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Rating for Restless Legs Syndrome

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I am currently rated 0% for Restless Legs Syndrome SC'd for Exposures during Gulf War.  I filed an NOD, because C&P doctor stated it was mild in his report.  However, I am on a very heavy dose of Ropinirole to treat it, because of it being so severe.  The dose is high enough to treat Parkinsons Disease.  My family doctor and VA primary care provider prescribed me this dose of medication.  My question is, has anyone won a claim or appeal for this illness and low rating?  And what did you get rated?

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Here it is.......some of it is correct, some is bull.  He listed symptoms as mild, but also says my daily life, work performance, and sleep are affected, and I am on a dose of Ropinirole high enough to tranquilize a horse. 

Central Nervous System and Neuromuscular Diseases

(except Traumatic Brain Injury, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,

Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Headaches, TMJ

Conditions, Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Sleep

Apnea, Cranial Nerve Disorders, Fibromyalgia, and

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Disability Benefits Questionnaire

Name of patient/Veteran:

Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this


[X] In-person examination

Evidence review


Was the Veteran's VA claims file (hard copy paper C-file) reviewed?

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[ ] Yes[X] No

If no, check all records reviewed:

[X] Military service treatment records

[X] Other:

The claims file in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner. The


electronic folder in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner.

1. Diagnosis


Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a central

nervous system (CNS) condition?

[X] Yes [ ] No

[X] Other central nervous condition

Other diagnosis #1: Willis Ekbom Disease

ICD code: 333.99

Date of diagnosis: 1998

2. Medical history


a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's


nervous conditions (brief summary):

Gradual onset of insomnia around 1998, eventually attributed to restless

leg syndrome (Willis Ekbom Disease) with gradual worsening over


years. Willis Ekbom Disease now affects legs even while awake.

b. Does the Veteran's central nervous system condition require


medication for control?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, list medications used for central nervous system conditions:


c. Does the Veteran have an infectious condition?

[ ] Yes [X] No

If yes, is it active?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

d. Dominant hand

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[X] Right [ ] Left [ ] Ambidextrous

3. Conditions, signs and symptoms


a. Does the Veteran have any muscle weakness in the upper and/or lower


[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Does the Veteran have any pharynx and/or larynx and/or swallowing


[ ] Yes [X] No

c. Does the Veteran have any respiratory conditions (such as rigidity of the

diaphragm, chest wall or laryngeal muscles)?

[ ] Yes [X] No

d. Does the Veteran have sleep disturbances?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, check all that apply:

[X] Insomnia

[X] Hypersomnolence and/or daytime "sleep attacks"

[X] Persistent daytime hypersomnolence

e. Does the Veteran have any bowel functional impairment?

[ ] Yes [X] No

f. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing urine leakage?

[ ] Yes [X] No

g. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing signs and/or symptoms


urinary frequency?

[ ] Yes [X] No

h. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing findings, signs and/or

symptoms of obstructed voiding?

[ ] Yes [X] No

i. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction requiring the use of an


[ ] Yes [X] No

j. Does the Veteran have a history of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract


[ ] Yes [X] No

k. Does the Veteran (if male) have erectile dysfunction?

[ ] Yes [X] No

4. Neurologic exam


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a. Speech

[X] Normal [ ] Abnormal

b. Gait

[X] Normal [ ] Abnormal, describe:

c. Strength

Rate strength according to the following scale:

0/5 No muscle movement

1/5 Visible muscle movement, but no joint movement

2/5 No movement against gravity

3/5 No movement against resistance

4/5 Less than normal strength

5/5 Normal strength

Elbow flexion:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Elbow extension:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Wrist flexion:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Wrist extension:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5


Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Pinch (thumb to index finger):

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Knee extension:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Ankle plantar flexion:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Ankle dorsiflexion:

Right:[X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

d. Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)

Rate reflexes according to the following scale:

CONFIDENTIAL Page 37 of 57

0 Absent

1+ Decreased

2+ Normal

3+ Increased without clonus

4+ Increased with clonus


Right:[ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right:[ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right:[ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right:[ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right:[ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

e. Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy attributable to a CNS condition?

