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C&p 5-Year Reevaluation?

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Hello gentleman,

I am a new member on the site. Thank you for having me! I'll tell you a little bit about myself..

Background: (Feel free to skip down to present day for the actual concern)

I was discharged from the Marine Corps in 2008, due to mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I have struggled with these issues ever since, and am still struggling to this very day. Shortly after being discharged, I was contacted by the VA to come in for a C&P exam to determine a course of action. In 2010, I received a rating of 50% for the issues mentioned above. I had a follow-up exam 6-months later, and my rating was increased from 50% to 80%. At the end of 2010, I filed the paperwork for unemployability, and was granted it at the end of that year. It remains current, and I have been in treatment with the VA since then to work on my issues.

In 2011, I applied for the Vocational Rehabilitation program to pursue a 4-year college degree. I was approved, and started attending classes. My first semester went rather well, pulling a B/C average at the end. The second semester, not so well. Ended up having to drop out because my anxiety was so immense. Enrolled to try again the following semester...dropped again...just could handle it, and was released from the program. In 2012, I became very interested in the engineering side of music, and wanted to give it a shot. I liked the fact that it was something I could do on my own, and didn't have to be around lots of others to perform my job. Being alone is when I'm more content.

I was hooked. I again applied for Voc. Rehab, and met with a rep. He was optimistic, which surprised me because of my past history with them, and he said he would run it across his boss and get back with me. He scheduled a meeting with me two weeks later and said that they couldn't approve that particular music program I wanted to pursue, and if that I picked something else (with a little better job security), I would likely be approved. I said no thanks, I'll just have to do it on my own. I think this surprised him, and I don't know if it was just because he could tell I was passionate, but he said he would vouch for me, and to go ahead and start the program. He told me that I would need to prove to him that I was serious, and maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to keep pursuing it. I agreed.

3 years later, I am finally a senior, and have not once dropped below the 3.0 GPA mark. WOW is all I can say to myself. I'm not going to lie, I went through some hard times with my mental health problems during these last 3 years, but I have fought hard, and maintained. I'm serious about doing something with my life and resolving my issues all together. My rep is very happy with me, and always reminds me that I continue to amaze him at holding up my end of the bargain.

This brings me to present day.

The VA has contacted me and scheduled a C&p exam in a couple of weeks. I do realize that it might be routine, but have a slight suspicion that a few VA employees at this facility are out to get me. While my depression has gotten better in recent years due to optimism about being a degree holder, my anxiety level has not changed, which is why I'm hoping that obtaining a college degree will give me that confidence boost I need to survive in the real world and stop getting so worked up about what others think/how they treat me. All I can think about is them taking away my benefits. I can imagine the aftermath, and I know myself pretty well. I would likely go back into depression because funds will start running low, anxiety will increase even more, fear of the future will be at an all-time high, etc.

I have been honest with the VA about my claims, and have sought treatment ever since my discharge. I have heard horror stories that if you tell the VA that you are better (as in my depression being better), they will automatically try and reduce, or take your rating away all together. I have worked so hard, and I'm gearing up for my last year of college, but now I feel as it all might come to a bleeding halt. I have been an American Legion member for 6 years, so I do have them as a point of contact, but I'm not sure if or when I should contact them about the situation.

Any tips, guys?

Thank you for listening, it truly means a lot! And again, thanks for having me on the site.


Thanks to all those who have served and those currently serving

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I wish i could give you better advice but this situation is out of my wheelhouse. i would THINK that they would be rated together but would have to see if they considered it comorbid, etc.

Wait for much more learned folks to pop in and speak up.

On the bright side you are not going any lower!

Upload full decision letter when you have a chance (redact personal info)

Edited by USMC_VET

70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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I wish i could give you better advice but this situation is out of my wheelhouse. i would THINK that they would be rated together but would have to see if they considered it comorbid, etc.

Wait for much more learned folks to pop in and speak up.

On the bright side you are not going any lower!

Upload full decision letter when you have a chance (redact personal info)

Is that available on the eBenefits website?

I went to the VA Letters section, and generated a copy of my benefit summary. The generated letter is dated for today, July 1st, 2015. It states that I am currently being paid at the 100% rate due to being unemployable. I do not know if this information is reflecting my most recent evaluation because my 80% rating stayed the same, which is what the document reflects but has no description of what the SC conditions are. Could this be reflecting my old status, or has the information likely been updated to reflect the absolute most recent status, including my most recent review?

Edited by MarineLCpl

Thanks to all those who have served and those currently serving

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the decision letter will come in the mail and list the decision they made, % rating, what evidence they considered and why they made the decisions they did.

70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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the decision letter will come in the mail and list the decision they made, % rating, what evidence they considered and why they made the decisions they did.

Right, I was just curious to see if that information was available online. I recelect some people being able to access that sort of information while they wait on their packet to arrive via mail service.

Thanks to all those who have served and those currently serving

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I received my letter today via USPS.

Here is what it says:

What We Decided

posttraumatic stress disorder with major depressive disorder

Percent (%) Continued: 70%


The evaluation of posttraumatic stress disorder with major depressive disorder is continued at 70% disabling.

We have assigned a 70 percent evaluation for your major depression, recurrent, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and obsessive compulsive traits based on: Inability to establish and maintain effective relationships, Difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, Disturbances of motivation and mood, Difficulty in maintaining effective work and social relationships, Panic attacks more than once a week, Occupational and Social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity, Chronic sleep impairment, Anxiety, and Depressed mood.

The overall evidentiary record shows that the severity of your disability most closely approximates the criteria for a 70% disability evaluation.

A higher evaluation of 100% is not warranted unless.....

Since there is a likelihood of improvement, the assigned evalution is not considered permanent and is subject to a future examination.

We reviewed the evidence received and determined your service-connected condition hasn't increased in severity sufficiently to warrant a higher evaluation.

Evidence Considered:


- VAMC treatment records


A very "minimal" explaination if you ask me...

The letter says nothing about my IU rating, but in bold letters, it states,"Your current benefit payment will continue unchanged."

Does that mean the IU rating is continued?

Curious to hear thoughts!

Thanks for all your help, everyone! This community is excellent!


Thanks to all those who have served and those currently serving

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Congrats on the Review being complete bud. My Re Eval letters were written very similar, and have just the basic needed info. If you have IU, then it looks like it will continue.

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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