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I'm So Depressed At This Crap!

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Well, welcome to the club!

I've been jerked around by this VA for so many years it's not funny! I am TRULY at my wits end with these people. This isn't the way WE are supposed to be treated. This is utter BULLSHIT!

What I am up against is the fact that my claims folder is in Roanoke, Va. These people here MUST be brain dead! I'm involved with THREE different claims, and have answered to each one of them as they requested, and for some strange reason, they AREN'T reading my replies??? My POA is stumped also! I am thoroughly convinced, that, these people at this RO are suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder! Even after I asked them to transfer my claim, they are STILL in possession of it & are STILL addressing the same issues. This is UNBEF*CKINLIEVABLE!!! I'm starting to bring up "Court Order" threats to force this transfer! Being an EX-employee, my folder is in "Lock File", making it impossible to move it anywhere!

As some of you are aware, I used to work at the Winston Salem, NC RO. During my tenure there, I injured my knee while at work. Management made my time there extremely difficult, by means of lies, attempts to force me to quit, creation of a bad work record, controverting my Workman's Comp claim, & finally terminating my employment, while under a doctors care no less.

The "games" that these retards have played was unreal!!! All I wanted was medical treatment for my knee.

Everytime I addressed a concern regarding a claim folders condition, I was told not to be concerned with that, and to just "Tape It"!!? Yes, I wanted to treat YOUR FOLDER, like it was MY OWN! That's how I expect mine to be treated. Instead, I was chastized for caring.

Ironically. these are the same people , who clearly violated my civil rights, that use LAWS to decide on Veterans claims! That case, including a claim to have a lying regional counsel associate DISBARRED, is still pending in Federal District Court! I am a Pro Se plaintiff, and I'm determined to WIN!

Why I'm posting here tonight...

Several thoughts have crossed my mind, and I want to act upon it. What I'm referring to is a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against the Veterans Administration!

Not long ago, while surfing the web, I ran across an organization which had brought up the topic of LAWSUIT, and do not remember where or who it was. I should have acted on it that day.

I therefore, present the idea to you today, in this post.

We, and I believe I speak for the majority of you, are ALL in the same boat. The VA is in complete disarray...

*The Health care is substandard...

*The Process of resolving a claimants issue(s) are DISORGANIZED...

*RO's are overfilled to capacity, and are ready to burst at the seams (folders are EVERYWHERE)...

*Veterans files are ON TOP of file cabinets (I do have PICTURES)...

*Folders are falling apart, thus files fall out and are lost...

*Your valuable documentation is sometimes lost (attached or inserted in wrong folder)...

*Folders end up missing...

*Claims folders (in cabinets) are crammed in the drawer so tight, that destruction of folder and documentation occurs when pulled OR filed...

*A lot of Veterans issues are OVERLOOKED, (especially those that are complex), due to adjudicators being FORCED to resolve so many issues, in so much time. If they don't meet the QUOTA, they are reprimanded (this stupid procedure leads to missed issues. If they meet the QUOTA, they{THE TEAM} receives a CASH BONUS per quarter and/or year! The quota system should be ABOLISHED, and MORE PEOPLE HIRED to expedite backlog)...

*A growing majority of Adjudicators do NOT use COVERS to let others know where YOUR claims folder is located...

*Some hospitals aren't fit for pigs to live in...

*Clinics are slow to set appointments...

*Doctors are assigned to Vets, that do not specialize in a Veterans ailments, thus causing the Veteran is forced to wait 6 more months+ for a more specialized doctor (if you want to call them that)...

*C+P exams are anything BUT favorable for Veterans...

*YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS are voting for the cut of YOUR benefits, all due to a FAILED ADMINISTRATIONS policies...

These are just a FEW examples...


I am a WHISTLEBLOWER, and I have reported: Gross Waste of Funds, Gross Mismanagement, & Abuse of Authority, to the President of the United States, my Senator & Congressman!

My claim of whistleblowing is now defunked due to the inability to obtain counsel, & the confusion that Regional Counsel (opposition) presented.

I therefore, decided to persue this (evidence) in the EEOC case!


The VA is BROKE, DISORGANIZED & CORRUPT! This has been an ongoing problem for a while now. No matter how many of us complain, it DOES NOT IMPROVE. On the contrary, it IS worst!

So, where do we go from here? Congress, nor the Senate seems to give a rat's ass about the way this agency is in severe default. New appointees, PRETEND to care, but are only out to follow their budget.

So, what's left to do? My opinion??? An UPRISING is the only recourse that is left.

In the next few days/weeks, I'm going to obtain an address to receive mail. I don't think it would be a good idea to give my home address. A PO Box is more realistic for this.