[ ] Yes [X] No

f. Summary of muscle weakness in the upper and/or lower extremities

attributable to a CNS condition (check all that apply):

Right upper extremity muscle weakness:

[X] None

Left upper extremity muscle weakness:

[X] None

Right lower extremity muscle weakness:

[X] None

Left lower extremity muscle weakness:

[X] None

NOTE: If the Veteran has more than one medical condition contributing to

the muscle weakness, identify the condition(s) and describe each

condition's contribution to the muscle weakness:


5. Tumors and neoplasms


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a. Does the Veteran have a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases


to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section?

[ ] Yes [X] No

d. Does the Veteran currently have any residual conditions or complications

due to the neoplasm (including metastases) or its treatment, other than

those already documented in the report above?

[ ] Yes [X] No

e. If there are additional benign or malignant neoplasms or metastases

related to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section, describe using

the above format:


6. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs




a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any

conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis

section above?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,

complications, conditions, signs or symptoms related to any conditions

listed in the Diagnosis section above?

[ ] Yes [X] No

7. Mental health manifestations due to CNS condition or its treatment


a. Does the Veteran have depression, cognitive impairment or dementia, or


other mental health conditions attributable to a CNS disease and/or its


[ ] Yes [X] No

8. Differentiation of Symptoms or Neurologic Effects


Are you able to differentiate what portion of the symptomatology or

neurologic effects above are caused by each diagnosis?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, list which symptoms or neurologic effects are attributable to


diagnosis, where possible:

Insomnia attributed to RLS; daytime hypersomnolence and daytime sleep

attacks attributed to ropinerol, taken for RLS treatment.

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9. Assistive devices


a. Does the Veteran use any assistive device(s) as a normal mode of

locomotion, although occasional locomotion by other methods may be


[ ] Yes [X] No

10. Remaining effective function of the extremities


Due to a CNS condition, is there functional impairment of an extremity such

that no effective function remains other than that which would be equally

well served by an amputation with prosthesis? (Functions of the upper

extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc., while functions for the


extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)

[ ] Yes, functioning is so diminished that amputation with prosthesis would

equally serve the Veteran.

[X] No

11. Diagnostic testing


a. Have imaging studies been performed?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Have PFTs been performed?

[ ] Yes [X] No

c. If PFTs have been performed, is the flow-volume loop compatible with


airway obstruction?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

d. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?

[ ] Yes [X] No

12. Functional impact


Do the Veteran's central nervous system disorders impact his or her


to work?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, describe impact of each of the Veteran's central nervous system

disorder condition(s), providing one or more examples:

Residual daytime hypersomnolence affects all activities; and veteran must

avoid or exercise caution when engaging in activities where sudden

unexpected onset of sleep could cause harm to self or others.

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13. Remarks, if any:


The Veteran's disability pattern of insomnia appears to be: (3) a

diagnosable chronic multisymptom illness with a partially explained


It is "at least as likely as not" that the veteran's

disability pattern

of insomnia and diagnosed disease of Willis Ekbom Disease is related to


specific exposure event experienced by the Veteran during service in

Southwest Asia.

The rationale for this opinion is that the veteran has had persistent


recurrent insomnia symptoms and underlying symptoms of Willis Ekbom

Disease from the time of their initial development soon after the

veteran's deployment to the Persian Gulf while the veteran was in


military until the present time; with the current insomnia and Willis

Ekbom Disease symptoms occurring in similar locations, and appearing to

be of similar natures, as the insomnia the veteran developed while he


in the military; with the current insomnia and Willis Ekbom Disease

symptoms with similar precipitating, exacerbating, and relieving factors

as the insomnia the veteran developed while in the military.


