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C An P Exam

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Good Morning and Thank you Everyone. Can I dispute part of the c and p before the claim is decided? Also do you see anything favorable in this ..Restatement of opinion request.indevidual employability.other pertinent information or comments from requesting office:The records of recent treatment for all of the veterans conditions shows that he has diagnoses of copd,cad,htn,hld,pats,osa,prostate cancer,and cronic Anxiety.Were private records review?..NO Were service medical records reviewed? NO.. Were veterans administration records reviewed? YES Pertinent evidence: Current treatment records for the various conditions none are sc at this time.Were other recods reviewed ? NO Opinion:The veteran has not worked for several years and there is no good record of work capacity.It seems likely that the combination of the veterans medical problems confines the veteran to sendentary work,such as using a computer.(I. can on ly hunt and peck with one finger!) I am un able to determine the extent of his chronic anxiety as a contributor to inability to work. Rationale for opinipn given: None pertinent. Other comment:This opinion is based on the review of the overall VA medical records. This focused review for lbp and o/a Thumbs does not necessarily encompass an assessment of all theveterans conditions. I am 65 years old and started drawing the pension at 100% seven years ago at age 58. Thank you for your help Walt.

Walter A. Brazelton SR.

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Yes you can send in a 4138 and contest the C&P. The examiner is stating you can work a job at a computer in an office setting. You may have said something someplace how you are on the internet with your computer. So you will need to enplane you may use a computer a little but you do not know how to type and them tell them your style. Then that no one hires some one that types 4 words a minutes. I know my wife hires and places them all of the time. We need them at 55+ after the error factors.

since this is a re-exam on your IU and you have the benefits now, they do not have to look at all of the records like they did to grant SC for something.

Good Morning and Thank you Everyone. Can I dispute part of the c and p before the claim is decided? Also do you see anything favorable in this ..Restatement of opinion request.indevidual employability.other pertinent information or comments from requesting office:The records of recent treatment for all of the veterans conditions shows that he has diagnoses of copd,cad,htn,hld,pats,osa,prostate cancer,and cronic Anxiety.Were private records review?..NO Were service medical records reviewed? NO.. Were veterans administration records reviewed? YES Pertinent evidence: Current treatment records for the various conditions none are sc at this time.Were other recods reviewed ? NO Opinion:The veteran has not worked for several years and there is no good record of work capacity.It seems likely that the combination of the veterans medical problems confines the veteran to sendentary work,such as using a computer.(I. can on ly hunt and peck with one finger!) I am un able to determine the extent of his chronic anxiety as a contributor to inability to work. Rationale for opinipn given: None pertinent. Other comment:This opinion is based on the review of the overall VA medical records. This focused review for lbp and o/a Thumbs does not necessarily encompass an assessment of all theveterans conditions. I am 65 years old and started drawing the pension at 100% seven years ago at age 58. Thank you for your help Walt.

James A. Bunker

Executive Director

National Gulf War Resource Center

Phone: 785-925-9887

Email: Do not post your email address.

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What are you service connected for? Are you getting social security? Do you see a private doctor or just VA docs. It would be great if your primary care doc can write something saying that you can't work due to your S/C disabilities.


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What are you service connected for? Are you getting social security? Do you see a private doctor or just VA docs. It would be great if your primary care doc can write something saying that you can't work due to your S/C disabilities.


Good morning and thank you. I just spent about two hours typing with one finger trying to answer Gulfvet45 and when I tried to post..away it went to>>>????? I am not service connected .That is what I am trying to get. I get the pension at the 100%.No I do not get ss. the pension is more.I see mostly Va doctors. Yea I asked the primary Dr. a few months back and she refused but there is a cfr I beleive that says she must if the veteran request place the exam or opinion o whatever it is called in his records and then he can get them from release of info. I THINK I am correct on that. I thank you . I have an appt at va. Later tonight If I can learn to use this computer I will try again and will appreciate your help ...WAlt

Walter A. Brazelton SR.

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We have ESP John-my question too.

Walt you need an inservice nexus for every disability you claim.

If you are an incountry Vietnam vet some of these disabilities you mentioned are presumptive to AO( possibly the CAD and the Prostate cancer)

The nexus for them is established by proof of incountry Vietnam service.

The nexus for the rest is the link or cause to the condition you have now as it relates to your military service.

Or claimed as secondary to any SC or presumptive SC.

Do you have your complete SMRs?

Have you formally filed any claims?Have you received a VCAA letter yet?

You can get copies of your VA med recs from the VAMC which treats you.

SSA might still have your military SMRs.

The VA, upon knowing you have had private records, will obtain them with your written consent.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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