WE, as Veterans, were promised assistance upon discharge from the Armed Forces. This crap that we are going through, will NOT be tolerated anymore.

I don't give a damn if you are Peacetime or Combat Veteran...a VETERAN IS A VETERAN...PERIOD!

Where I decide to have all this mail sent, my plan is, to announce it to the Media and PUBLICISE IT. In short, that's how the SH*TSTORM is going to be started. It doesn't stop there...that act is the WAKE UP call for other Veterans to address their concerns. That'll also alert the "Ambulance Chasers" to persue legal recourse.

Try calling an attorney on your own...you have a snowballs chance in hell of getting anywhere with these jackasses UNLESS you possess fistfulls of ca$h!

I'm not looking to bankrupt the VA. Just slap them back, like they have been slapping us.

ENOUGH, "IS" ENOUGH...I've "hadit"!

Just curious...Give me your input on this idea. Also spread the word to other Vet's!


Bruce M. McLaughlin

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Good Luck Bruce I am interested in joing for substandard Medical Treatment.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I would be happy to help you in your EEOC case,I have done a few of these along with MSPB.

You are right when you say a Lawyer will not touch it unless you have a fistful of cash, and then you do most of the legwork to boot.

Do yourself a favor.....buy some gold and silver! The printing presses are in overdrive.

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Good Luck Bruce I am interested in joing for substandard Medical Treatment.

Thank You Pete.

Keep your eyes peeled for any additional info regarding this. I'm going to present this to the Oversite Committee on Veterans Affairs FIRST. When these officials see that Veterans are pissed off, there will be a very good chance that this will open eyes. I want MILLIONS, not a few thousand, or a couple of hundred...MILLIONS of Veterans to respond. This will clearly show the MAJORITY of us are fed up with the unfair tactics, delays, and "Games" used to deny a Veteran his rights.

The VA uses tactics to DETER you from continuing with your claim. For example...

* Have you ever mentioned something to a doctor (negatives & positives) ONLY to have the "NEGATIVES" entered in your record?

Case in Point:

I was asked why I didn't wear a "Back Brace". My response was: "...because a doctor (in the past) advised me that the I should wear it occasionally". I also said: "If I wore it all the time, it makes me sweat & chafe."

Guess what the "Quack" wrote? "When asked if he wears a back brace, his reply was ONLY: "IT MAKES ME SWEAT"!


This quack has also stated that: "I refuse to pay the copay (for drugs), and I prefer 'Natural Pills'." THAT is NOT TRUE! I cannot afford the copay, AND I don't like drugs, due to their side effects! I TOLD him that specifically! Was ALL of this included?...NO, just the NEGATIVES & UNCOOPERATIVE implications!

Last, but certainly not least...

ONE TIME, when I walked into this quacks office, I was advised on the effects of smoking. ONE time was enough. YET the clinic submits this same phrase over & over & over again...like he told me EVERYTIME I walked in, when he DIDN'T! Regardless, I know that smoking is bad for me, WHY is it an issue to treat me like a g*#%amn child!? Legally, this constant submittal that he advised me, everytime I walked in, is a FRAUDULENT STATEMENT! I also noticed that during the screening process, they are asking us this question everytime. This started not to long ago. But, not before the doctor claimed that HE did. So, in effect, somebody else had pointed this discrepancy out, and NOW you are asked these questions while you are having your blood pressure checked (pre screening). Ironically, I'm also asked if I suffer from any sort of depression. Even though I'm not in that state of mind (yet), this illogical process is putting me there!

Recently, my new primary care physician had asked if I wanted to sign up for a smoking cessation class...I agreed to. The catch: I have to wait six months+ to do so. Oh well...better late than never. I do appreciate the offer though, and I will take advantage of the opportunity.


Before the VA uses the term "Did not report for an exam..."...MAKE SURE THAT YOU RECEIVE "NOTIFICATION" THAT YOU ARE "SCHEDULED FOR ONE"!!! My claim NOW includes notes stating that I FAILED to show up for an exam, YET, I NEVER RECEIVED NOTIFICATION OF SUCH!? They use this against you to, as it is stated in a few of my "Statement of the Case"! Another PLOY to discredit the Veteran! It's unadulterated HORSESHIT!

ANY OF YOU, who have x-rays taken, TAKE HEED! They're on the payroll also.

Despite the fact that YOU and ONLY YOU know what's going on with your own body, these morons will convince you that "Nothings Wrong"!