Peripheral Nerves Conditions

(not including Diabetic Sensory-Motor Peripheral Neuropathy)

Disability Benefits Questionnaire

Name of patient/Veteran: Jason E Bainbridge

Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this


[ ] Review of available records (without in-person or video telehealth

examination) using the Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) process


the existing medical evidence provided sufficient information on which


prepare the DBQ and such an examination will likely provide no


relevant evidence.

[ ] Review of available records in conjunction with a telephone interview

with the Veteran (without in-person or telehealth examination) using the

CONFIDENTIAL Page 41 of 57

ACE process because the existing medical evidence supplemented with a

telephone interview provided sufficient information on which to prepare

the DBQ and such an examination would likely provide no additional

relevant evidence.

[ ] Examination via approved video telehealth

[X] In-person examination

Evidence review


Was the Veteran's VA claims file reviewed?

[ ] Yes [X] No

If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the

Veteran's VA claims file:

If no, check all records reviewed:

[X] Military service treatment records

[ ] Military service personnel records

[ ] Military enlistment examination

[ ] Military separation examination

[ ] Military post-deployment questionnaire

[ ] Department of Defense Form 214 Separation Documents

[ ] Veterans Health Administration medical records (VA treatment


[ ] Civilian medical records

[ ] Interviews with collateral witnesses (family and others who have

known the Veteran before and after military service)

[ ] No records were reviewed

[X] Other:

The claims file in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner. The


electronic folder in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner.

1. Diagnosis


Does the Veteran have a peripheral nerve condition or peripheral neuropathy?

[X] Yes [ ] No

Diagnosis #1: Willis Ekbom Disease

ICD code: 333.99

Date of diagnosis: 1998

2. Medical history


a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's

peripheral nerve condition (brief summary):

Gradual onset of restless leg syndrom (Willis Ekbom Disease) around

1998, with gradual worsening over subsequent years. Willis Ekbom


now affects legs even while awake.

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b. Dominant hand

[X] Right [ ] Left [ ] Ambidextrous

3. Symptoms


a. Does the Veteran have any symptoms attributable to any peripheral nerve


[X] Yes [ ] No

Constant pain (may be excruciating at times)

Right upper extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left upper extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Right lower extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left lower extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Intermittent pain (usually dull)

Right upper extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Left upper extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Right lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Left lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Paresthesias and/or dysesthesias

Right upper extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Left upper extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Right lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe

Left lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [X] Severe


Right upper extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left upper extremity: [X] None [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Right lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe

4. Muscle strength testing


a. Rate strength according to the following scale:

0/5 No muscle movement

1/5 Palpable or visible muscle contraction, but no joint movement

2/5 Active movement with gravity eliminated

3/5 Active movement against gravity

4/5 Active movement against some resistance

5/5 Normal strength

Elbow flexion:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

CONFIDENTIAL Page 43 of 57

Elbow extension:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Wrist flexion:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Wrist extension:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5


Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Pinch (thumb to index finger):

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Knee extension:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Ankle plantar flexion:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Ankle dorsiflexion:

Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5

b. Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy?

[ ] Yes [X] No

5. Reflex exam


Rate deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) according to the following scale:

0 Absent

1+ Hypoactive

2+ Normal

3+ Hyperactive without clonus

4+ Hyperactive with clonus


Right: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

CONFIDENTIAL Page 44 of 57


Right: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+


Right: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

Left: [ ] 0 [ ] 1+ [X] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+

6. Sensory exam


Indicate results for sensation testing for light touch:

Shoulder area (C5):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Inner/outer forearm (C6/T1):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Hand/fingers (C6-8):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Upper anterior thigh (L2):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Thigh/knee (L3/4):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Lower leg/ankle (L4/L5/S1):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Foot/toes (L5):

Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent

Other sensory findings, if any:


7. Trophic changes


Does the Veteran have trophic changes (characterized by loss of extremity

hair, smooth, shiny skin, etc.) attributable to peripheral neuropathy?

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[ ] Yes [X] No

8. Gait


Is the Veteran's gait normal?

