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Every time i sign in to HADIT i look for an appropriate place to post a link or to make a comment that will catch the eye of the troops here and hopefully stimulate the conversation....a conversation that WILL lead to action. Action that will lead to change. The type of change that will result in our needs being met and the promise being fulfilled.

Part of the problem that i have is finding the right category, subject, place to post. If one looks at the numbers of posts being accessed and read the most it seems like the wrong place to have the right conversation that will lead to participation and to change.

In order to be a part of the change one needs to be part of the plan; to take part in creating an entity that is vocal, and relevant and represents every veteran who is fighting alone to get the care and benefits that we were told that we would get after serving our country in whatever capacity whether in war time or peace time.

That there are so many of US that are not being served well is not a secret. That nothing is changing is not a secret. To write your congressman has become a joke in many cases and as part of the plan i think we should name names, record conversations, and start youtubing this information. Maybe then we'll get the kind of attention that we need to make the change happen NOW.

Before this point gets too far away i want to point out that this notion that "change takes time" meaning that it can not and will not happen quickly, please consider this "law" "bill" whatever we need to call it to make money available to bail out crooks, and white collar criminals who knowingly profited by putting many American's in jeopardy of losing their homes, jobs, families, and life itself. So while we fight and have been fighting for what seems like forever to be treated fairly by the same government that is magically finding a way to make money available to fix the mess that these criminals created, Bernie Maydof sit in his penthouse apartment smiling down on the rest of us pee on's. How and why is THAT more important than our needs? How and why is it possible to pass a law, to make money, to act quickly to fix this crime?

If you allow these lies to be accepted as truths then it is easy to see how we have been stuck in hell for all of these years. i think we need to OUT all of those people on the pay role of the VA who's job it is to find fault with out claims, to deny and or remand our claims. We need to out those organizations who on the surface are suppose to be helping us and publish the salaries, and benefits that they get paid out of the money that would be better used to help those of us who need it to survive. We need to identify those lobbiest, congressmen, senators, VA employee's anyone and everyone who partisiaptes in this other crime that is not getting the attention that the "stimulous package" and or "bail out" are getting.

Here's a few youtubes that i found that are imho, interesting.



And before those who have been fortunate enough to get everything that they want, need, and ask for; before protesting those of US who have not; just be thankful that you are not on the front line with those of us who are. You are the exception and not the rule.

Edited by Steppenwolf
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At some point we must take the discussion to a different place, a new level. We might need to use unconventional means.

Although i am not a doctor, or an attorney, i don't have a degree in anything to be honest; that doesn't mean that i don't know a better way to treat my cold or a belly ache. It doesn't mean that i can't see a better point to make to defend myself. My point being that when we buy into the belief that those who have the degree know more or know better than us is not a given. Most doctors and lawyers that i know are arrogant jerks who mostly know one way to do things; what they were taught. Most do not, will not, and can not think outside the box. So when we get a show like CSI or Warcus Welby ( dating myself ) or my favorite example Boston Legal, it's the writers, the artists, the producers who bring to us the possibilities of finding a way to fix that which is broken.

It's been proved that if tell someone that they are worthless that after a while they start believing it. So is it hard to imagine that in many ways this is what's happen to US the veterans, the warriors, we are told that we need to wait, that we can't do this or that and like good soldiers we follow orders.

One of the things that i have learned that has yielded great result for the most part over the years is to look at those things in life that work and work well and consider applying the same or similar methods. At times it's necessary to look at things metaphorically. Here's an example: I met an Israeli pilot who told me that their Air Force retro fitted rear view mirrors to their F-16 to help them see what is coming up behind them. He went on to tell me that the US Air Force can not do this because regulations don't allow them to. At some point after that i actually saw a PBS special about this same point. It doesn't matter that a $5.00 mirror may save a few plans and lives regulations do not allow our fliers to modify their equipment.

How many times have you been told that " there is a right way, a wrong way, and the Army way "? It used to make me crazy when i'd hear that and see that rules can sometimes be the death of you.

We need to change the focus of our fight. i don't know exactly how to do that but one thing i do know: the conversation has to start.

Here's another good example of how change happens. Back in 1980 when the word AIDS was introduced into our language and it seemed that it was a gay disease. The gay community started protesting across the country to get the medical community to do something. It was not ok to to pay less attention to finding a cure because the sub-set was small or looked down upon by the righteous, moral majority. Whether or not you approve or disapprove of their life style you have to notice what their voices accomplished. When we found out that it was not just a gay disease we still only saw the gay community being activists, getting on the news, having spokes people bring the message to the public as well as anywhere and everywhere needed to make the changes necessary to find something to help those who were dieing. Those other groups who did nothing; have the gay community to thank for being diligent. In 10 years medication were found that not only surpressed the virus, the work to find a cure lead to many other diseases benefiting from the efforts.