When I injured my knee AT WORK, I went to the VA Clinic for x-rays. I clearly felt my patella (knee cap) was offset to the posterior (outside) part of my leg. The x-ray tech who reads the x-ray had stated that the findings were NEGATIVE (meaning: NORMAL)!

When I saw a private orthopedic physician, he took a "Sunrise shot" of the knee, and it showed just what I suspected...An "OFFSET PATELLA"! I was also diagnosed with "Plica Syndrome"!

WHAT does THAT tell you???

WHY do these people do this? My guess, they're on the PAYROLL!

Tell me that I don't look like an IMBECILE, because of these statements?! This shows the adjudicators that I'm being UNCOOPERATIVE, & I refuse to cooperate with these clowns. DO YOU SEE A PATTERN FORMING HERE?

The MORAL of the story...

It appears that you have to "Stand Behind" these quack doctors while they're typing this crap. Once they hit the 'ENTER' key, any negative connotation is on record, AND will be used against you!

Overall, my record is telling claims examiners that I should be considered as a fraudulent applicant, who refuses to cooperate. It is also starting to look like an ATTORNEY will have to accompany you through every step of the process. This is starting to become to complex of a procedure for POA's to handle. They are to understaffed to handle all of this.

Another reason to establish a CLASS ACTION!

Immediately after the doctor completes his "Write Up", a Veteran & doctor, should read the write up, the Veteran should be asked that he understands his rights, and THEY SIGN in agreement. This includes giving the Veteran a COPY, so as the write up isn't modified AFTER the Veteran signs. This simple procedure, would have saved me a lot of headaches! A disclaimer should also state that anything the Veteran agrees to, will be used against him when filing for a claim.

If the Veteran DOES NOT sign it, it should NOT be admissable as evidence for the record.

Complicating...YES it is. However, it appears that the VA has the upper hand here when they USE this info AGAINST Veterans. Afterall, this is a LEGAL PROCEEDING!

All of this should be AMENDED into Title 38!

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Dear Sir.

It seems you have not left the RO level yet. That is where most of the abuse occures nowdays. THe court has made rulings on the BVA that has made them to be more complieant. However the court seems to take a hands off of the RO relying on the BVA to correct and enforce its orders. By the way even according to CVC that does not occur

Before you can file a law suit it is best to exhaust all of your legal remedys avlaibel to you. The courts uselly throw out lawsuits that are filed before a agency can correct its first mistakes.

Terry Higgins

Thank You "va rebel"! Does my topic matter depict that I'm a rebel also? ;)

hahahahahaha...You DAMN RIGHT!

Addressing your post...

YES! I'm stuck in (what I consider) a "LOOP". The VA is attempting & HELLBENT into finding ways to prevent by means of unnecessary delays, claims that my appeal process (for one claim) has expired due to my failure to respond (when I CLEARLY DID), That they are unsure of how they want to proceed with a BVA hearing (when I SPECIFIED WHERE & HOW), to my failure to submit a "Form 9", etc...

I'm NOW attempting to have my C-File removed from this MORONIC RO! I have exhausted every attempt to deal with these people in a LOGICAL fashion! I'm clearly losing it! I've addressed issues time & time again...but to NO AVAIL! My next step, is a "Court Order" to have my file transfered to another location (if it is possible to do so)!

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I would be happy to help you in your EEOC case,I have done a few of these along with MSPB.

You are right when you say a Lawyer will not touch it unless you have a fistful of cash, and then you do most of the legwork to boot.

Hey, "JR"!

Thanks for your offer! If you are an attorney, rest assured that the term "Ambulance Chasers" does not, in any way refer to ALL lawyers!

What do you specialize in? It might interest you to know that, I'm competing against an attorney from the DOJ. I also requested a jury trial, and am motivated to winning!

I would guess that this attorney's next move will be a "Summary Judgement". I will then reply with a "Motion to Proceed" based on exhibits & testimony to be presented as evidence during the trial (not in those exact words of course). I'll thoroughly convince the Judge, that it is imperative to proceed with a LEGITIMATE TRIAL. These are not bogus claims.

Of coarse, it all depends on the oppositions response...!

Anyway, I look forward to seeing your reply...and again, THANKS!

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Hey, "JR"!

Thanks for your offer! If you are an attorney, rest assured that the term "Ambulance Chasers" does not, in any way refer to ALL lawyers!

What do you specialize in? It might interest you to know that, I'm competing against an attorney from the DOJ. I also requested a jury trial, and am motivated to winning!

I would guess that this attorney's next move will be a "Summary Judgement". I will then reply with a "Motion to Proceed" based on exhibits & testimony to be presented as evidence during the trial (not in those exact words of course). I'll thoroughly convince the Judge, that it is imperative to proceed with a LEGITIMATE TRIAL. These are not bogus claims.

