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windy city

Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by windy city

  1. You guys are the best not only on the knowledge but also inspiring vets to fight for what they have earned through sacrifices which do not come easy. I am going to appeal it and I am also going to call my private doctor for an IMO stating whats going on. I do not intended to continue to waste my time with the Va health care all they do is ignore you and give you medications that at the end hurt you more than curing you. Sixthcents I have your e-mail and I hope that you can help write my NOD for the LOU and thanks to everyone that responded to my topic and God Bless all of use.
  2. You are right I should not let him discourage me because I know that if I appeal it there is a possibility that I can get it. I have read many cases that have gone to the BVA and have been awarded without having to be wheelchair bound. I know that I will be alone on this one because the DAV rep. haves is mind set on not arguing this one. But I have you guys that probably are or have gone through the same dilema in which I find myself with this individual and are able to give me good advice.Thanks
  3. Just got of the phone with the Dav rep. talked about my denial for Lou of lower extremities and his reply for the denial was that a person haves to be wheelchair bound or be an amputee. I informed him that a wear bilateral leg braces and that one of my service connected disability was causing lou and his reply good luck because it was not going to get nowhere. What a way to help these are people that you pay a life membership to join the Dav and this is how they help you. I requested to change this guy and was told they could not. Ever since I have this guy is nothing but denials I feel he is all for the VA and nothing for the vet. Need advice on this one from people that are experts in this area and like to know if this guy right or wrong and a possible way to get rid of this guy so he will not be my rep. at the Dav.
  4. My doctor aleady wrote me a note stating again that I needed A&A for ADL dated 10/01/07. I cannot belieave how the va have a bunch of voltiers trying to take away your pension.
  5. just got my letter of denial for lou of lower extremities i was not surprised about that but what really got me confused is the following. Your a&a is terminated because the va feels that i do not need the assistance of another person but but your compensation will not change. I called the va today and i was told the same thing, I feel that something is up their sleeves because. How can they take my a&a and not reduce my pension, need serious uadvice on this one.
  6. Bob is their way I can get your e-mail to see if you are able to help me with my NOD for loss of use.
  7. Whaat about if I am not wheelchair bound will the leg braces be considered loss of use.
  8. If the veteran uses legs braces is that considered to be part of preclude locomoyion.
  9. Can anybody be able to explain to me what does the va mean when they use the phrase loss of use of lower extremities as to preclude locomotion without the aid of braces, crutches canes or wheelchair. Does this mean that you have to be using all the allpliances for the va to considered loss of locomotion.
  10. so is you get two L that puts you at the R1 level and if you need health care services that puts you in the R2 levl of a&a. does a vet get the rate that is on the pay chart or it is different.
  11. What is the differrence between R1 AND R2 a&a and how does the va determine which one is a vet entitled.
  12. To apply for higher A&A is their any kinf of form or you just need a letter from the person providing the services.
  13. When does a veteran know that he is P&T. Example, ptsd 100%, fibro. 40% and lower extremity 10%. Family is entitles to Champva and DEA chapter 35, letter says no futher exams in the future. Does this mean that I am P&T or do I have to apply for it. Need clarification on this subject.
  14. What is the purpose for them to do this? Can they drug test you without your consent or is it against the law for them to test for drugs without informing you first. I wonder what will happened if a veteran refuses to give a urine sample for drug testing.
  15. bena, When I looked at the printed label placed on the bottle, it said uri for drugs.
  16. The most weird thing happened to me today, I went to the VA clinic for some lab work that my doctor wanted me to do. To my surprise not only did they withdraw blood but I also had to give a urine sample for drugs. I could not belieave that my doctor would senfd me to take this test. Has this happened to anybody on the panel is there a reason for them to do this or are they just looking for reason to mess around with a veterans pension.
  17. Berta, Can he use just a blank pieace of paper or can he use va form 21-4138 statement in support of claim. Should he attached evry lab work done by the va since the day he began taking the medication in 2004 along with copies of all refills he did for this medication. If his va doctor called him to let him know about the problem is there a possibility that his doctor inputted this information in his medical records and if he did make a notation should he also include it with the rest of the paperwork. Thanks for all the information given in this topic to help this veteran.
  18. He as already made copies from all time he refilled this prescription, he began taking it in 2004 until may of 2007. Plus he have a copy of the last lab work and after that is when the doctor called him to discontinue the medication. Is there a form that he needs to use in order to file a 1151 and how will he word this problem.
  19. Thanks to all you guys for helping with the information.So what do you think should be the advice I must give my friend about his problem. 1. tell him to file a claim for s/c, 2. a section 1151 or a claim as secondary to side effect to the medication. he will be vary gratefull with the advice giving to him.
  20. I have a veteran friend that two years ago is VA doctor prescribed him a medication called Simvastatin to treat his high cholestarol. One day he recieaved a call from his doctor instructing him to discontinue taking the nmedication because his lab results indicated that the medication was affecting his muscles. Well he was already complainning about chronic pain all over is body and especially his knees making it immpossible to walk. Should he file a cliam for s/c or is there another type of claim he can place. Any help or advice for this veteran will be appreciated.
  21. Can the VA reduce your percentage for a s/c disability by looking at your doctors notes or do they have to give you a C/P exam to determine that?
  22. I have heard some vets. talk about a fee basis card, what is it issued for and who qualifies for it.
  23. Ricky, Does a person have to be in a wheelchair in order to recieave LOU. According to my DAV representative a person does not have to have to be wheelchair bound. Just because I refused to be in a wheelchair does not mean I can walk like a normal person like I use to do..
  24. Sixthscent, Thanks for your reply. First of all I been diagnosed with Fibromyalia rated at 40 %, this affects my lower back, hips and knees, second I have ddd at my L5-S1, third I had a MRI which says I have a left far lateral/forminal disc protrusion and finally during a c/p exam the doctor also stated that I have fibromyositis on both of my knees and ankles.I have to wear bilateral knees braces, AFO's and use a cane to walk because of my gait, all these accesories prescribed by my va doctor.The exercise program was prescribed so that I will not continue to loss of range of motion.Because of all these problems it makes difficult for me to walk or get up without assistance.Thanks
  25. Placed a claim for lou of use of lower extremities which is being caused by my S/C disabilities. Recieaved letter from VA saying that they got my claim. Enclosed was a paper informing me that if order to get the smc at the R2 I must present a statement from a licensed health care. Well my civilian doctor put me in a home exercise program for my back,legs and hips for which my wife is supervising and my physical therapiest is going to check twice a month. Need soem kind of advice on what to do.Thanks.
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