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Back Pain Worsening, denied increase?

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lumbosacral spine strain with mild thoracic scoliosis20%Service Connected

^^^ My current diagnosis... this was proven with an x-ray. My pain scale is at a 7, I went to the Examination for an increase and she seen how much pain I was in and how bad my muscles were swollen on the one side and she called it a "Flare up" even though I have this pain constantly and consistently every day all day. I can't even bench press half my weight with out it pinching and hurting enough to make me about drop the weight. They denied my increase, what more can I do to receive proper diagnosis and care? The doctors seem to brush me off, I seen a chiro for approximately six months and I am unable to receive a MRI because I have an AICD implant. I don't even know where to begin to try and get this fixed.

Any input is appreciated!

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have you ever had an emg? i have had several which documented my radiculopathy. they stick needles along your arms or leg to see if there is a disruption. sounds painful but it isn't!

I had one this spring...yes it did Hurt like a bugger. I have a herniated C5/6. The EMG was "normal" however I have nerve issues in my right hand, both feet and pain wraps around under my right shoulder blade. I also have right side body weakness which affects my balance. My VA Neurosurgeon said "Mystery" when I asked what was causing the weakness. /eye roll/

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Been having doctors diagnose muscle strain and pulls since 1993. Had to fight with my PCM (Military facility) to get the MRI this spring.


The conus medullaris ends at Ll. The vertebral bodies are well aligned. Multilevel disc desiccation with loss of disc height and small endplate okeophytes are present. Prominent bright T2 signal in the central aspect of the left kidney is present. This kidney was partially imaged. A hemangioma is present in the Ll vertebral body.

L1-2: No posterior bulging disc. Widely patent spinal canal and neural foramina.

L2-3: Circumferential bulging disc. Posterior disc displacement about 2 mm. Posterior annular tearing. No spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis.

L3-4: Circumferential bulging disc. Posterior disc displacement is about 2 mm. No spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. Mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and early joint facet osteoarthritis.

L4-5: Circumferential bulging disc. Posterior disc displacement is about 4 mm. Small disc extrusion with mild inferior migration. Bilateral lateral recess narrowings with impingement of the descending L5 nerve roots. The AP diameter of the spinal canal is about 1 cm. Minimal neural foraminal narrowings. Mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and early joint facet osteoarthritis.

LS-S1: Posterior bulging disc, annular tearing with disc displacement about 3 mm. Mild bilateral recess narrowings. No spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. Mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and early joint facet osteoarthritis.


1. Multilevel degenerative disc disease with bulging discs and annular tears. No high-grade spinal canal stenosis is present. The largest displaced disc is at L4-5 which impinges upon the descending L5 nerve roots in the spinal canal.

2. Mild multilevel joint facet osteoarthritis.

3. Abnormality of the left renal collecting system. A followup renal sonogram is recommended as hydronephrosis is possible.

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Kids, aren't they great!?!

Within a few days of my EMG, I started getting a buzzing sensation in both legs, but from my waist on down.  It feels like the pins and needles you get when your arm or leg falls asleep, and then you move it and the blood flow resumes.  Funny thing is...it's pulsating like my heart beat, but on a 4 beat cycle....every 4th heart beat.  Sometimes when I'm driving, or when I first stand up from sitting....very weird.


Yes the EMGs will do this because the needles and the shocks hitting the nerves. Its normal. On my last EMG I just had this past June I was stuck in bed for about three days because of the EMG.

Just be very, very, very careful walking outside because if your like me and lost sensation ant bites are worse than EMGs. The pain will last hours and days after the bite. Funny thing is just August 2014 a Physical Therapist warned me of this and I just didn't take it to heart. She said if I am not careful I could cut my foot without knowing it. Well after about 50 ant bites I don't go in the yard that much with just my crocs on.


Be forewarned here and now if you have upper thoracic problems you will feel your heartbeat in your spine on days thats its flared up. Don't panic just put ice on it and go to the ER and get a shot. What happens is you end up with a pinched nerve causing the muscles to tighten up and in turn it causes your upper thoracic to go out of alignment. This puts pressure on that nerve right behind that heart. Believe it or not that nerve can cause your heart to slow down to a critically low pulse rate/BPM. And it can cause your heart to beat sky high up in the 180s. It will feel like a heart attack and the pain is horrific. Just go to the ER and get a muscle relaxer injection because the stuff that is prescribed currently isn't strong enough.


Best of Luck.




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Thanks for the headsup on some of those long term side effects of emgs.  I will certainly pay special attention if I feel any symptoms like that coming on.

Semper Fi.


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i went for a ratings increase for my back, looking for some help with the numbers and findings please. I have 3 diagnosis; DJD, DDD & Lumbar Radiculopathy.

Yes was checked for "Does the Veteran report having any functional loss or functional impairment of the thoracolumbar spine.

Abnormal or outside of normal range was marked.

Forward Flexion-40  Extension-10  R Lateral Flex-20, L Lateral Flex-15,R lateral rotation-30, L lateral rotation-25

If abnormal, does range of motion itself contribute to a functional loss" YES

Pain noted on all ROM, pain with weight bearing, Guarding resulting in abnormal gait or spinal contour

Sensory Exam: decreased in L upper anterior thigh, decreased in L thigh/knee, decreased in R lower leg/ankle, decreased in R foot/toe

Veteran does have radicular pain due to signs or symptoms due to radiculopathy-YES

Pain/Numbness: all Mild

Severity of radiculopathy & side affected: both MILD

Veteran does have IVDS of spine

Veteran does use assistive devices

Veteran does have a thoracolumbar spine condition that impacts her ability to work


I am currently at 10%, 10% & 10%, any chance I will get an increase?

Thank you

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As for the back itself, it's based on ROM. You can look at the rating charts on here, to see the break down.

What are your 3 tens for?

Your profile shows 80% is that your combined rating for compensation? If so, you would need 50% or more new ratings to get bumped to 90. Once you get up in the 70+ range it takes a bigger increase, or big new rate% to move up.

If you are unable to work, due to your SCDs, you can file for IU.

Semper Fi

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