Of coarse, it all depends on the oppositions response...!

Anyway, I look forward to seeing your reply...and again, THANKS!

Was this an employment discrimination case due to disability?

Have you filed a claim under the ADA with the EEOC?

My husband won the first (as far as I know) ADA-EEOCclaim here in NY due to discrimination as to his SC disability. I should say first filed- we filed it the day after ADA became law-

and I also got the impression from the EEOC guy it was the first one in NY that was successful.

We didnt have a lawyer- we had evidence-

This resulted from numerous claims that he had filed with the DOL under Vietnam Vets affirmative action laws with the DOL-

DOL (Dept of Labor compliance dept )was absolutely useless but they compiled a lot of documentation that we used in the ADA case.

I investigated the employer- a well known federal contractor- who gave lots of lip service to the fact that they hired disabled veterans.

I got their actual employement stats- their hiring of disabled veterans was less than 1 % of their overall hires.in over a 6 year period.

Less than 1 %- mathematically doesnt make sense- but they hired one disabled then laid him off-

prior to my husband becoming hire # 2, as a disabled vet.

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      Caluza Triangle – Caluza vs Brown defined what is necessary for service connection. See COVA– CALUZA V. BROWN–TOTAL RECALL

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      Current Diagnosis.   (No diagnosis, no Service Connection.)

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    • Do the sct codes help or hurt my disability rating 
    • VA has gotten away with (mis) interpreting their  ambigious, , vague regulations, then enforcing them willy nilly never in Veterans favor.  

      They justify all this to congress by calling themselves a "pro claimant Veteran friendly organization" who grants the benefit of the doubt to Veterans.  

      This is not true, 


          About 80-90 percent of Veterans are initially denied by VA, pushing us into a massive backlog of appeals, or worse, sending impoverished Veterans "to the homeless streets" because  when they cant work, they can not keep their home.  I was one of those Veterans who they denied for a bogus reason:  "Its been too long since military service".  This is bogus because its not one of the criteria for service connection, but simply made up by VA.  And, I was a homeless Vet, albeit a short time,  mostly due to the kindness of strangers and friends. 

          Hadit would not be necessary if, indeed, VA gave Veterans the benefit of the doubt, and processed our claims efficiently and paid us promptly.  The VA is broken. 

          A huge percentage (nearly 100 percent) of Veterans who do get 100 percent, do so only after lengthy appeals.  I have answered questions for thousands of Veterans, and can only name ONE person who got their benefits correct on the first Regional Office decision.  All of the rest of us pretty much had lengthy frustrating appeals, mostly having to appeal multiple multiple times like I did. 

          I wish I know how VA gets away with lying to congress about how "VA is a claimant friendly system, where the Veteran is given the benefit of the doubt".   Then how come so many Veterans are homeless, and how come 22 Veterans take their life each day?  Va likes to blame the Veterans, not their system.   
    • Welcome to hadit!  

          There are certain rules about community care reimbursement, and I have no idea if you met them or not.  Try reading this:


         However, (and I have no idea of knowing whether or not you would likely succeed) Im unsure of why you seem to be so adamant against getting an increase in disability compensation.  

         When I buy stuff, say at Kroger, or pay bills, I have never had anyone say, "Wait!  Is this money from disability compensation, or did you earn it working at a regular job?"  Not once.  Thus, if you did get an increase, likely you would have no trouble paying this with the increase compensation.  

          However, there are many false rumors out there that suggest if you apply for an increase, the VA will reduce your benefits instead.  

      That rumor is false but I do hear people tell Veterans that a lot.  There are strict rules VA has to reduce you and, NOT ONE of those rules have anything to do with applying for an increase.  

      Yes, the VA can reduce your benefits, but generally only when your condition has "actually improved" under ordinary conditions of life.  

          Unless you contacted the VA within 72 hours of your medical treatment, you may not be eligible for reimbursement, or at least that is how I read the link, I posted above. Here are SOME of the rules the VA must comply with in order to reduce your compensation benefits:


    • Good question.   

          Maybe I can clear it up.  

          The spouse is eligible for DIC if you die of a SC condition OR any condition if you are P and T for 10 years or more.  (my paraphrase).  

      More here:



      NOTE:   TO PROVE CAUSE OF DEATH WILL LIKELY REQUIRE AN AUTOPSY.  This means if you die of a SC condtion, your spouse would need to do an autopsy to prove cause of death to be from a SC condtiond.    If you were P and T for 10 full years, then the cause of death may not matter so much. 
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