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Just Looked At The Notes From The Comp & Pen For Ibs

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I'm so upset, I'm in tears. I didn't even look to see what the examiner wrote about my feet.

Her conclusion about my Irritable Bowel was that it was less that likely that my IBS was related to my PTSD and she attached some medical finding that said there was no concrete evidence of comorbidity.

She also said something about amplification of symptoms that could not be connected to my state of mental health.

I understand what amplification of symptoms means - it means that she thinks I was overstating my distress. All I know is that I was sitting there with cramps that were making me sweat. My DH was there and chimed in that I suffered from "tummy trouble" constantly and that it was running our lives.

So I had handed her my Gastroenterologist's DBQ that specifically stated the IBS was definitely caused or aggravated by my PTSD. I also came home and submitted that DBQ via IRIS because even though I had already submitted it back with my original claim, but the examiner didn't have it or see it in my records.

My question is whether there is any point in asking my Gastroenterologist to write a statement for me. He already filled out the DBQ, and the VA has requested my records.

But is there any hope? I have always gleaned that whatever the C&P examiner says goes, never mind that they see you for 45 minutes out of your life and they are a NP at best. Is there any hope at all that the VA might actually take the word of my MD - specialist??


Edited by hedgey

Let us be kind, one to another, for we are each of us together in our pain.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles bud, as I have Crohn's Disease. Remember that you can always appeal any condition, or reopen a denied condition. God Bless and good luck

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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Thanks, man, I appreciate the support. I freaked and came here first. As always, there's someone here who "hears" me.

I'm much calmer now (thanks to lorazepam and some time in the dark). It's not the first claim I've ever had denied, but it always hurts. It always feels so dang personal.

Let us be kind, one to another, for we are each of us together in our pain.

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If you have a strong DBQ from the outside I would say it would cover up any negative remarks of the C&P examiner. The VA had made negative marking on my C&P concerning Tinnitus but I had a letter from an outside ENT and was granted service connection even thought the examiner marked less then likely. Never give up hope especial when you already have medical evidence from a reputable source.

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Straight from 38 CFR

§4.23 Attitude of rating officers.

It is to be remembered that the majority of applicants are disabled persons who are seeking benefits of law to which they believe themselves entitled. In the exercise of his or her functions, rating officers must not allow their personal feelings to intrude; an antagonistic, critical, or even abusive attitude on the part of a claimant should not in any instance influence the officers in the handling of the case. Fairness and courtesy must at all times be shown to applicants by all employees whose duties bring them in contact, directly or indirectly, with the Department's claimants.

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As long as your gastroenterologist provided reasonable medical rationale in the comments section of the DBQ to support their opinion that your IBS was caused by the PTSD, you should be alright. The opinion of a gastroenterologist should carry more weight than the opinion of an NP.

However, if your gastroenterologist just gave an opinion without supporting the opinion with reasonable medical rationale, you should get with your gastroenterologist ASAP and ask him/her to provide you with an IMO citing his opinion and the medical rationale behind his/her opinion. You would need this to countermand the medical findings of the NP which states there is no concrete evidence of comorbidity. You don't concrete evidence, you just need enough evidence to reach the benefit of the doubt threshold. JMO

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