[X] Yes [ ] No

9. Special tests for median nerve


Were special tests indicated and performed for median nerve evaluation?

[ ] Yes [X] No

10. Nerves Affected: Severity evaluation for upper extremity nerves and

radicular groups


a. Radial nerve (musculospiral nerve)

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

b. Median nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

c. Ulnar nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

d. Musculocutaneous nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

CONFIDENTIAL Page 46 of 57

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

e. Circumflex nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

f. Long thoracic nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

g. Upper radicular group (5th & 6th cervicals)

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

h. Middle radicular group

Right [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

i. Lower radicular group

CONFIDENTIAL Page 47 of 57

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

11. Nerves Affected: Severity evaluation for lower extremity nerves


a. Sciatic nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild

[ ] Moderate

[ ] Moderately Severe

[ ] Severe, with marked muscular atrophy

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild

[ ] Moderate

[ ] Moderately Severe

[ ] Severe, with marked muscular atrophy

b. External popliteal (common peroneal) nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

c. Musculocutaneous (superficial peroneal) nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

CONFIDENTIAL Page 48 of 57

d. Anterior tibial (deep peroneal) nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

e. Internal popliteal (tibial) nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

f. Posterior tibial nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

g. Anterior crural (femoral) nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

h. Internal saphenous nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

CONFIDENTIAL Page 49 of 57

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

i. Obturator nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

j. External cutaneous nerve of the thigh

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

k. Ilio-inguinal nerve

Right: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [ ] Normal [X] Incomplete paralysis [ ] Complete paralysis

If Incomplete paralysis is checked, indicate severity:

[X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

12. Assistive devices


a. Does the Veteran use any assistive devices as a normal mode of


although occasional locomotion by other methods may be possible?

[ ] Yes [X] No

13. Remaining effective function of the extremities


Due to peripheral nerve conditions, is there functional impairment of an

extremity such that no effective function remains other than that which


be equally well served by an amputation with prosthesis? (Functions of the

CONFIDENTIAL Page 50 of 57

upper extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc., while functions for


lower extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)

[ ] Yes, functioning is so diminished that amputation with prosthesis would

equally serve the Veteran.

[X] No

14. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs

and/or symptoms


a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any

conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis

section above?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,

complications, conditions, signs or symptoms?

[ ] Yes [X] No

15. Diagnostic testing


a. Have EMG studies been performed?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?

[ ] Yes [X] No

16. Functional impact


Does the Veteran's peripheral nerve condition and/or peripheral


impact his or her ability to work?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, describe impact of each of the Veteran's peripheral nerve


peripheral neuropathy condition(s), providing one or more examples:

Residual daytime hypersomnolence affects all activities; and veteran

must avoid or exercise caution when engaging in activities where


unexpected onset of sleep could cause harm to self or others.

17. Remarks, if any:


The Veteran's disability pattern of restless leg syndrom appears to


(3) a diagnosable chronic multisymptom illness with a partially


CONFIDENTIAL Page 51 of 57


It is "at least as likely as not" that the veteran's

disability pattern

of restless leg syndrom and diagnosed disease of Willis Ekbom Disease is

related to a specific exposure event experienced by the Veteran during

service in Southwest Asia.

The rationale for this opinion is that the veteran has had persistent


recurrent symptoms of Willis Ekbom Disease from the time of their


development soon after the veteran's deployment to the Persian Gulf


the veteran was in the military until the present time; with the current

Willis Ekbom Disease symptoms occurring in similar locations, and

appearing to be of similar natures, as the restless leg syndrome the

veteran developed while he was in the military; with the current


and Willis Ekbom Disease symptoms with similar precipitating,

exacerbating, and relieving factors as the restless leg syndrome the

veteran developed while in the military.


Medical Opinion

Disability Benefits Questionnaire

Name of patient/Veteran: Jason E Bainbridge

Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this


[ ] Review of available records (without in-person or video telehealth

examination) using the Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) process


the existing medical evidence provided sufficient information on which


prepare the DBQ and such an examination will likely provide no


relevant evidence.

