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Confused...please Help!

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My claim says, administrative review on ebenfits. What does that mean? I had my 100% unemployeability but it was taken from me because of a VA mistake and I have now had to reissue everything. Everyone I talk to from my VSO to the regional office say, "we can see it was an error on our behalf and should be done any day now". My claim date on ebenefits says Jan 22. I had to do another C&P exam the first of April and have had all my documents turned in since March. Ebenefits says everything was closed in May but I still haven't received anything other than the phone call I got 2 weeks ago from my VSO saying "any day now". Im stressed and dont know what to do. I have 3 kids going back to school in 2 weeks and another child who has been going to college the past 2 years on ch. 35 but I don't know if he can continue to use ch. 35 or not. If anyone has ever had this happen or has knowledge of this, please let me know. Thanks!!

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There must be a reason that they say that they took away the TDIU.


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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My claim had once said "Administrative Review". I filed my claim January 2011, was awarded 80% in May 2012 with four items deferred. The four deferred items adjudicated on October 4, 2012, awarding me 100% IU P&T. Then on December 19,2012 I was was awarded SMC-S (Housebound) as a result of the "Admisitrative Review". I had gotten 3 Big Brown Envelopes. One May 31, 2012, the one in October, and the last one in December. All three times awarded retro with the third deposited on December 24, 2012. I am hopeful that in the end it will be ruled in your favor! Good Luck!

Why arrive at the grave relatively unscaithed, rather than to skid in sideways yelling "Holy Crap! What a Ride!"

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Yesterday made 3 weeks since I talked to my repreasentive. She said the guy she talked to at my RO told her to tell me it should be done any day now. Should I call back. I try not to aggregate then.

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Im not sure where to go from now. Im so frustrated. Its going on 7 months with my pay messed up and I'm about to lose it. Thanks VA, my kids are really suffering because of this.. ***sigh...***

Edited by infantry10
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