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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. New Focus and making the best of my situation

  2. No luck. Awake again. Back pain,stupid steroids and whatever is causing this crap.

  3. Melatonin didn't work tonight. Im gonna be tired for the doc's appt this mooring. 7 hours to go. Maybe I can get some sleep.

  4. Putting it off or worried about the consequence of surgery is my problem. How long are we talking about in regards to the unevitable? Surgery that is for the nerve root compression?
  5. Late on my response, but congrats usdart. Always nice to read about good news when I'm not feeling so hot. CONNNNGRRRAAAATTTTULLLAATIIOOONNSS. Awesome news.
  6. 63Sierra I agree with you on most parts. The problems that I see in the future for myself and others like me is what happens when we can't afford private health care and we have to rely on the VA to be our ethical provider. This statement scares the crap out of me. With some of the good that the VA can and does provide, I ask myself, is it really going to be enough. Will it ever be enough? I tend to think of it now days like this. Use the VA medical system for what it's worth, but don't, I mean don't rely on them totally, I think you will live a much happier life that way. I know that some people might not have a choice, financially speaking, but if you can folks it imperative that you do so.
  7. I just have a little under 1 year in dealing with my claims with the VA and I am tired of the bull. It really is enough to drive you mad. My patience has already run dry and I have just started this personal war. But persistence, that is the key. It's like water torture. One little drop may not seem like much at first, but do it to an enemy long enough they will crack. (no personal experience with this, purely a metaphor) Keep hitting them. Fight back always while you still have the means.
  8. Feels like another one of those nights.

  9. If you c&P's were done by the local VA then you should be able to obtain them from the release of information office. Be nice to these people at the ROI office, they will become your best ally in seeing how the local docs there are documenting your conditions and illnesses. If they ever get smart with you about records cite the FOIA on them, records are your property and you can view and ask for them at any time. Here lately I can say if you have the time document everything that goes on on eVet with regards to your health. Getting private records into your file is a pain but it can be done. This documentation becomes part of record and the more evidence you have of documenting your conditions the easier it will be to shoot down their bogus decisions and lies.
  10. usdart stick to it. There is ONLY ONE real person that will care more about your claim, that is you my friend. Remember that this wonderful resource we have here is a resource. You have to use every weapon in the arsenal. There are laws and regulations that are supposed to keep things fair and just, however, as with anything, we are human, even the damn VA smucks. (the ones's that don't do right of course) It will never be a perfect system, and it is really is the luck of the draw sometimes. Stay true in your path and with some good fortune, you might wind up in a place better than you are right now. Just my opinion. Take it for what is worth to you.
  11. Thank you for the info. I have been looking on the web for this. I was having trouble locating any references in BVA decisions. Correlation in health studies, possible avenues of investigation. As many who message and respond to my inquiries, who know of me now here, I am or was a Army Guard member, the problem that I believe will hurt me the most is that there is not much in service medical records listing some of my problems, that is due to me seeking care in the private sector. The guard never really provided care for me other than routine exams and a script or two for pain medication. Oh and for a time psych services but I won't go into that either. My care has been exclusively private. I can't honestly say that I know for sure that this is related at all to my service in the gulf. Just very coincidental when looking at statistics. I can honestly tell you that I was not sick before I went to do my tour. During the later part of my tour I started having problems, slight at first, and then well the problems have reached levels now with current conditions. I think Iwould just throw way too much of a lot out there if I went into it all. I'm beating this now, I'm stabilized, but I want to be ready if this pops its ugly head again. Maybe when I get the 2 claims that I am fighting done with I may deal with a third. Next time I think I will just hit one at a time though, this is way too much do.
  12. Checkup resulted in 225K platelet level. Out of the woods for the moment. I can take a rhetorical deep breath.

  13. Hoping to actually sleep through the night. Melatonin to the rescue.

  14. So looking for a change or career? Would it be sleeping with the enemy if I pursued a program analyst with the VA? hmm interesting atleast

  15. I can tell you from first hand experience that having your treatment records is key. The problem I myself have had, since I was ARNG I got my treatment from civilian docs using my personal insurance. They don't acknowledge private medical records, at least in my case they haven't. They pick and choose what they will acknowledge. The only reason I believe I got some of my GW issues connected (low balled of course) is because when I was Guard and went through the periodic screenings I answered questions that asked what RX's I was currently taking. I'm still in the process for them, (VA) to acknowledge and go by my civilian treatment records as my treatment was/is on the private sector.
  16. I've been reading and trying to find resources for this condition. I just got hit with it out of the blue and it landed me in the hospital for 8 days or so. It got real serious and quite scary when they were talking about removing organs and constant blood and platelet transfusions. As there is no known specific cause for this disease it is difficult to research. Has anyone who has been to SW Asia, 2007-2008, had any problems with coming down with this? If so what treatment path did you take and how are you managing with the choices you made.
  17. I am starting to get the feeling that restless nights will be an overwhelming part of my near future.

  18. Conquer and destroy. Voices will not always go unheard.
  19. Anger and frustration seem to get in the way of me seeing the big picture. I can't honestly say that I am one of the really messed up vets on here that are and should be rated 100% or P/T. I'm not in good shape by no means but I can 't still stand on my own to feet, mostly. My hands are shot, but I can still use them to type and somewhat do my daily tasks. In all it really boils down to mind over matter. If you knock yourself out from the start of the gate I don't think you will be successful in defeating whatever stands in your way. It is imperative that your self talk, your reason for pursuing anything in life, keeps you focused and on task.
  20. Yuppers. Can't really argue that point. I think it's the same thing you and most say on here though. VA will only get away with what you let them. So as long as you have the means to fight, the means to keep the pressure on them, keep doing so, it may be years until your efforts may be realized, you may win, you may not, you may get something close to what you have to sacrifice to be proven right, then again you may not. I think it's the journey and the end result that will really tell whether you are truly at peace with your victory. Also, one veteran's victory against the VA or wrong doers is a victory for all us veterans and future veteran's a like.
  21. I tend to agree with you on this 63sierra. It all boils down to accountability. Plausible deniability is a factor as well. I don't believe that I will see the day when the wrongs that big government or business will do the right thing. There are too many people in influential positions that would loose to much to let the truth out. Morals and ethics seem to disappear readily too fast when $ is involved. I tend to say money is the culprit, however, to go more basic, down to the real core of it, GREED. That is our biggest adversary. Until that is eliminated, until we as a society, those of us that act on this evil mannerism, rise above that, we will never be better than what we are right now. Change has to come from within. There is no way around that. Anyways, I may be ranting, like I sometimes do. But I am up another dam night and I felt the need to do something productive, so why not discuss the problems that we had it members see in our worlds.
  22. I am always amazed at the love that my parents and family give so willingly. I am recouped and ready to fight again. (mentally anyways)

  23. Sad that you (we) have to cover our six's like this, however, time and time again it is proves to be necessary.
  24. Yuppers. I completely agree. As I have been learning. The VA and health professionals that conduct themselves in this manner must be dealt with as we deal with the enemy in combat, Without discretion, without remorse. This is our new war and we must fight fire with fire. Proportional damage with even more strategic attacks. " This is war gentlemen"
  25. Right on the dot 63Sierra. At times I loose focus on what is really important. Definitely have to keep a watchful eye on the shannanagans of the VA. The system is not perfect and will always fall short in what it should do. Regulations and law will prevail, eventually. Truth will set people's moral compass the way it should. I still will continue to believe that.
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