his privacy but he was shot down and nabbed. It was at the end of the first gulf conflict. He is a confirmed Pow. Well the POW medal can be awarded to anyone captured or imprisoned for any length of time during a conflict.
  3. He was held in either Kuwait or Iraq. He is in his 40s. He gets compensation for PTSD. He was Air Force. Thanks for posting the regs. I'll start reading.
  4. I have a pretty good friend that didn't tell me a few things about his service: I noticed he had a letter from NPRC verifying his awards. One of the medals he has is a Prisoner of War medal. Now, I do know this guy served in the Persian Gulf I'm not sure about the circumstances surrounding his confinement either. I had seen a few of his medals and I noticed the POW medal. Apparently he lost them at some point and needed them replaced by the Gov. What can I do to help him? He has alcohol issues and explosive anger. I don't blame him. But, I'm just wondering how I can get him the help he has earned. He does receive 400 or 500 dollars a month from the VA. But, he can't work. So, I know how to file for increases but what is the purview of Pow's and VA regs? I mean from what I've read you need a certain amount time confined for presumptives and I don't know anything about said confinement.
  5. It's free here in WV. Bring your DD214 and sign a form voila done. Most states do it I'm sure.
  6. I figure this doesn't apply to you but ill throw it out there as I'm pretty bored today and been posting a lot today. I had a claim for PTSD and GERD which the first got approved and the latter denied but both were denied at first anyway. Ill explain. With a lot of conditions it seems the VA likes to say it existed before service. My Wife who spent 3 years in the Navy Reserves said that she got that line when she filed for sleep apnea. She ended up getting approved. But, point is with someone like you that has 22 years in you have documentation in your SMR. But hang in there you'll be in my prayers and I hope you get it. Thanks for your service. My Buddy Catfish retired from the AF he told me he could never trade his blues for army dress greens... Haha
  7. I recently had a buddy who's a Air Guard recruiter who got me in on a try "one' contract. Basically guard for year. I had a appointment with pulmonary and they ruled out COPD. They laughed at the notion of a young man having COPD; They say smoking has caused reoccuring lung infections and can be treated with inhalers and antibiotics and they did. I can actually breathe now. MEPS doctor said it's fine but wants me to sleep on some details... i.e. Va disability he says i'll have to take a reduction from 100%... He says also i have to decide between guard pay and va disability. Also, says that i dont have to go to basic since I am PS Army. Anyway, what's the deal can I collect some va disability and still try to serve again?
  8. I recently had a buddy who's a Air Guard recruiter who got me in on a try "one' contract. Basically guard for year. I had a appointment with pulmonary and they ruled out COPD. They laughed at the notion of a young man having COPD; They say smoking has caused reoccuring lung infections and can be treated with inhalers and antibiotics and they did. I can actually breathe now. MEPS doctor said it's fine but wants me to sleep on some details... i.e. Va disability he says i'll have to take a reduction from 100%... He says also i have to decide between guard pay and va disability. Also, says that i dont have to go to basic since I am PS Army. Anyway, what's the deal can I collect some va disability and still try to serve again?
  9. who do I get the records from St. Louis or the department of the army. I ets'd from ft drum if that helps
  10. thanks coastie trying my best to deal with this stuff. I stopped smoking and im now on those ecig things not as bad as nails I guess. did you get sc'd for this stuff navy04? so, how do I go about getting this sc'd? I looked In my records and one physical I had towards the end of my service said I had shortness of breath and had wheezing. but, no specific dx. so do I need to fill out a 526 form and submit my med records? and how can I get the med records that I have lost sorry about the 100 questions. just stuff that has popped up in my head.
  11. i am 100% for ptsd. no worries in asking. you need details to help and give accurate answers. i need as much specificity as possible when helping someone with an issue. i should also add if this is service related im not jumping to any conclusions just yet; but if it is i am not intrested in compensation as i am in just getting treatment for it. if it isn't service related here in my state we have one of the best pulmonary departments in the usa at ruby memorial. my daughter was born there and i have nothing but good experiences from that place.
  12. i breathed in pit fire smoke in 2007 i am going to try and get this sc'd if it is copd. i guess thats my gift from my time in gulf no matter how short it was. and i do smoke cigs so i know the battle will be uphill.
  13. yeah im under VA care. I have medicare/medicaid and va health care benefits. yes, im on advair. im going to the pulmnologist at the va in march. they called today with my appt information.
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