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About briandalegm

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briandalegm's Achievements

  1. Finally got a rating! I must admit to being quite surprised that from starting the process (April 2015) until receiving retro (today) was much faster than I could've anticipated. 7 years ago, I tried to file at the Denver, Colorado VA and they took a whole year to pretty much send me a letter calling me a liar. Nevertheless - I haven't received my percentage yet but some quick math indicates 60% perhaps. I read something which says IF an FDC was filed between August 2013 and August 2015, Retro for a whole year (in addition to claim date) should be received. Is that true? I am asking because I received Retro for 5 months during claim processing but haven't received a year in addition to this. Is there something more I need to do to receive this 'extra' year incentive? Thanks for all the help Hadit!
  2. OK - I went to my CPE Exam yesterday (at Iowa VA). First - the examination wasn't conducted by a Physician but a Physician Assistant...whatever. At least he was a 32 year retired Vet! However - I put on this 'gown' and then laid back on the table so that my ankle and two knees could be inspected. As hard as it is to believe and based on the extensive nature of my claim in these three areas, this part of the exam took less than 30 seconds. The guy then said HE would be charged with rating my injuries. Should I be concerned? Next - for some reason - I had the ORIGINAL copies of my separation exam from 1994. It wasn't in my file I guess. I offered them up and the examiner took them although they were a part of the FDC process. These documents support some of my claim anyway. Now for the big issue - the Iowa VA said they have no 'eye examiner' provider at this point so no appointment was scheduled by the regional office. This was frustrating that I drove so far and couldn't get this portion of my exam done. Thoughts? I've read that often-times unless there is some form of traumatic eye injury, this claim my be rated at 0% due to aging. However; I think my case is a bit different in that I had 20/20 vision when entering the military and just a year later, I required glasses and were thus issued in service. Any ratings speculation would be appreciated. Last - my PTSD (like eye exam) wasn't ordered by the Regional Office either. Does PTSD exams take longer to complete or something? Will a rating decision be given without these two exams? Although a bit before my time - I want to say a special thank you to Vietnam Vets for your service! They seem to be the dominate population at the VA Hospital while I was there.
  3. Wow! Small world. I was also in Somalia 93-94. I went on 3 WestPacs in my 4 years of service (USS Comstock, Fort Fisher, but can't remember the name of the last ship which took us to Somalia). However - I was with 'C' Battery 1st Batallion 11th Marine Division (Camp Pendleton & Naval Station in San Diego). Were you part of the battle group (we called it a MEU) from San Diego or the East Coast? Mogadishu was UGLY...
  4. I filed a new claim as of 27 April 2015. I am seeking advice on how to handle the employment piece. Since I left the Marine Corps. a few decades ago, I've never gotten used to the rampant selfishness which happens everyday in the workplace. What a powerful experience, as was done in my beloved Corps, to understand, live and breath for the gal or guy next to you. People from all different walks of life, at least on duty, set aside their petty differences to accomplish something much bigger than we'd ever imagine! However - upon seprarating, I was in for a huge shock - workplace back-stabbing, politics and worst of all - HYPOCRITES who write company mission statements and not only refuse to obey what they wrote, but selectively enforce their policies on others with no justice for those who screw up the most, make everyone's life miserable. At each stop on my career journey (only had 7 jobs on 20 years since separating) - I blindly believed that "this time would be different." Well - it never was. I am not whining but take full responsibility for my naive approach. More than a year ago - I was terminated from a 'Christian' organization for basically living out my faith by going out on the street and preaching the Gospel. Imagine that; an organization who claims to be "Changing Lives in the Name of Christ" throwing me (and others) out for doing what Jesus did...WOW! Nevertheless - I haven't been employed since that time and truthfully beloved, I don't see a scenario where I can walk into a workplace again knowing that when foolishness arises, I will address it and be out on my butt again. It would be a waste of my time and the organization's resources - no? My question is this - I understand that one has to have had many more jobs than I have to qualify for (I think it is called) TDIU. Will the VA, when I have my PTSD appointment, ask about my employment history? Is a TDIU claim even possible in my situation? What is even more real is I am unsure if I face such wanton hypocrisy again, I will be able to keep calm. Although, on some level, we have all committed hypocritical acts (I am no exception), how can, being foung guilty of INTENTIONAL disobedience - corporate people not feel remorse and turn from that? How can people live with so little integrity? One thing I learned and have held onto for all of these years (from the Corps) is taking responsibility and admitting wrong-doing. I digress. Any help on the TDIU claim question would be appreciated and since you are veterans (or even their spouses) I would appreciate any feedback on my worldview - whether nice or not! I am trying so hard to blend in but it isn't and hasn't worked out for me.
  5. Dear Carlie - Here is a great training resource for vets using the FDC process - https://www.udemy.com/va-fully-developed-disability-claims/#/
  6. Can anyone tell me what the advantage of having a 'veteran' ID card if not retired? This doesn't give access to commissary etc - so...hmmm?
  7. I'll check out the suggested forum topics and thanks!
  8. I have a question which may seem a bit out there. I've noticed, in some forums, that vets have filed claims with an effective date of (for example) February 2014. However, when claim is approved, somehow it gets dated back to (for example) October 2013. One vet even suggested this may have been because of some 'informal claim' the vet made to the VA. I filed a claim which was denied in 2008. I found supporting evidence just a few weeks ago and opened a new claim as suggested by a county VA rep. Is it a 'pipe-dream' to even think that, perhaps, my claim can be back-dated by the VA to 2008 with no action on my part which happened to the other vets?
  9. First - I want to thank you all for your service! For many years, I've struggled through my health issues as many of you have. I filed a claim which was denied in 2008 and decided to wait some time to refile. Why? I have no good answer! Nevertheless - I am at the earliest stages of the claim process having just delivered all requested documents to a county VA representative. My question is this - with all the VA Scandal News - have any of you found the process to have been sped up for claims approval OR is it just as long as it has always been? Is the VA more 'lax' or is the process just as stringent?
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