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Active Duty, Proposed Ratings Are In!

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Do what you feel is right. With that said, you have over 16 years of service and the VA has already rated you at 100%, yet the "DOD" has you at 20%.....No way in hell I would let the DOD off with that piddly 20% when you have medical that states different......IMO, I would appeal the DOD and hang around as long as possible to get a proper and just rating from DOD and all the benefits that come with it. I think you will leave to much at the table if you take the VA an run.......I also think you will regret doing so after the fact, which you will not be able to turn back from.

By all of the benefits you mean, being space A, there is nothing left on the table. What else comes with it that I do not already have? I've put about a years worth of research into this. I asked my PCM to place me on a permanent profile so I would go through the DAWG and start the med board process. I've done my research. Fighting for a higher DOD rating when I will be getting a 100% rating from the VA, does not appeal to me. I have no combat related injuries. I have no want or need to "hang around" I have been hanging around with these issues for years. What is there to regret? I have to wave my dod retirement for the VA compensation anyway. Fighting with the DOD for 10/20% does not appeal to me, nor will I be regretting it. I am not going to gain any additional compensation for it, and being able to wear a hat that says retired, also does not mean more to me. If my VA rating was less, or considerably less, I would definitely push for the "retirement benefits". However, again my spouse is active duty so I will continue tricare as a dependent. I will also reap the benefits of having 100% from the VA. I am not going to hang around constantly appealing an outcome that is not going to put any extra in my pocket. I personally feel that I have hung around too long trying already. With the current way of the AirForce and the toll that it has already taken on me personally as well as my marriage, it is not worth it to me. There will be no regrets. Life goes on.

I dont like to see words like " back pain" knee strain'' neck pain ect.... thats all horseshit .. those are symptoms..

I would get an MRI, of back, and neck, and go let a specialist BLIND read it.. in other words, dont tell them what the VA report says..

you will likely find out your " back Pain" is a slipped disc, pars defect, broken vertebre, arthritis ect..

From the long list of symptoms, you have did they check you for Fibromyalgia? rhumetoid arthritis?

I have had 6 MRIs in the past 3 years from my neck to my pelvis. I have changed PCMs, seen multiple neuro surgeons to go over my records, the 2nd one, being a 2nd opinion.

So no I wont find that my back pain is a slipped disc, I do understand that this forum is normally full of those simply dealing with the VA and left bad tastes in their mouths. The "va report" in my case is nothing more than being flown to a VA clinic for CP exams as I am stationed overseas and that is protocol. I have that many issues, I have been poked prodded, injected, taken every medication under the sun, spent 3 years going through pain management, physical therapy. I have had the most amazing and helpful Doc in the past 2.5 years than I have had in my entire career. He is that thorough and that legit. I've personally gone through my entire medical record page by page, I have sent all of my MRI results to not random doc but a personal friend of 20 years that is a civilian in the xray/mri/images field to explain everything in laymans terms.

My main issue pain wise that is way worse than the other physical ailments I have picked up over the years is my neck. I have exhausted everything that they can do at this time. Its not bad enough to need surgery and a fusion or anything of that sort would give me way worse range of motion and the pain that accompanies my neck would still be there.

Check out all of the CRSC/CRDP info here as you might be eligible for one of these programs.

Not sure on the severance...there is discussion here under a search on that....

You did well THANK YOU for getting a PEBLO to help ....I mention that many times here and Peblos are not always easy to find but some AD service people dont even seek them and need to.

I tried to find a PEBLO for a vet here about 2 years ago and the only thing I got under google in his base locale was PEBLO jobs being advertised.

One more way, in my opinion, VA was not prepared for OIF/OEF, neither the VHA or the VBA was.

I do not rate for either program.

PEBLOs are easy to find. Unless someone is at a base that has no military medical support/filing. Not only are they civilians but they are also military. Active duty members(CURRENTLY I cant speak for any other timeframe, talking right now in the Air Force) must go through PEBLOs prior to being medically retired or medically separated MUST. I've read their requirements, matter of fact before you sign ANYTHING you have to sign forms from the PEBLO stating that you have been briefed and you understand what is currently happening, before you even start the process.

I do not deal with the VA. Nor would anyone that is in my shoes, except to have their exams fulfilled. There are TOO many outlets for active duty military members. Transition assistance is mandated PERIOD. You cannot get out without taking the minimum transition briefing/program. Speaking for the Air Force, the AFRC(family readiness center) employs people to assist in every aspect of retirement/separation. Hell I went today to speak with a VA benefits contractor, not even employed by the VA but a contractor in place to make sure veterans are specifically informed about their benefits. I spoke with this woman for an hour today, prior veteran, married to an active duty AF guy. The entire reason her company slid in was due to so many members not taking advantage of all of the benefits available to them. I was intrigued because that is what I want to do when I am no longer in the military. I plan to assist vets by giving briefings at the VFW, to vets pretty much where ever about what they are owed.

Gone are the days of members simply not knowing, if they dont know in todays military it is because they did not make half an attempt to get the information or just did not want it. I am well versed and light years ahead of my peers regarding everything to do with ratings, the VA, Dod percentages. The only way I would have more information would be for me to be a PEBLO or work for the VA(both of which I would gladly apply for) That is flat out fact. All they have to do is ask, I dont mean ask SSgt Bob, I mean get up and ask and go to the avenues that are provided to us. The reason why we have all of this available information and the reason why it is mandated that we are briefed the bare minimum(meaning the only one that you MUST attend) is because so many of you Vets were used and abused and had to fight tooth and nail for everything that you were owed. Will that ever end, maybe not, the difference is the available avenues. I've "briefed" this stuff at cookouts, burger burns, going aways, sent emails with the information to my current/former troops and friends I have been stationed with over the years.

What I am saying is, I'm a mechanic and I did all of this research for the past year, if I can find out and find the correct people to ask, so can the next guy. HOWEVER I know people just dont ask those questions or do the research, this is the reason why I want a VA job/counselor position/Family Readiness position, to help these people.

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After seeing pictures of what the "ground pounders" have to carry and wear when they are in the field these days, I'd expect a really significant increase in back and spine injury.

Carrying what they do over rough ground in combat conditions is something that the Vietnam Era soldiers usually did not do if there was any other way out.

if you do a little research you will see that spinal injuries was the top ailment for a long time,,, " so what has changed" ? I dont think its that injuries are decreasing, its more that problems are not being acknowledged. The human body was not designed to carry 80 pounds of junk over long distances and jump out of planes and trucks with it on our backs with a 2 pound helmet on.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Congrats and thank you for your service.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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As far as recouping severance, I dont think you will get around that. If they paid you severence, and you get VA disability, I dont think you can collect both. They probably did/will do an audit before you get your retro.

I dont think it will help you with severence by "dropping" your 20 percent ddd with VA. The benefits overlap, not the conditions.

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Congrats on the VA, but don't and I mean don't take the 20% DOD. You will get Severance, which the VA will Re Coup first, and it will be as if you were never in the Military. You worked to hard for that bud. I am Medically Retired from the Navy after 10 years active and multiple Deployments. There is a world of difference from me being Retired, and you just being Medically Discharged. I just helped a fellow E6 that was in 18.5 and the Navy offered him 10% for MDD, and VA 100%. I told him to appeal the DOD, and guess what he got the 30% increase, and retired. You do what is best for you and I am sure that you are ready to get out, but at the end of the day you earned the Title and all the benefits that come with being Retired. I have known too many Vets do the same as you because they needed the Severance for the short term, but in the long run Retired is the way to go. Good luck and God Bless!!!

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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