[ ] Review of available records in conjunction with a telephone interview

with the Veteran (without in-person or telehealth examination) using the

ACE process because the existing medical evidence supplemented with a

telephone interview provided sufficient information on which to prepare

the DBQ and such an examination would likely provide no additional

relevant evidence.

[ ] Examination via approved video telehealth

[X] In-person examination

CONFIDENTIAL Page 52 of 57

Evidence review


Was the Veteran's VA claims file reviewed? No

If no, check all records reviewed:

[X] Military service treatment records

[X] Other:

The claims file in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner. The


electronic folder in VBMS was reviewed by the examiner.




a. Opinion from general remarks: If, after examining the Veteran and

reviewing the claims file, you determine that the Veteran's disability

pattern is either (3) a diagnosable chronic multi-symptom illness with a

partially explained etiology, or (4) a disease with a clear and specific

etiology and diagnosis, then please provide a medical opinion, with

supporting rational, as to whether it is "at least as likely as

not" that the

disability pattern or diagnosed disease is related to a specific exposure

event experienced by the Veteran during service in Southwest Asia.

b. Indicate type of exam for which opinion has been requested: GM-Gulf



b. The condition claimed was less likely than not (less than 50%

probability) incurred in or caused by the claimed in-service injury, event



c. Rationale: The Veteran's disability pattern of headaches appears to


(3) a diagnosable chronic multisymptom illness with a partially explained


It is not "at least as likely as not" that the veteran's

disability pattern

of headaches and diagnosed disease of migraine headaches, with recurrent

sinusitis, is related to a specific exposure event experienced by the


during service in Southwest Asia.

The rationale for this opinion is that the veteran's migraine headaches


CONFIDENTIAL Page 53 of 57

underlying recurrent sinusitis, have been attributed to being the residuals

of the veteran's wisdom tooth extraction, as the veteran's wisdom


impacted into his maxillary sinuses.



I have reviewed the conflicting medical evidence and am providing the

following opinion: N/A



a. Opinion from general remarks: If, after examining the Veteran and

reviewing the claims file, you determine that the Veteran's disability

pattern is either (3) a diagnosable chronic multi-symptom illness with a

partially explained etiology, or (4) a disease with a clear and specific

etiology and diagnosis, then please provide a medical opinion, with

supporting rational, as to whether it is "at least as likely as

not" that the

disability pattern or diagnosed disease is related to a specific exposure

event experienced by the Veteran during service in Southwest Asia.

b. Indicate type of exam for which opinion has been requested: GM-Gulf



a. The condition claimed was at least as likely as not (50% or greater

probability) incurred in or caused by the claimed in-service injury, event



c. Rationale: The Veteran's disability pattern of insomnia appears to

be: (3)

a diagnosable chronic multisymptom illness with a partially explained


It is "at least as likely as not" that the veteran's

disability pattern of

insomnia and diagnosed disease of Willis Ekbom Disease is related to a

specific exposure event experienced by the Veteran during service in

Southwest Asia.

The rationale for this opinion is that the veteran has had persistent and

recurrent insomnia symptoms and underlying symptoms of Willis Ekbom Disease

from the time of their initial development soon after the veteran's

deployment to the Persian Gulf while the veteran was in the military until

CONFIDENTIAL Page 54 of 57

the present time; with the current insomnia and Willis Ekbom Disease


occurring in similar locations, and appearing to be of similar natures, as

the insomnia the veteran developed while he was in the military; with the

current insomnia and Willis Ekbom Disease symptoms with similar

precipitating, exacerbating, and relieving factors as the insomnia the

veteran developed while in the military.



