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  • HadIt.com Elder

If a VA  Dr/MD in mental health  or a certified registered psychiatrist  won't fill out a PTSD DBQ. 21-0960P 

If they won't??? its only 6 pages.

.Then who in the heck fills it out?

A private Doc won't know what all those codes are? and how can they read all your medical records?history ect,,ect,,

I could give them a breif discription I suppose.

I ask my MH Psychiatrist to and she refused   she said that I need to check with claims dept and get them to help you? or check with DAV.

I thought BS! 

They took the time to make the PTSD Diagnoses

Anybody have any suggestions?




Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I run across this info about the DBQ



but it says to send it to your RO? I was thinking we send all claims and information to the VA Intake center/

Its confusing?   anyone know?



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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A private psychologist may not be familiar with it but a person who does IME's will.  and even if the private psychologist doesnt know the DC codes they can still fill one out, just make sure they know that the VA needs to hear the words "more likely than not" in regards to opinions on ptsd related to in service event (stressor).


I guess i should ask, have you formally been diagnosed with PTSD by the VA? are you already SC for this?  If not then a private doc CANNOT be the one who makes the initial diagnosis...only the VA can.

as far as you VA MH person they are REQUIRED TO by VHA Directive 2013-002

In Part 4,c.,4....

(a) A “no wrong door” philosophy must be adopted to accommodate Veterans bringing a DBQ to a VHA facility. Veterans may ask their Primary Care Providers (PCPs) and Specialists to complete a DBQ for conditions which are already diagnosed and documented and for which the PCP or Specialist is treating the Veteran. DBQs can be completed during a routine office visit when there is sufficient time and the medical information is available. DBQs can also be completed outside of an office visit, or an appointment can be scheduled for completion. A DBQ completed by a PCP or Specialist is considered by VBA as medical evidence to support the Veteran’s claim.


(b) If the VHA clinician is not confident completing a DBQ or finds the DBQ requires diagnostic testing not indicated in the history or current symptoms, or would otherwise be inappropriate to complete, the VHA clinician must not complete the DBQ but assist the Veteran in filing a claim for disability benefits. Depending on local processes, this may include directing the Veteran to the Veterans On-Line Application (VONAPP); to the VA benefits call center at 1-800-827- 1000; to a Veterans Service Organization representative; or toother local resources.
(c) VHA clinicians who are not disability examiners may complete DBQs via the CAPRI or SMART programs, when available. DBQs may also be completed through the Web site: http://www.benefits.va.gov/TRANSFORMATION/disabilityexams/. If a paper version of a DBQ is presented by a Veteran for completion, staff must copy the completed form to scan into the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS). The original DBQ form must be returned to the Veteran so that the Veteran can submit it to VBA.
(d) A DBQ is not a claim for VA disability benefits. If the Ve teran has not previously claimed VA disability benefits, the Veteran must submit VA Form 21 - 526, Veteran’s Application for Compensation and Pension, to the Regional Office.
(e) Disability examination certification is not required for VHA clinicians who are not disability examiners to complete a DBQ as the DBQ is being completed to provide medical information at their patient’s request and not in response to a VBA request as part of a claim for disability benefits


There is an Out in part (b) relating to the physician not feeling "confident" in doing so, however they would need to have a good reason and not just...i dont want to.  In the end you can ask them again and show them the directive if they still refuse they you can complain to the VARO, etc and push it from on top or email allison hickey and complain about it.


I have mentioned this to you before, and i know you dont have the money on hand right now. but if you can stash away $30 a month for the next year you will have enough to pay for a great IME.  I  have started a thread for people to review IME/IMO folks, the person i listed does PTSD and other MH IME's and DBQ's.  she does an excellent job and is well regarded in the VA as far as the weight behind her opinions...in a year from now you will have enough to pay for her services. 

Personally...I know you are on a tight budget and want to get this claim through, however look at it this way...

If you go the way you are and get the DBQ for "free" from the VA doc, it is probably not going to be a great DBQ for you and in the end you will probably have to appeal the decision they make and then you are 7 months out and having to appeal which will add another 12-24 months or more onto your claim, so you are talking nearly 2-3 years before this is figured out.  By that time this is not a "free" dbq, this is costing you time, money and heartache.

If you wait one year to get a good IME, you can file your claim FDC and probably get a decision in 3-6 months so we are talking 15-17 months from now, 1 1/2 years at most and will most likely (in my case her DBQ and exam was considered 'sufficient for rating' meaning no need for a va C&P) will get what you deserve.  you seem like you want this done as quickly as possible, so waiting a year to get enough money may seem like a long time, but in the end getting a good IME will save you time and money and heartache.  a lot of all of those.  do it right.

70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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  • HadIt.com Elder


I Understand what your saying  and I agree, & yes I have been officially Diagnosed by VA MH for  DSM5 PTSD Unspecific Depressive Disorders.

 I am in no hurry on this claim, I just figured the psychiatrist  would fill the PTSD DBQ out for me or write her Impression with no problem!

I think My PCP MD will do it , I see her next month, do they have to read all the progress notes? ( because there's a lot of notes) she is the one that sent me to MH.

I have the DBQ Forms printed out  I will just take them with me & make some copies of the VHA Directive 2013 002

just in-case I need to show them,,,,but   my PCP is pretty smart cookie   its Ironic my old PCP left a year ago to another facility to be a C&P Examiner.


 If the VA MD PCP Doc has to read through all those progress notes in ebenefit's (Again there's a lot of notes)  with different medical subjects ,maybe she can just pull up the ones in MH?  or Maybe it could be they don't have the time?

