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Cleveland Regional Office Delays Veteran Claim 35 Years.

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In my group therapy, there is a man there who is in a wheel chair (motorized scooter) with braces on each leg. He tells me that he was wounded in Vietnam, and applied for VA benefits with the Cleveland Regional Office in 1973. He further says that he has been awarded NSC Pension, however, even tho the VA wrote a letter saying he was disabled (SC) in 1973, there has been some sort of error and he is not Service connected. He has been trying to get this resolved, for years..even going through congressmen..Veterans Service Officers..everything..and has been unable to get his issue resolved.

His claim is MORE THAN 35 years old. Does anyone out there have a claim older than 35 years? I think Guiness should hear about this one, and send the VARO in Cleveland a "letter of shame" for disrespect to this and all Veterans. I have met this man and am convinced he is "for real"..he seems to welcome the media, etc. to look into this. He just wants what is his. Has anyone out there waited LONGER than 35 years for benefits? If so, please respond..I think the Cleveland Regional Office deserves a "letter of shame" for this.

Edited by broncovet
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My father-in-law. Was a WW2 frogman. He was at guadal canal and iwogima (US NAVY Honerable). He had leg injuries. He had operations on his legs.

He rejoined the US Army in the Korean war and was honerably 30% Permanant for life retired, when his legs completely failed. He has all his discharge and SC Retirement records.

VA gave him 0% in 1950. He has been in a chair for the last 35 years. About 20+ years ago the DoD stopped paying him his $35.00 per month, 30% Army Military Retirement, telling him that he was too old.

Now that he is dying (350 pounds bedridden) and totally dependent on his 76 years old wife to take care of all his needs, the VA has refused him SC and Aid and Attendance.

This claim, still in progress, is from 1950. That is 59 years.

He was denied by the VA, and he is in the appeals process now. Just sent his form 9.


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I think they did that to a lot of WWII vets. They would be discharged with a high rating and a few years later they would reduce it. My Father-in-law got blown up at Guam in the Marines and never got a damn cent. He was in the hospital for months and did not even know his own name. In 1971 a 10% disability from the VA was 28 dollars a month.

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Well, Stretch..I did not think Mr. 35's claim was the oldest. Can any one beat 59 years to approve a Vets claim?

I will probably see Mr. Russel ("Mr. 35 ") in Group again tommorrow. I had his phone number from last week but cant seem to find it right now. He did mention he was going south for a few weeks, but I dont know when, so he may not be in group. Of course, I do not know all of his details, as I said, I am sure it is some type of lowball with NSC pension, as Berta suggested. It really only takes one look at the man to tell he is 100%..the braces on his legs and motorized wheel chair are a dead give away. Mr. 35 is in touch with his congressman, and tells me the VA has to give a report to the congressman EVERY 60 days as to the status of his case. I can almost see the report now:

"Thank you for the inquiry as to Mr. 35's claim processing delay. I can assure you we are diligently working on it, and expect to have an anwer within the next 35 years, baring no unforseen circumstances. Thank you for your patience. In other events, we would like to congratulate Ms Christine Alford, former VARO Cleveland manager on her promotion to the Central Office. Ms Alford was given this promotion due to excellent Veterans Service to Veterans like Mr. 35"

Maybe we should get Stetch's father in law (Mr. 59), Mr. 35, and my "measley" 8 year claim delay together..together we have 102 years of disgrace to Vetrans.

Oh, and YES, I am going to help Mr. 35..believe me, I am going to help him. My blood boils when I see this disgrace to Veterans. Isnt it disgusting that 35 years is not even close to the worst? I am hoping Dr. Phil, or the media gets hold of this..mainly because his disabilities are so obvious.

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Yes, it is difficult to accept 35 years without a resolution. Remember this, tho. You are educated and motivated. Mr. 35 does not own a computer, does not get around easily, and is African American. The VA van, manned by volunteers, drives him around..when they have time. I doubt they even had this van thirty five years ago. He does not have access to hadit, va.gov etc.

I think there are OTHER VETS who probably applied years ago, got denied, and are homeless or dead, some from suicide. They just did not make it through the VA maze. Nobody published their story on "success stories". Their death may have not even made the papers, and when it did, there was no mention that they were a Veteran and had applied for benefits back in 1950, were denied and did not know how to appeal it. So, they turned to the street, and became alcoholics, drug addicted, homeless and took their own life. It might have been the man in a Wisconsin nursing home who froze to death. We know he was a Veteran but little else.

I really think Mr. 35 is an example of, but not the worst injustice to Veterans.

Maybe I can take a picture of him..maybe even post it on YOU TUBE or something. I think a picture would be worth a thousand words.

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I see that Mr.35 is in a wheelchair with braces on his legs

and my first questions are, what are his disabilities and what if anything

has been, was or could be service connected.


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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It is very easy for me to accept the fact that his claim could go on for 35 years unresolved.

In my BVA remand letter, it states that the RO did not send me a decision letter after a C&P exam of Oct 1972, therefore my attorney is seeking for benefits back to my discharge date December 1971.


When I count my blessings I count my family and friends twice.

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Well done is better than well said.

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