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So before I write a book I want to say bear with me all I'm very stress out my anxiety is thru the roof and I'm scared.  I need help I'm going thru a medical board and have several conditions but I got my NARSURM back and was told the ones that say NO MEDICAL BASIS.  I can not get a rating for has anyone heated of this or seen this because what blows my mind is one of the conditions is for my back and I have a profile and been going to physical therapy a other thing that upsets me while I got my QTC done C&P exams they found out I do have lost of hearing but our telling me I can not claim that on the Army side because I never complained about it while on active duty but they test me and found this??? They told me the VA won't give me a rating either why not I do not understand that any help please a other thing I have lost of smell also and taste but can not get a rating for that because they said I never complain about that either but during my C&P it's listed that I do have those conditions they told me I can not complain it with VA either any inside to this please this make no sense to me mind you I never ask to get hit by a IED I never ask to have PTSD and there combining 5 mental health conditions into one condition and listing them all as PTSD is that normal I'm so stress and my PEBLO is not helpful this base is horrible I have done 6 deployments and the longest one was 17 months I as a soldier never complain because I wanted to retire I'm very close but because I broke down I'm paying the price now and having to do a medical board and not going to be rated for things that I did not have when I join and they told me I can not claim them after either any advice would be wonderful.  The issues that bother me is what is NO MEDICAL BASIS mean???


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Not sure, are you out of the service, now? Let me tell you this first off...thank you for your service. Next thing, DO NOT GET TOO WRAPPED UP ON WHAT THE ARMY IS TELLING YOU! When my Father retired back in '92, Army gave him 20% rating from injuries in Nam and the 24 years of his career. The VA gave him 60%, and that was only for the contentions the VA granted him.

So...what I'm trying to say is this...take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, let it out slowly...now start over. First off(again) do you have a full copy of your service medical record? If not, and you aren't retired yet, get a copy ASAP, and that's an order, soldier! Anything in your SMR is potentially a claim waiting to be filed with the VA.

While the Military does have some idea of post service medical treatment via the VA, they can't say what the VA will or won't grant you for service connection and compensation.  So don't give that too much weight either.  And they can't tell the VA what to do. If it's in your medical record, then it's a qualified claim...that doesn't mean you'll get it, but that it's a chance.

You said you had the chaotic experience of an IED explosion...is that documented in your record, service and/or medical? If so, then that alone quantifies a claim for PTSD. Also what ever injuries received from same are also valid claims.

I know you had hearing tests done, we all did. So that would be the basis of your hearing loss claim, your pre-IED hearing test, and one since then.  It's pretty much standard that extremely loud noises damage hearing, either one time, or cumulative. Same for tinnitus, aka; ringing in the ears.

What contentions did you file claims for? Your list above shows what the Army says. If you haven't filed claims with the VA, then you've got to get that ball rolling.

I'd suggest filing for PTSD first, and go from there. Also the injuries from the IED, file for them as well.  If you're already retired, how long have you been out? IF less than one year, there is a presumption window of 1 yr from EAS, and you want to take advantage of that time frame. So many of us missed it due to lack of knowledge.

There are many here who have so much more info than I, and they will chime in.

Semper Fi


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Try not to stress as much as possible as I know the experience can be stressful especially if you have a worthless PEBLO, which I can relate.  The military in most cases will only MEB you for conditions that disqualify you from continued military service, which is why the Army refuses to rate you on other disabilities, but in the Medical Narrative Summary they can list your disabilities in your medical record (at least the Air Force did for me), which assisted me in my VA claims.  I do know of an individual who hired a lawyer and fought the military to have most of her disabilities added in the MEB decision.  Andyman73 is correct the VA and military ratings will be different, because the military is only concerned with conditions disqualifying you and the VA is looking at the whole picture.  The disabilities that you are claiming with the VA that are not in your military treatment records more than likely will be denied, but start going for treatment while you are transitioning and then continue treatment at the VA, so you can begin to build a paper trail and then file again with a nexus letter. Unfortunately the military mentality of "suck it up and drive on" does hurt us after service when trying to obtain benefits from the VA.  

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On the  doc you posted , 'p','q' and even the  'r' might be due to a TBI, due to the IED.

In addition to the PTSD I feel you should file for TBI, as the VA has to rate TBI residuals separately from the PTSD.




GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Just to add, I found that the anosmia can definitely be a residual of a TBI:


It would be a good idea for you to access all of the most recent TBI info here at hadit ...

to see what residuals you can claim that would have no other etiology but for the TBI IED incident.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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NoFace don't give up the fight. You can get help on this site which has tons of information on how to prepare and present a claim to VA. The VA is where you want to focus your attention next. Take a deep breath! All is not lost. Go slow and get help from a good service office. Get a copy of your personnel records and medical records asap to use in your claim with VA. Educate yourself online on the VA claims process. Take deep breaths. We all go through this process! You are not alone!

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4 hours ago, Berta said:

On the  doc you posted , 'p','q' and even the  'r' might be due to a TBI, due to the IED.

In addition to the PTSD I feel you should file for TBI, as the VA has to rate TBI residuals separately from the PTSD.




Oh Yes, Berta, that too, will propel NoFace a good bit down the road in the right direction! Between the PTSD and the TBI NoFace may well be sitting at 100%.

Semper Fi

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