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Second Class Petty Officers
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doogie last won the day on July 9 2014

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About doogie

  • Birthday 04/03/1947

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  • Service Connected Disability
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  1. Hello1 DO NOT GIVE UP APPEAL.APPEAL,APPEAL Thats what i did for 27 years. I actually got disgusted and closed my case for 6 years because i never thought i would get connected. Then in 2010 i gave some minor new evidence and the VA reopened my case.Still three more denials.I requested a C&P for PTSD and they granted it ,finally anxiety reaction and unstable personality were diagnosed which was the diagnosis in 1966 PTSD and i got a 30% rating for that. Also at issue was a heart disease claim from the same hospital in 1966 Please do not give up,especially with the problems at the VA now coming to light After getting 30% SC for PTSD i began to persue denials of my heart claim and with evidence alot of it ,still denied again i asked for a in person HEARING .Two and a half years later i got a letter saying the hearing was in OCTOBER this year. by that time i had gotten a good lawyer to represent me and i never had to go to the hearing. The judge called my lawyer and everything was settled over the phone I had received 100% scheduler for my heart claim and 50 % ptsd with all CHAPTER 35 benies. If any case is relevant to keep fighting, this is it. I got 6 figure back pay and am treated quite differentl by the VA Also they were stating in my award letter that my case was now closed and considered settled I guess they got tired of me [who knows]
  2. doogie


    Today 1 day after getting the bank deposit i recieved the big brown envelope. 100% schedular was the final grant and chapter 35 , CHAMPVA FOR THE WIFE,AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT COMES WITH WAY TO GO HADIT! YOU GUYS NEVER LET ME QUIT.
  3. Finally after all the years of agony pain and frustration i got a deposit today over six figures. All i gotta do now is wait for the envelope telling me i got 100% P&T I gave up one time but decided to fight to my last breath and low and behold won it all through a DRO conference hearing. I am so glad that GOD has blessed me in this way so that my wife of 49 years will finally be taken care of. Thank you HADIT and i will inform you all when i get the brown envelope. good luck to everyone still waiting for some justice and consideration from the VA for the service that was so freely given by each one here so unselfishly I salute you all
  4. I filed for a DRO in person hearing and went from 30% PTSD to 100% schedular I did have a lawyer and it never got to the hearing ,the lawyer talked to the judge on the week before the hearing and it was all settled then over the phone.the lawyer charged 20% [well worth it.In the meantime i had filed a form 9 and had forgot about the hearing. So you might want to reconsider a DRO hearing [this is just my 2 cents worth
  5. After recieving 30% for PTSD which i thought was low i started going to anger management and ptsd group sessions .around a year later i asked for a increase and the VA granted from 30% to 50% saying the doctors psyc report were enough to grant the increase. I finally got 100% p&T and the doctor said i didn't have to go anymore if i didn't want to.I told him i was there to get help with the PTSD and i will continue with therapy[some twice] . As of today i have driven 67 miles one way over 50 trips for these meetings and i am not sorry they have been benificial.I will continue going because there are still alot of problems but maybe someday something will click and make me a little better but i doubt it.Hang in there never ever ever give up. I started going to the group meetings in OCTOBER 2012
  6. Thanks CARLIE i was nervous all kinds of things get in my mind I'll paitently wait now
  7. If a DRO hearing judge gave me 100% combined disability , what are the chances of the review officer reversing or modifying the award? anyone have a idea. 50% PTSD + 20% 60% heart 80% toatal and and the rest IU Inferred P&T 100%
  8. Please do not give up. i fought a claim since 1984 gave up and reopened it. But finally after hiring a lawyer ,we found out that i had a in person hearing , the lawyer spoke to the JUDGE 1 week early and i got 100% . It is never over keep pushing and learning.on HADIT there are some pretty smart people here if you are like me you have written many letters to the VA and wore out 2 printers. My lawyer eliminated all the need for all thet. That reiieved alot of pressure off me. I tell you i was so discouraged i almost did somethin to myself but my lawyer and my PTSD doctor helped me alot GOD blesss and hang in there
  9. Yes i had a incompetent QTC CARDIOLOGIST and she really screwed up the report I was so tired of fighting knowing i had over whelming evidence, I do not know but i think WINSTON SALEM will deny most everyone, i would never thought any VET would be treated as a second class citizen. to me all VETS are A-I IN MY BOOK They are the only ones i trust
  10. MY QTC exam on my heart led to the CARDIOLOGIST saying in her report , that it was more likely than not a condition that would be service connected.she was wrong and did a lousy exam.she never read my records and only performed an ekg. When the hearing judge saw the report she could not believe it. as i had a rebuttal letter from my private doctor who works closely with my heart doctors stating 3 times the my heart in his opinion was a injury acuired in military service requiring one and a half months in a NAVAL hospital CARDIAC ward while considering all the evidence and records Before the hearing the judge gave me 100% combined with PTSD ,so now i do not have to drive 5 or 6 hrs to the in person hearing. Watch the QTC examiners i feel the do not try to help the vet much , read your report carefully on any C& P exam it could make the difference
  11. Yes i been fighting this since 1984 with denial after denial and all those NOD"s, paperwork and the hours of research. My lawyer got this done in 8 months when i couldn't get anywhere with the VA But i did ask for a hearing 2 years ago. i was so depressed and just could not think straight, So i finally got a lawyer and won everything I am exstatic and i am still in shock I cannot stress the importance of a nexus letter in any claim ,as this was one of the main reasons for the win i used my personal doctor and worked with him giving him my pertinant records military and all hospital. He works closely with my cardiologist , and that made his nexus viable . I also explained to him he would not have to go to any hearing and would not be harrased by the VA.also i told him what needed to be in the letter and that he only needed to be 51% positive of his opinion that made the 50 x 50 rule come into effect I cannot say enough for my lawyer DON MACARI LAW FIRM out of JACKSONVILLE NC Now if i can be any help to anyone here , please feel free to ask and i will try to answer your questions I can only answer questions that have evidence enough to win, i really don't like to give my opinion because the VA thinks different than i.
  12. I built a 16x20 room on my house an extra restroom and a washroom and a giant jacuzzi tub all in one i really enjoy it, not to mention the therepudic value of it
  13. 11:30 am Just got a call from my lawyer!!!!! wheeeee!!!!!!!! i now have a toatl rating of 100% the judge and review officer said my evidence was overwhelming in my favor so i got it all,with back pay to JULY 2010 case closed and i do not have to go to the hearing . thanks everyone in HADIT this is a battle i have been fighting since 1984. and to recieve 2 ratings and awards in one morning is unbelievable. oK i guess i will change my pants now
  14. I was sitting in my jacuzzi this morning and got a call from my lawyer .They told me i got my PTSD increase from 30% to 50 % so i called my bank and low and behold there was a large deposit from the VA. I had almost given up but thanks to the encouragement from HADIT elders and others i stuck it out and finally got an increase. Also today at 1:00 pm my lawyer is mediating with the hearing judge for my heart claim ,IF all goes well i may not have to drive 6 hrs to WINSTONSALEM NC to the in person hearing . The judge might make a decision today and my lawyers say evidence is in my favor, we'll see.
  15. I have 2 heart dopplers from my heart specalist proving a non congenital condition submitted as evidence. And 4 physicals from 1964 to 1965 all clear and physically qualified for military service and presumption of soundness. I was hospitalized in 1966 NAVAL HOSPITAL for over a month in a cardiac ward , diagnosed then with the heart condition and mny other forms of military evidence. WOW 2 more years enclosed is my denial PDF Plus 46 pages of VA psycatrist statements and notes BLACKOUT STATEMENT.pdf
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