I have reviewed the conflicting medical evidence and am providing the

following opinion: N/A



a. Opinion from general remarks: If, after examining the Veteran and

reviewing the claims file, you determine that the Veteran's disability

pattern is either (3) a diagnosable chronic multi-symptom illness with a

partially explained etiology, or (4) a disease with a clear and specific

etiology and diagnosis, then please provide a medical opinion, with

supporting rational, as to whether it is "at least as likely as

not" that the

disability pattern or diagnosed disease is related to a specific exposure

event experienced by the Veteran during service in Southwest Asia.

b. Indicate type of exam for which opinion has been requested: GM-Gulf



a. The condition claimed was at least as likely as not (50% or greater

probability) incurred in or caused by the claimed in-service injury, event



c. Rationale: The Veteran's disability pattern of restless leg syndrom

appears to be: (3) a diagnosable chronic multisymptom illness with a

partially explained etiology.

It is "at least as likely as not" that the veteran's

disability pattern of

restless leg syndrom and diagnosed disease of Willis Ekbom Disease is


to a specific exposure event experienced by the Veteran during service in

Southwest Asia.

The rationale for this opinion is that the veteran has had persistent and

recurrent symptoms of Willis Ekbom Disease from the time of their initial

development soon after the veteran's deployment to the Persian Gulf

CONFIDENTIAL Page 55 of 57

while the

veteran was in the military until the present time; with the current Willis

Ekbom Disease symptoms occurring in similar locations, and appearing to be


similar natures, as the restless leg syndrome the veteran developed while he

was in the military; with the current insomnia and Willis Ekbom Disease

symptoms with similar precipitating, exacerbating, and relieving factors as

the restless leg syndrome the veteran developed while in the military.



I have reviewed the conflicting medical evidence and am providing the

following opinion: N/A



Signed: 09/01/2015 18:43


Results of additional labs performed on August 31, 2015 revealed a TSH of 3.4,

with a free T4 of 0.72; a serum Vitamin B-12 level of 359.00; a PSA of 1.14; and


negative antinuclear antibody.

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Hey DevilDog,
The section on page 49 was most likely why they rated your condition as mild.

It might be possible to request a new C&P, but the VA commonly uses regular doctors to perform a wide variety of C&P exams. The opinion of a specialist (neurologist) would definitely outweigh the opinion of a regular doc.

While reading your C&P findings, I wondered if you happened to have any sleep studies performed. If so, I would recommend you look at the findings. If they show moderate or severe RLS, make sure the VA used the results in your rating (they are supposed to list what evidence was used to make the decision) and might be able to overrule the regular doc because they are interpreted by a neurologist. If you have not had a sleep study performed, it might be beneficial to see if the VA can do one for you. They can be pricey if done in a private clinic with private insurance. With the problems indicated in your C&P exam, I am almost wondering if you might need to be on a CPAP, but keep in mind I am not a doctor or expert. It just seems pretty consistent with having horrible sleep patterns.

In addition, I am including this. Based on the information I put in bold below, you might be able to get rated for daytime hypersomnolence as secondary to the RLS. The "attributed" statement might not meet the VA's 50/50 minimum standard, but if it was me, it would definitely indicate that it might be worth exploring. I included the rating criteria further below for sleep issues.

Are you able to differentiate what portion of the symptomatology or
neurologic effects above are caused by each diagnosis?
[X] Yes [ ] No
If yes, list which symptoms or neurologic effects are attributable to
diagnosis, where possible:
Insomnia attributed to RLS; daytime hypersomnolence and daytime sleep
attacks attributed to ropinerol, taken for RLS treatment.

Do the Veteran's central nervous system disorders impact his or her
to work?
[X] Yes [ ] No
If yes, describe impact of each of the Veteran's central nervous system
disorder condition(s), providing one or more examples:
Residual daytime hypersomnolence affects all activities; and veteran must
avoid or exercise caution when engaging in activities where sudden
unexpected onset of sleep could cause harm to self or others.

