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C&p Examiners Own Email Site In The Va

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I have been doing research on the C&P examiner email site for just C&P examiners started by 2 VA Psychologist who are C&P examiners . I also found that there was a site already in existence since 1977 which had their site moved to Google groups so they could not be investigated or any search engine see their emails. I have found the site before they moved and copied most emails before they were removed. this issue is very important and though it was reported to upper level people in the VA all they did was take down the wiki site started on Nov 13 2010. this in my opinion was done to cover there butt since no one could get emails from the site since it was password protected and you had to be approved by the site administrators who are C&P examiners but the worst part is it was for just C&P examiners and they have been posting their ideas and theory's that veterans are malingering or lying about PTSD. The one administrator states he believes the only one who has PTSD are rape victims. I am hoping the site administrators here would allow me to show the emails which by the way are public therefore under the fact they placed them on the internet are not private. I wonder how many claims were denied since C&P examiners that are Psychologist talk among themselves about C&P exams with other C&P Psychologist who don't even see the veteran and influence the outcome of the exam because of it. The site started on Nov 13 2010 was taken down on the 19th of Dec 2014 but the other site was moved yet still exist. I ask the site administrators here to allow me to show the evidence so as to inform all my brother and sisters who served and there is a lot of evidence to include for example one email showing group theropy notes. thank you for your time and is for some reason I cant,please feel free to contact me on here. god bless. artie

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You should consider turning it over to the VA Office of the Inspector General to have them investigate the issue. Also, be very careful about posting anything because you should consider the HIPAA Laws so you don't get into trouble yourself. There is freedom of sp ak but the Veternan's information should be protected. An official investigation seems to be the best answer with this. Also, even though you were able to gain access into the site that you went into , if it had an official warning and you still accessed you could get into some trouble also. I'm not an attorney but please make sure that you protect yourself legally with this issue.

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You should consider turning it over to the VA Office of the Inspector General to have them investigate the issue. Also, be very careful about posting anything because you should consider the HIPAA Laws so you don't get into trouble yourself. There is freedom of sp ak but the Veternan's information should be protected. An official investigation seems to be the best answer with this. Also, even though you were able to gain access into the site that you went into , if it had an official warning and you still accessed you could get into some trouble also. I'm not an attorney but please make sure that you protect yourself legally with this issue.

I don't understand what the heck this post is even referring to.

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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You should consider turning it over to the VA Office of the Inspector General to have them investigate the issue. Also, be very careful about posting anything because you should consider the HIPAA Laws so you don't get into trouble yourself. There is freedom of sp ak but the Veternan's information should be protected. An official investigation seems to be the best answer with this. Also, even though you were able to gain access into the site that you went into , if it had an official warning and you still accessed you could get into some trouble also. I'm not an attorney but please make sure that you protect yourself legally with this issue.

Edited post thanks for advice Riitbeer22


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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