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About ShilohLee

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  • Military Rank
    E-5 SGT
  • Location
    memphis, tn

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  1. I’ve heard to apply and I’ve heard they will award for housebound for ptsd even filed and printed the form and see the doctor tommorow...but is this true they will award for this? I mean I don’t go anywhere I’m not fit for anything in public I never seem to make it to any appointments due to panic attacks ect.....is it this simple as filing the form with my pcp ect? she handles all my meals and keeping me bathed ect ebennies let me file for it and just gave me a link and with instructions to have my pcp to fill it out. anyone with any experience or thoughts, advice or guidance here? It’s so hard to even ask for help or get anything out of them I don’t want to humiliate myself or make a fool of myself if it can be avoided even if it means losing out on 347$ or whatever it is.....but me and the kids deserve every dollar we can get.....
  2. Navy4life is correct 100%, the others will be "moot"
  3. When I first applied for my initial claim for PTSD it started from just a "unspecified anxiety disorder" and it was not until a routine visit with mental health that I even picked up the PTSD diagnosis. Sometimes you still find doctors in the system how are blunt and point blank in that manner. My social worker said something very similar to me about my VA Comp early on and encouraged me to file in the first place. Which I am glad I did or otherwise I would be like your dad waiting til I was in my twilight years.
  4. Relax and be cool, I had the same experience and won at the hearing. A lot of us do and all my life all I ever heard was they denied everybody first couple times although from other vets ive been in contact with locally it seems to be getting better as far as first time approvals. One of my buddies applied in October with VA 100 for ptsd they approved him in December and is expecting his back pay and first check here in a few months. I know they are fast tracking for vets too on first applying as well. Good luck, you can do this.
  5. they are suppose to take it with the same weight but with the VA who knows?
  6. Well Ebennies finally shows 100% P&T and an effective date going back to 2014....glad its finally close to being done. My jump from 70 to 100 was more money than expected but atleast now I can live and support my family.
  7. still waiting on envelop...Although finally on ebennies and vets.gov it shows my appeal was finally closed on 12/31/2018. Vets.gov says I was granted 100% but thats all it says. I keep checking for my letters and benefits on ebennies but so far nothing. I reached out in December due to my financial hardships was told they were aware and had notated it in my file back in October right after my C&P. They told me I had been granted what it says on the site i.e. 100% but no further details what so ever and that seemed like they did not want to tell me even that much. Have not had hot water in 90 days ect ect I am not whining but they kill me. Put in your hardship paperwork to expedite the processing but yet here we are in middle of January no hot water, utilities have been disconnected, barely kept them from repossessing my car and pretty close to calling the homeless hotline but they are quick to keep telling me every month its coming in the near future!!!! Your back pay and increase are coming in the near future lol yeah funny that did not seem to get me anywhere with anyone...for some reason they dont accept invisible letters and some persons word at the call system or IRIS that stick to the "near future" But hey atleast the C&P went good and I have gotten 100% although i have no idea P&T or anything else but hey its a win, just gotta keep on keeping on i guess. Its still insane how they get away with the stuff they pull on us.
  8. And one more thing, in the past I was able to get on and use the blue button to access C&Ps and other reports rather quickly often within 3 days of the visit but this LHI consult and eval has yet to appear in my blue button records since October when I found out I had been awarded and they were closing my appeal. I called my regional office who told me it was not uncommon for us not to have access and I explained that previously with other appeal I had in fact gotten the results but ofcourse this was blamed on a fluke and was told not to expect the same results this time. Although they didn't waste any time asking me if I wanted to appeal the parts of the initial appeal that were not granted even before I received the Statement of Case sneaky sneaky are they not?
  9. I think you are good to go, the hardest part now is the wait for their evaluation to go through the system and for regional to actually get their end done and send your BBE and get your back pay squared away. I had my appointment with doctor October 1st and on October sixth I saw on vets.gov that they had approved something and no action what so ever until 01/01/19 when I logged onto ebennies for my weekly check I saw that my active appeals were now historic and that it said they were closed on 12/31/2018 the last day of the year. I still have yet to receive anything at all about anything. Hopefully a nice deposit will show up or even the benefit packet at this point I would settle for even the increase on my monthly as we are barely making it with my two kids. The main thing is like me your doctor is submitting the paperwork (if we can trust them) for you to get your 100% unless some jack ass at regional wants to impede your flow or obstruct you unnecessarily you too will be like me counting the months of potential back pay and trying not to hawk ebennies and vets.gov for updates. The worst part has been the last 90 days waiting for some kind of traction or a BBE to arrive....the last three or four years waiting for the C&P for the increase seemed to go by ok cuz I wasn't thinking about it and didn't have any expectations, but now that I know that I have been awarded something its like those last few minutes on shift or at school doing your best not to focus on the clock. I think what really kills me is knowing in a way all of my immediate money problems are over as far as property taxes, repoing the car ect but not really. Anyways don't count any chickens yet but I would take a deep breath because if we can trust our experiences with these LHI doctors then at the very least there is now paperwork in the system and heading to regional that will end your suffering and wait or start the end of the wait...err...sorry been a long night!!! Good luck and maybe your regional office could be a fast one?
  10. Also Let me say THANK YOU I have spent many hours on this site reading and researching things, this site is a valuable tool and have sent other vets here and to the podcast as well
  11. Also employment unemployment nothing like that even came up
  12. lol, yeah if it was in our favor too much I would not have been allowed to go. Strangely it must have went well as I was checking vets and ebennies and found my appeal had been granted for an increase ptsd rating (which I don't get im already at 70) and award of TDIU as well, not sure how I could get both or if that's even possible. I am grateful to the doc although still haven't seen her report I keep checking blue button but no dice as usual. Waiting for the envelop to see effective date and back pay bennies for kids ect is gonna drive me up the wall all I can do is hope Nashville Regional don't hose me too hard
  13. Yes after breathing a bit and slowing way down I finally accepted that I had won something...or finally got what I deserved and had been fighting to get for three or four years now which I know is nothing compared to some on her but still...now the waiting game for the envelop to see about effective dates and back pay...I am expecting the green wiener but maybe they will do right by me. They better date that back to atleast when I filed for the rate increase and IU three years ago but god only knows what will actually happen....Well not bad for DIY whats confusing is im already at 70% PTSD how did I get higher rating and IU....don't really see how that's possible any idea?
  14. ok so I had a c&p Monday and today on appeal status this is what I found just now....does this mean I was granted the UI? or increase for ptsd?
  15. ok so went for a c&p Monday and was checking ebenefits appeal tool and found this? ok so obviously lumbar blah blah is still going forward but that granted....does that mean ive won?
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