Page 35
[X] Persistent daytime hypersomnolence



6847   Sleep Apnea Syndromes (Obstructive, Central, Mixed): 
Chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide retention or cor pulmonale, or; requires tracheostomy100
Requires use of breathing assistance device such as continuous airway pressure (CPAP) machine50
Persistent day-time hypersomnolence30
Asymptomatic but with documented sleep disorder breathing0


"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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    • Caluza Triangle defines what is necessary for service connection
      Caluza Triangle – Caluza vs Brown defined what is necessary for service connection. See COVA– CALUZA V. BROWN–TOTAL RECALL

      This has to be MEDICALLY Documented in your records:

      Current Diagnosis.   (No diagnosis, no Service Connection.)

      In-Service Event or Aggravation.
      Nexus (link- cause and effect- connection) or Doctor’s Statement close to: “The Veteran’s (current diagnosis) is at least as likely due to x Event in military service”
      • 0 replies
    • Do the sct codes help or hurt my disability rating 
    • VA has gotten away with (mis) interpreting their  ambigious, , vague regulations, then enforcing them willy nilly never in Veterans favor.  

      They justify all this to congress by calling themselves a "pro claimant Veteran friendly organization" who grants the benefit of the doubt to Veterans.  

      This is not true, 


          About 80-90 percent of Veterans are initially denied by VA, pushing us into a massive backlog of appeals, or worse, sending impoverished Veterans "to the homeless streets" because  when they cant work, they can not keep their home.  I was one of those Veterans who they denied for a bogus reason:  "Its been too long since military service".  This is bogus because its not one of the criteria for service connection, but simply made up by VA.  And, I was a homeless Vet, albeit a short time,  mostly due to the kindness of strangers and friends. 

          Hadit would not be necessary if, indeed, VA gave Veterans the benefit of the doubt, and processed our claims efficiently and paid us promptly.  The VA is broken. 

          A huge percentage (nearly 100 percent) of Veterans who do get 100 percent, do so only after lengthy appeals.  I have answered questions for thousands of Veterans, and can only name ONE person who got their benefits correct on the first Regional Office decision.  All of the rest of us pretty much had lengthy frustrating appeals, mostly having to appeal multiple multiple times like I did. 

          I wish I know how VA gets away with lying to congress about how "VA is a claimant friendly system, where the Veteran is given the benefit of the doubt".   Then how come so many Veterans are homeless, and how come 22 Veterans take their life each day?  Va likes to blame the Veterans, not their system.   
    • Welcome to hadit!  

          There are certain rules about community care reimbursement, and I have no idea if you met them or not.  Try reading this:


         However, (and I have no idea of knowing whether or not you would likely succeed) Im unsure of why you seem to be so adamant against getting an increase in disability compensation.  

         When I buy stuff, say at Kroger, or pay bills, I have never had anyone say, "Wait!  Is this money from disability compensation, or did you earn it working at a regular job?"  Not once.  Thus, if you did get an increase, likely you would have no trouble paying this with the increase compensation.  

          However, there are many false rumors out there that suggest if you apply for an increase, the VA will reduce your benefits instead.  

      That rumor is false but I do hear people tell Veterans that a lot.  There are strict rules VA has to reduce you and, NOT ONE of those rules have anything to do with applying for an increase.  

      Yes, the VA can reduce your benefits, but generally only when your condition has "actually improved" under ordinary conditions of life.  

          Unless you contacted the VA within 72 hours of your medical treatment, you may not be eligible for reimbursement, or at least that is how I read the link, I posted above. Here are SOME of the rules the VA must comply with in order to reduce your compensation benefits:


    • Good question.   

          Maybe I can clear it up.  

          The spouse is eligible for DIC if you die of a SC condition OR any condition if you are P and T for 10 years or more.  (my paraphrase).  

      More here:



      NOTE:   TO PROVE CAUSE OF DEATH WILL LIKELY REQUIRE AN AUTOPSY.  This means if you die of a SC condtion, your spouse would need to do an autopsy to prove cause of death to be from a SC condtiond.    If you were P and T for 10 full years, then the cause of death may not matter so much. 
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