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    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in FDC C&P Exams tomorrow   
    First one is at 1300 and the other one is at 1615 so I am sure I will have some waiting to do.  I think I am as ready as I will ever be.  Fingers and toes crossed!  I am going to look like a hot mess rolling into that doctor's office on a knee scooter with my foot in a boot and my other foot in a brace!  
    I guess some could say "go break a leg" but maybe not for me LOL....
  2. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Wait time for c-file?   
    Good Luck on your C&P's Today
    you got it kid!
  3. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Wait time for c-file?   
    Yes I understand
    If your C&P is at Waco you might go the night before and go in there earily and ask to see your c-file  I did this at my DRO Hearing and it help   however sometimes they can't find it at your RO EH!
  4. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Wait time for c-file?   
    I hear that Navy4
    Same here I called about it and they said its showing to need a signature?
    as soon as its signed off I will get it...I called about 2 months ago  order it back in June 2015  I had my C&P without knowing whats in my C-fILE  So no telling what they will do with my claim?
    I hope you get yours before your C&P then if you find records pertain''favorable'' to your claim submit them electronically on mt healthvet.'
  5. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in Dro Hearing decision   
    Well I am glad I am now 60% and able to have the care I need.
  6. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Andyman73 in FDC C&P Exams tomorrow   
    Give'm Hell!!! 
  7. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in FDC C&P Exams tomorrow   
    Well with all that is going on for me....With my DRO hearing at the end of the month, I now have my C&P exams scheduled for tomorrow that pertain to my  FDC that I filed on 1/12/16.  I got the packet in the mail last week and I have gotten all my evidence ready for each exam.  My one exam is for an increase to my Left Ankle Synovitis.  I have a great letter from my podiatrist to back me up doctor letter_Redacted.pdf as well as I have all my medical records from the time I was S/C to current.  Not sure if the examiner has them or not so I am bringing them.  I plan to bring my Osteogenesis stimulator with me.  I am sure I will look a hot mess rolling up on my knee bike with my right foot in a boot from the fall.  
    My FDC also includes a request for 100% temporary convalescence for the past surgery to my right foot.  Since it's not S/C (hence the DRO hearing coming up addresses this issue), I requested to be compensated based on the fact that my Left Ankle caused the fall (see letter from doctor I attached).
    I also have an evaluation for PTSD/MST
    So I have two C&P exams tomorrow, one for the ankle and the other for MH..... 
  8. Like
    Navy4life reacted to green in FDC C&P Exams tomorrow   
    Wishing you the best N4L and expecting a good report from you tomorrow.
  9. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Received email from congressman's office with help for NOD!   
    So yesterday I got an email from my local congressman's office.  He is the liaison for the military and veteran's affairs here locally.
    I received a copy of the email, concerning your C-file at the VA, that you sent to our Washington, D.C. office. I have attached a Privacy Release Form and a Casework Request Form. Please complete, sign and return them to me at the address below. Also include copies of VA correspondence related to the claim/appeal. Please call me at the number below so we can discuss the issue and casework.
    I called him this morning and we talked about my upcoming DRO hearing.  I sent him an email as requested with the documents he needed from me.  He is trying to expedite my C-file so I can get the missing files for my hearing.  I hope this works because I have tried since 2014 to get them on my own to no avail.  It's crucial I get the medical records I am missing.  He asked if I had representation and I told him yes, a DAV rep and he said that was good to know b/c I should have someone there with me.  I asked him about the process and he told me that unlike what most think, a DRO hearing isn't really starting from scratch but rather they are looking at the same evidence presented the first time around.  If I have additional evidence to bring it.  I told him I had a letter from my VA podiatrist backing me up and I found two additional SMR's from my hard copy files.  He said bring them.  I opted for the informal hearing so I hope it's favorable.  I just have to prove to this hearing officer and connect the dots.  
    I had read that a DRO review hearing was supposed to be "de novo" latin for starting from scratch http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/resources/disability/veterans-disability/dealing-a-dro-veterans-disability
    So I hope this works! 
  10. Like
    Navy4life reacted to mike6113 in Received email from congressman's office with help for NOD!   
    My brothet when i went to my DRO Hearing i brought all they had and then as much paperwork i could come up with. Back up your case and bury them with proof. I dont want to discourage you but my rep said nothing at all ...yes really so dont depend on anyone. Remember that the burden of proof is on you. Good luck and never give up
  11. Like
    Navy4life reacted to allan1351 in I REALLY need you guys help on rating!   
