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My Claim Was Finally Granted - Thanks To Hadit Again!

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Hi gang,

(Can someone transfer or copy this update to Success Stories folder?)

I almost fell off my chair few minutes ago checking my account to pay some bills. The VA retro was already deposited, and my claim was just approved few days ago(September 24th). That was quick! Prayers were answered.Thank you GOD and to VA! Looks like it beat the arrival of the brown envelop which should be in by today or tomorrow.

My Hypertension claim was finally granted after an uphill battle since September. 2006. I would not have won this one if it wasn’t for hadit.com again. I was about to give up in disgust after 2 denials.

Hadit and peers kept on encouraging me to continue the fight. On my last attempt – “Request for Reconsideration” ; here’s what I added as the strongest evidence:

  • From hadit => I was provided docket #06-0312 Nieves-Rodriguez vs. Peake. There is a new VA law as of December 01, 2008 which states that a Private Doctor or Private medical exam may not be discounted solely because the opining Physician did not review the Veteran’s claims file.
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    [*]From Berta => She hinted me to go to WARMS. My Hypertension claim s/be granted if DM-II and Diabetic Nephropathy were diagnosed 1st before my HTN diagnosis, which was my case.

    [*]From hadit => That I request an IMO from my Private physician in order for VA to understand what’s my claim background( & diagnoses) was all about.

Thanks to all again here @hadit. God bless and be with you all.

Now up to 60%. My next claim is OSA. Will need lots of advice or directive hints going forward as this is going to be quite a challenge.

Have a great day!

From Bob,

4th Inf. Div; Central Highland Campaign

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congrats on your success. in regards to OSA, obstructive sleep apnea, i searched my service medical records and found where i had complained about lethargy, lack of concentration, think even that i was snoring at night. anything of this nature might help tie your smr's to your claim for osa.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Keep up the good work. congratulations on the latest victory. I hope your OSA claim has the same reuslts.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Good to go!

USMC 1st Battalion 1st Marines 1st Marine Division 91-95

100% P&T

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation."

George Washington

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You could go for OSA, but you might want to consider something a little easier..oh like becoming the President of the United States and solving the entire worlds problems.

When I was in the military the words "Obstructive Sleep Apnea" had not been invented. They did not say you had "chronic fatigue syndrome"..instead, they called you lazy.

When I was in boot camp, at classes we had something called a "headache ball". If you fell asleep during one of the boring lectures, you had to hold the "headache ball" above your head.

That headache ball was heavy! It gets very, very heavy in about 3 or 4 minutes, or less of holding it over your head!

For many people, sleep apnea is nearly asymptomatic, or, more precisely, it has delayed symptoms. Often the only symptom you notice, sometimes for years, is that you are tired during the day. You may not even notice that you stop breathing at nite, repeatedly.

When you get older, tho, you have even less energy, so the lost energy from hardly ever sleeping becomes more noticeable.

Many/most of us with OSA dont even notice it for years.

I did not notice mine until I was over 50..and had chest pains. I went to the hospital, a private hospital, because the VA happened to be full at the time. (This saved my life). The private heart hospital diagnosed my problem..an enlarged right side of the heart due to OSA. (Your heart gets bigger on the right side due to lack of oxygen at night). They recommended a sleep study.

I did the sleep study, at the Va, and sure enough, the heart doc was right. As the heart do explained, severe OSA is fatal..the right side of the heart keeps getting bigger and bigger until your heart eventually goes into an abnormal rhythem and eventually congestive heart failure. Of course, this takes years for the disease to progress.

Now that I am on a CPAP, my heart trouble, tho not reversing, is not getting worse. But to try to get the VA to approve OSA seems to define the word "impossible" to me.

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