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Pre 9-11 Marines and Non-combat PTSD

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Never sought help. 

Daily flashbacks, routine nightmares. Physically, teeth are really worn down from the nightmares, dentists always ask me what the hell happened to me;

A Marine rilfleman from the 90s. Unfortunately, the whole tour was undocumented chronic hazing and abuse;

Does the VA recognize ptsd for Marines of our generation?

Is it basically no combat action, no recognition for ptsd?

We don't have the documentation, just honorable discharges and the "change"

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Thank you very much for the replies;

- I will call VA and see if I can get an appointment;

- I only found the VA PTSD DBQ for DSM 4, does anyone know off hand if is this the most current, is there one with DSM 5, couldn't find one. Nevermind, I will just talk to VA and see what they say. Although, I looked at this questionaire and was suprised;

Tried to forget everything as much as I could, but I have couple of buddies who know what happened so I will contact them;

- Andyman, we were part of the MEU in 98 into Kuwait when we bombed Iraq, we were ready, but no combat that operation. When I think about my teeth, I feel it kind of represents what happened as a whole, its pretty sad.. 


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File the notice of intent, establish the claim/retro date now. You'll have up to 1 year to hit the Submit Actual PTSD Claim button. Then get PTSD educated as mentioned above.

Keep in mind, under current PTSD Regs. a constant fear of personal harm or possible death can be classified as a PTSD Stressor. Get your SxxT in 1 bag that you can lift, then hit the submit claim button. The C&P PTSD Psychiatrist/Psychologist PhD will be your biggest hurdle and determining factor in getting your Non-Combat PTSD SC Award.

As to DSM V and your DBQ. DBQ really hasn't changed, DSM V is what the Psychiatric and other MH professionals use  as the current determining basis for PTSD and other MH issues.

Another consideration, is the actual PTSD C&P, it is a Forensic Examination to determine the voracity of your self described symptoms and in-service Stressors.

Semper Fi

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When the alert was given for my C-130 squadron to mount up, for Rwanda in '94, it was just hours after I had left for a few weeks of leave.  I called my roommate at the time, no answer, called his workshop, same.  Finally after trying every # I could think of I got a SSGT in the engine shop.  He was all DI(he was still fresh from the drill field) until he recoginized me, and then he's all like "they all gone, man, going to Kenya."  They were wheels up 12 hours after the order came down.

But for Liberia in '96, we had 2 weeks of hurry up and wait, standing around with our gear and shop det boxes all staged.  That really sucked...then finally a long slow noisy flight to Rota, Spain.  I don't recall anymore, but I think we were attatched to the 2/2 MEU both times. 

Do you have any entries in your STR in regards to your teeth?  I have @ 6-7 for undiagnosed jaw pain between the medical and dental sides of the house.  The dentist noted wear on my molars, way more than normal for only being in my early 20s.  I have never been told that I grind in my sleep.  I do clench like a mad man, tho!  Often I would catch myself clenching because my jaw muscles would be screaming for release and my jaw would be aching where the teeth are anchored.  Even now, all these years later, I have to conciously suck and bite the insides of my cheeks, just to keep from clenching.  But that only works if I'm aware that I'm doing it.

Semper Fi.


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- Thank you for the replies,
- Gastone, I am hooked up with ebenefits VA, and I will notify intent to file
- Gastone, thank you for the other details because I believe they are important, thank you;
- Andyman, I believe unlike you describe, my teeth is all while I am sleeping;
- While nightmares, sometimes of lucid, cannot unlock my jaw. Its really bad;
- I will check out the dental entries, I remember seeing xrays, but I will need to really eyeball them carefully for any details;
-Will need to talk to my civilian dentist who charges a fortune and get some copies of current;
- Dental Xray from my current dentist shows way ground down and they always follow up and ask about it;
- I believe extraordinary decline in my enamel documented in my medcal record by my dental xrays is probably ptsd related. I will gather my xrays for consideration by VA.

I appreciate your help, it help give me confidence to start the process

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Hey, it's the least I can do, even as I struggle with my own issues, to give a little insight that may help another Vet....as I have been helped from here.

Maybe you can just pop into your dental office and ask if the receptionist can print copies of recent visits, as a starting point?


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Check out Hadit's home page, for the Vet Appeals Lawyer Chris Attig's recent editorial, on Non-Combat PTSD Claims. Very informative for a !st time Filing and you definitely want the claim filed and supported properly. Get it right the 1st time, Appeals are a Bxxch, EVIDENCE-EVIDENCE-EVIDENCE rules the day.

Semper Fi

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