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Will the VA Reduce a rating if you don't stay in therapy for mental health?

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Is the VA going to try and lower a veteran's rating  if the veteran stops going to therapy after the veteran has been told by a therapist that they don't need any more coping skills? At the next C&P exam couldn't the veteran say "the therapist told me I didn't need to come in anymore because I had all the coping skills I need". 

Edited by kent101
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  • HadIt.com Elder

My therapist has seen me now for almost 2 1/2 years, he said the time spent with a VA Therapist, or L.C.S.W.  S-3  there is no time limit , he said if it takes years , but PTSD Will never be completely cured  As Ms T bird mention  it can be manage & to where your life skills is better or more manageable, Manage Anxiety some what better...and that's very very hard to do....for some of us.

kent101  My Advise to you ,If I was you I' stay in treatment  VA  or Private.

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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@Buck52I'm glad to hear you say that about your therapist, I am hoping they are not rushing veterans out the door. 



Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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I have been seeing a VA shrink for at least 20 years.  Every time I go I let them know I am still having symptoms.  I walk a fine line between getting locked up and describing my symptoms.  I accept all the pills they give me.  Until the day you have 100% for 20 years I would keep going.  This may be my paranoia but there it is.  I see a shrink about once every few months just for med check and to let them know I am not "better".  If you are younger this is important.  I never mention the word "Work".  If you do it may get twisted around to bite you in the ass.  I am almost 68,   so no one expects me to "get a job" but it was different after I was fired from my 20 year job at the USPS for being too disabled to work.




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Yeah I seen him for a year 2 times a week & for the last 1 1/2 years bi weekly never missed a session.

 We been in some very heated discussions at times but he stayed with me and I stayed with him, we made an agreement /pack you might say....when we disagree with each other we do it civilly  ( LOL )

If we disagree with something  we will say  With all due respect Sir I disagree''  The other says OK...And go on with what he  or I needed to mention.. but not agure with each other.

He said I was welcome to try group therapy but he also said in his opinion I would not do good in group therapy  just from my sessions with him.

Not all therapist is like this &  he puts up a lot with me and  when my anxiety gets heated up, he understands or seems to.

I did notice if something is not working  for me that he has mention over and over... he changes things up and goes into another way of therapy.

I think maybe some therapist feel there not helping the veteran and ends the therapy sessions with them for that reason?  but should let the veteran know that and have another scheduled appointment with another therapist.

Also as Johnn999 mention  maybe the younger veterans the therapist can't seem to help or feel like their helping in there therapy  and maybe older age is factored into this IDK?...After 55  maybe it don't matter how long we stay in therapy??...I do it to cope with my Anxiety and Anger...and some of the Meds do Help.

I don't think I'll ever get better but maybe I can learn to manage this PTSD Anxiety to keep from hurting myself  or other love ones on a social level or social skill. .. With General Public? I think Not.


I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I went weekly to monthly from 1991 till 2015 at the VA, my VA therapist transferred to a new job, I kept going to a civilian therapist. I like my civilian therapist and if I need to just schedule a call to work through something she is open to that, it has worked out well for me. 


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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Time Dedicated to HadIt.com Veterans and my brothers and sisters: 65,700 - 109,500 Hours Over Thirty Years



I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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I see two civilian doctors because worker's compensation pays for it.  I had to choose between getting OWC benefits (cash) and VA compensation.  The OWCP still provides medical care since the USPS did aggravate my depression and anxiety.  This did cause problems for me since to some extent the USPS and my pre-existing VA disability were intertwined.  Getting them separate was a chore.  I advise all workers to keep worker's compensation cases and VA completely separate.  I was just trying to keep my job so I ****&^  up and it did cost me.  I got it street legal and no problems now.  My clinical psychologist had to retire and that hurt me since he had helped me since 1972 believe or not.  When I got out in 1971 I was a mess, unemployable and ready for the nuthouse as permanent party.




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