Because on my computer at home'' my health vet''(e-benefit's)  I have to  go through all the notes as there  listed and the PTSD information is way on down, although I have MH Therapy notes listed every week for 6 weeks then its ever two weeks   but I am in the VA Move program too and there notes are listed every week, this is my 12th week with the Move program & the same for MH physic Therapy...so a lot of notes in between 

I'm just thinking maybe it takes to much of there time to stop and read my Progress Notes  Is there reason not to do it?

I don't think its that my psychiatrist  don't won't to help me  there all nice in MH as a team they all work together pretty good I have no complaints at all with my MH Dept.

I believe if she had the time she would  fill out the DBQ to help me and not hinder my claim. (this is why I had ask her)

''so the I need to check with the DAV for a claim is just an excuse.''

If I have any more problems with the VA Doc's with anything related or pertaining to help my claim   my spouse and I have decided  we will just go barrow some $$$ at our Bank on a signature Loan and pay for a IME/IMO...Were researching for one now.

Its not that I am in  Hurry its just that I want to get all my ducks in a row before I get deep into this. and hopefully file a FDC that will get this adjudicated the first time around in my favor  as with every veteran. 


On some of my PTSD/Depression notes I will be making copies and add them to my evidence to help support my claim (obviously)


Thanks for your Advice I'll sure do what you mention.


Thank a million  my friend.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I Understand what your saying  and I agree, & yes I have been officially Diagnosed by VA MH for  DSM5 PTSD Unspecific Depressive Disorders.

 I am in no hurry on this claim, I just figured the psychiatrist  would fill the PTSD DBQ out for me or write her Impression with no problem!

I think My PCP MD will do it , I see her next month, do they have to read all the progress notes? ( because there's a lot of notes) she is the one that sent me to MH.

I have the DBQ Forms printed out  I will just take them with me & make some copies of the VHA Directive 2013 002

just in-case I need to show them,,,,but   my PCP is pretty smart cookie   its Ironic my old PCP left a year ago to another facility to be a C&P Examiner.

Remember you do not have to get a DBQ to file for PTSD, not at all.  having someone else fill out a dbq CAN be helpful, however i would caution against having much faith in its weight if you are having a general practice PCP MD do it.  you never have a NP or PA doing PTSD exams anymore its always a psychiatrist or psychologist.  So now you will be getting a non specialist non mental health provider giving a dbq and a licensed specialist in that field.  If they both match up then great, if they dont the C&P examiner will win 10 times out of 10 because they are the specialist, thats why i keep mentioning an IMO or a private psych.  Shop around, contact ALL the local shrinks in the area and explain your situation and ask if they will do one on for you pro bono.

 If the VA MD PCP Doc has to read through all those progress notes in ebenefit's (Again there's a lot of notes)  with different medical subjects ,maybe she can just pull up the ones in MH?  or Maybe it could be they don't have the time?

What i do now whether for a IME or a VA examiner is this.  I print off EVERYTHING, i mean EVERYTHING.  THe va doc will have access to your records, but you print off everything you WANT TO MAKE SURE THEY SEE. highlight the important parts.  do this for a IME as well.

Because on my computer at home'' my health vet''(e-benefit's)  I have to  go through all the notes as there  listed and the PTSD information is way on down, although I have MH Therapy notes listed every week for 6 weeks then its ever two weeks   but I am in the VA Move program too and there notes are listed every week, this is my 12th week with the Move program & the same for MH physic Therapy...so a lot of notes in between 

I'm just thinking maybe it takes to much of there time to stop and read my Progress Notes  Is there reason not to do it?

They will read through it all anyways, but like i said above, the specific things that match up to ratable symptoms in the 38 cfr and M21 that are mentioned in your progress notes.  print those off and highlight them.

I don't think its that my psychiatrist  don't won't to help me  there all nice in MH as a team they all work together pretty good I have no complaints at all with my MH Dept.

I believe if she had the time she would  fill out the DBQ to help me and not hinder my claim. (this is why I had ask her)

''so the I need to check with the DAV for a claim is just an excuse.''

It is an excuse and she knows it.  The DAV cant fill out a flippin DBQ for mental health or anything, they can print out a blank dbq form for you, thats it.  thats the same as saying, well if you want to fill a claim go to the canteen and see if they can help.  yes they are in the same building, but different circus different monkeys.

If I have any more problems with the VA Doc's with anything related or pertaining to help my claim   my spouse and I have decided  we will just go barrow some $$$ at our Bank on a signature Loan and pay for a IME/IMO...Were researching for one now.

try Dr. Elaine Trippi, she likes to do her IME's in person, so it may be a drive, but she is worth it.  google her name and then contact her she may be able to accomodate something for you. 

Its not that I am in  Hurry its just that I want to get all my ducks in a row before I get deep into this. and hopefully file a FDC that will get this adjudicated the first time around in my favor  as with every veteran. 

For sure do not be in a hurry, take your time do it right.  dont file because yo uare just tired of waiting for evidence, etc.  its still always shorter in the long run to wait months for evidence than to file to early and spend years in appeals.


On some of my PTSD/Depression notes I will be making copies and add them to my evidence to help support my claim (obviously)


Thanks for your Advice I'll sure do what you mention.


Thank a million  my friend.



70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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  • HadIt.com Elder


Will do! exactly what I had in mine!:smile:

I Appreciate it...great info here buddy  not only for me but for all the other veterans out there!


Thanks Again



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Sorry to say bud, but the Dang VA Docs don't mind Diagnosing or Prescribing Meds. It is a whole different story when it comes to DBQs or Letters of Symptoms, as the Docs then act like they are Paralyzed with Fear!!!

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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