    Hey garion
    Great you got an increase.........Don't forget your dealing with the VA......Allan
  12. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in IRIS Response   
    I would venture to say they are wanting medical records pertaining to your FDC claim but without knowing what your FDC claim is, I am just guessing.  I think it is good that they are making sure they have all the information in order to render a decision.  I know it's frustrating to not know and wait, but I am sure it won't be long.
  13. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in IRIS Response   
    I would venture to say they are wanting medical records pertaining to your FDC claim but without knowing what your FDC claim is, I am just guessing.  I think it is good that they are making sure they have all the information in order to render a decision.  I know it's frustrating to not know and wait, but I am sure it won't be long.
  14. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in IRIS Response   
    It sounds like VA converted your FDC to a regular claim, as they apparently needed additional evidence.  
    Yes, records from 1993 could well be important or even outcome determinative.  They probably can not tell that until they see them.  
    For example, if you were in service then, those records may be needed to document an in service injury.  
    VA and VSO's hype the FDC.  It seems like a rather cruel joke to me, mostly, and largely gives a false hope your claim will be complete in 90 days and you will start getting checks.  While that is possible, it is so rare it sets you up for disappointment.  You might just as well buy a lottery ticket and count on your future winnings to pay your bills in 90 days.    It assumes you turn in all your records and evidence, which is a very big assumption, and yours is a very good example.  Do you know what records are needed for Va to make a decision?  Unless you work for VA as a rating specialist (or maybe had lots of experience reading hadit) how would you know what all records are required?  
    MOst FDC's are converted to regular claims, if not denied all together, and then you start over.  You might have good luck with FDC, but you also might get a quarter under your pillow if you put your baby tooth there.  
  15. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from green in IRIS Response   
    I would venture to say they are wanting medical records pertaining to your FDC claim but without knowing what your FDC claim is, I am just guessing.  I think it is good that they are making sure they have all the information in order to render a decision.  I know it's frustrating to not know and wait, but I am sure it won't be long.
  16. Like
    Navy4life reacted to garion in I REALLY need you guys help on rating!   
    Thanks guys!  I was shocked that the rater looked right pass what the C&P examiner reported. 
  17. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in I REALLY need you guys help on rating!   
    Garion, I agree with Navy. Immediately submit a NOD, with the additional report from the endoscopic ultrasound. Also submit a copy of the positive c&p exam and HIGHLIGHT the at least as likely as not statement, as well as the statement "confirmed as resulting from pancreatitis,etc". Heck, i would also underline that statement and draw a big arrow pointing to it, as evidently the rater did not read that far.
  18. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in I REALLY need you guys help on rating!   
    First off, congrats on the increase!
    Sounds to me that the C&P exam basically confirmed your prior diagnosis and that it is a continuation of the GI Symptoms.  I am not an expert but that jumped out at me.
    This is where I see Veteran's make mistakes.  Always submit anything and everything!  Since you did not submit it, I would immediately file an NOD and submit this documentation.
  19. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in constipation claim, ibs ?   
    At minimum constipation is found in 2016 ICD - 10 – CM diagnostic code K59.00 constipation unspecified.
    i would not out this in your NOD. your basis for this entire fight is the fact they should have awarded you in 2004. That there above indicates you could agree with a 2016 award thus losing any possible retro or SC to 2004!
    just my .02
  20. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in constipation claim, ibs ?   
    First congrats on the award!  I too am 30% for IBS. it's a very difficult rating to obtain in my opinion. 
    i would consider a CUE based on the 2015 CnP stating that the error was clear that you should have been s/c back in 2004. 
    Just my two cents!
  21. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in constipation claim, ibs ?   
    The letter you provided was a very good/solid one by your doctor who performed the C&P.  I am sure it will help!
  22. Like
    Navy4life reacted to leadbelly1981 in constipation claim, ibs ?   
     I'm sure the icd diagnostic books for 2003 Also have a diagnostic code for constipation unspecified I just haven't found it online yet but your point is well taken thank you
  23. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Andyman73 in Denied everything.   
    Nothing like being lied to your face to make you feel loved and appreciated.
  24. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Denied everything.   
    That is what pisses me off!  When a VARO get's a Vet's hopes up!  They should never tell you that a claim is going to be granted.  That gives the Vet false hopes and only pisses the Vet off even more.  Hang in there!
  25. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Denied everything.   
    I am sorry about the frustration you are having.  Too many of us are all in the same boat!  I feel your pain and it sucks when we know for a fact that we had these issues while on AD.  I read this thread and there is some solid advice here.  As soon as you get the decision letter, post it for all the experts to review and I am sure you will have some great advice/feedback.
    Hang in there!
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