If veterans were as vocal and in your face as the gay community maybe something would change. They fought a war differently than we did and they helped the world for their efforts.

We have the support of most Americans. We need to turn that support from passive to active. We need to be active. Bring attention to this subject everyday. EVERYDAY!!! We shoud be outside the capitol with signs, and numbers, we need to contrast what they are doing now, today, pushing this "package" through...we need to contrast that action with our plight!

" Your priorities are screwed up Congessmen and Senators. You're bailing out the crooks while your veterans go homeless, commit suicide, and die waiting for their claims to get accepted. YOUR PRIORITIES ARE SCREWED UP!!! "

We need to unite against this accepted blow off by our elected officals!!!

At some point we must take the discussion to a different place, a new level. We might need to use unconventional means.

Although i am not a doctor, or an attorney, i don't have a degree in anything to be honest; that doesn't mean that i don't know a better way to treat my cold or a belly ache. It doesn't mean that i can't see a better point to make to defend myself. My point being that when we buy into the belief that those who have the degree know more or know better than us is not a given. Most doctors and lawyers that i know are arrogant jerks who mostly know one way to do things; what they were taught. Most do not, will not, and can not think outside the box. So when we get a show like CSI or Warcus Welby ( dating myself ) or my favorite example Boston Legal, it's the writers, the artists, the producers who bring to us the possibilities of finding a way to fix that which is broken.

It's been proved that if tell someone that they are worthless that after a while they start believing it. So is it hard to imagine that in many ways this is what's happen to US the veterans, the warriors, we are told that we need to wait, that we can't do this or that and like good soldiers we follow orders.

One of the things that i have learned that has yielded great result for the most part over the years is to look at those things in life that work and work well and consider applying the same or similar methods. At times it's necessary to look at things metaphorically. Here's an example: I met an Israeli pilot who told me that their Air Force retro fitted rear view mirrors to their F-16 to help them see what is coming up behind them. He went on to tell me that the US Air Force can not do this because regulations don't allow them to. At some point after that i actually saw a PBS special about this same point. It doesn't matter that a $5.00 mirror may save a few plans and lives regulations do not allow our fliers to modify their equipment.

How many times have you been told that " there is a right way, a wrong way, and the Army way "? It used to make me crazy when i'd hear that and see that rules can sometimes be the death of you.

We need to change the focus of our fight. i don't know exactly how to do that but one thing i do know: the conversation has to start.

Here's another good example of how change happens. Back in 1980 when the word AIDS was introduced into our language and it seemed that it was a gay disease. The gay community started protesting across the country to get the medical community to do something. It was not ok to to pay less attention to finding a cure because the sub-set was small or looked down upon by the righteous, moral majority. Whether or not you approve or disapprove of their life style you have to notice what their voices accomplished. When we found out that it was not just a gay disease we still only saw the gay community being activists, getting on the news, having spokes people bring the message to the public as well as anywhere and everywhere needed to make the changes necessary to find something to help those who were dieing. Those other groups who did nothing; have the gay community to thank for being diligent. In 10 years medication were found that not only surpressed the virus, the work to find a cure lead to many other diseases benefiting from the efforts.

If veterans were as vocal and in your face as the gay community maybe something would change. They fought a war differently than we did and they helped the world for their efforts.

We have the support of most Americans. We need to turn that support from passive to active. We need to be active. Bring attention to this subject everyday. EVERYDAY!!! We shoud be outside the capitol with signs, and numbers, we need to contrast what they are doing now, today, pushing this "package" through...we need to contrast that action with our plight!

" Your priorities are screwed up Congessmen and Senators. You're bailing out the crooks while your veterans go homeless, commit suicide, and die waiting for their claims to get accepted. YOUR PRIORITIES ARE SCREWED UP!!! "

We need to unite against this accepted blow off by our elected officals!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Folks, this post is a call to arms for the vet population. We would appreciate it if all replies are kept on track.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I viewed the youtube links you posted and pondered your posts here. I feel your pain, frustration, and energy, Steppenwolf. I would encourage you to continue to fight the good fight and never give up, and never give in. You are not alone.

"it shall be remembered"...

"We few"

"We happy few"


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Folks, this post is a call to arms for the vet population. We would appreciate it if all replies are kept on track.



Thanks for reconsidering pulling this post. i didn't know that it would somehow violate hadit policy.

i don't think that a call to unite is anti-American, anarchy or subversive. It just seems to me that the real crime here is treating our brothers and sisters who served the way that they do. It seems to me that no one see's the the injustice of this lack of treatment and responsibility.

As i said: if we were protesting outside the capitol now while the argument is about "bailing out" the crooks, it might bring better attention to our cause.

If ten vets were out there now and got coverage perhaps in short order there would be 100 of us then 1000, and once other Americans could see and hear our stories maybe they would get on board and change would come about. Just a wish and a prayer that our destiny is on our own hands.

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