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I am just so tired

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I never knew that it would be so much red tape to file for a VA claim.

A young healthy 18 year old that wanted to join the military, passed the physical with flying colors. Wanted to make my parents proud of my foe my accomplishments. Esp my dad because he did over 25 years active Air Force.

Drill Sergeants are your first and everlasting impression. I know because I was one. The last thing that you want to do is piss a DI off. Never complained of anything to include pain. 

Get to my first duty station, the brain washing still continues. If you are dedicated, you will not complain. If you complain, Chapter is thrown in your face. My days in service, if you didn't cut it, you could face QMP. Do your job, don't go to sick call and your job and you will be just fine.

All of the years of physical and mental abuse to your body, vets file a claim. What do VA do, deny. 

I think that VA has put more stress on vets with the claim process that we should be compensated just for the stress from the VA. Look at Mr Cue and others, years of fighting and stress has taken some time off of their life.

I am so tired.

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Yes the VA claim and appeals add a lot of stress on veterans. Believe me I understand.

This is my second fight with VA for my benefits.

First fight 2001 granted tdiu one year fight. It was to easy. 

I understood something was wrong.

I than fought 2003-2012 for eed tdiu from service 1993-2001.  I won 

Yes it feels great after A hard fight to get your benefits.

But I had to wait 6 years to get my mental health back together to fight for my smc benefits that were never address during the first fight.

An man this has been a 3 year fight that is totally different 

VA is not the same.

They will not follow the law and prolong appeals. 

You can now win at the cavc and they will not address the cavc remand orders or follow them.

I have never had to wait 17 years don't think my mental could take that.

Yes the process will make you give up.

But I will tell all veterans don't give up.

Because yes the feeling of the win is great it makes me feel like a lawyer. lol

There are a lot of new ppl working at the VA and bva now. That seem to not understand how the VA work.

You now have ssi and workman comp private contractor  doctors doing veterans comp exams.

The VA has different rules.

An is to be veteran friendly system. Ssi and workman comp are no friendly system.  did they train these doctors no.

I believe this is causing all these crazy decisions an the unnecessary repeating of comp exams. Which all cause undo delay in the process. An stress on the veteran.

The not been able to get real info on your appeal or claim also add to the stress on veterans.

Veterans can't even see there comp exams results until months to maybe a year later. More stress add.

I also believe that  claim and appeals been process in a national que is also adding problems. Not helping veterans 

The rater can put in for a exam or anything and the claim or appeal go back in the que on hold 30 days. It off there workload.

Then a new rater gets it from the que not the same one  that order the exams

An does the same thing  Back in the que 30 day hold. Off there workload.

New hamster wheel.

Found this out on my last remand. All part of my record when I got it at the cavc.

There are many things a veteran has to over come to get there benefits.

It isn't just about show injury in service.

An continue treatment after service for the injury and have a comp exam that connect the two.

I think it's. More about hoping that you get a rater who understand the law and how evidence is to be weigh. An address your evidence to work your case so you can get a proper decision.

There is even new bva judges that have never done VA claims or appeals.

Make crazy bva decisions. 

So never give up and educate yourself so that you understand when the VA has committed errors in your case..

To win the fight.

Good luck to all the veteran in the fight.




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7 hours ago, Mr cue said:

Yes the VA claim and appeals add a lot of stress on veterans. Believe me I understand.

This is my second fight with VA for my benefits.

First fight 2001 granted tdiu one year fight. It was to easy. 

I understood something was wrong.

I than fought 2003-2012 for eed tdiu from service 1993-2001.  I won 

Yes it feels great after A hard fight to get your benefits.

But I had to wait 6 years to get my mental health back together to fight for my smc benefits that were never address during the first fight.

An man this has been a 3 year fight that is totally different 

VA is not the same.

They will not follow the law and prolong appeals. 

You can now win at the cavc and they will not address the cavc remand orders or follow them.

I have never had to wait 17 years don't think my mental could take that.

Yes the process will make you give up.

But I will tell all veterans don't give up.

Because yes the feeling of the win is great it makes me feel like a lawyer. lol

There are a lot of new ppl working at the VA and bva now. That seem to not understand how the VA work.

You now have ssi and workman comp private contractor  doctors doing veterans comp exams.

The VA has different rules.

An is to be veteran friendly system. Ssi and workman comp are no friendly system.  did they train these doctors no.

I believe this is causing all these crazy decisions an the unnecessary repeating of comp exams. Which all cause undo delay in the process. An stress on the veteran.

The not been able to get real info on your appeal or claim also add to the stress on veterans.

Veterans can't even see there comp exams results until months to maybe a year later. More stress add.

I also believe that  claim and appeals been process in a national que is also adding problems. Not helping veterans 

The rater can put in for a exam or anything and the claim or appeal go back in the que on hold 30 days. It off there workload.

Then a new rater gets it from the que not the same one  that order the exams

An does the same thing  Back in the que 30 day hold. Off there workload.

New hamster wheel.

Found this out on my last remand. All part of my record when I got it at the cavc.

There are many things a veteran has to over come to get there benefits.

It isn't just about show injury in service.

An continue treatment after service for the injury and have a comp exam that connect the two.

I think it's. More about hoping that you get a rater who understand the law and how evidence is to be weigh. An address your evidence to work your case so you can get a proper decision.

There is even new bva judges that have never done VA claims or appeals.

Make crazy bva decisions. 

So never give up and educate yourself so that you understand when the VA has committed errors in your case..

To win the fight.

Good luck to all the veteran in the fight.




There is no automatic 30 day hold on all claim action items, Cue. If I order exams, after that its on the facility doing the exam to schedule it based on what providers they have that can do the exam, distance from the veteran, hardship designated on the claim, etc.  If it went back to the same VSR over and over, or the same Rater you would be subject to waiting longer because they couldnt just drop everything and work your claim over others they already had assigned to them- you'd sit longer waiting for a rating, or for a  single VSR to re-examine stuff when it came back before sending to rating. 

The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound.Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a book,and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching. --17 different possible sources, all lacking verifiable attribution.

B.S. Doane College, Mgt Info Systems/Systems Analysis 2008

M.S.Ed. Purdue University, Instructional Development and Technology, Feb. 2021

M.S. Purdue University Information Technology/InfoSec, Dec 2022

100% P/T




Sleep Apnea

Some other stuff

B.S. Info Systems Mgt/Systems Analysis-Doane College 2008
M.S. Instructional Technology and Design- Purdue University 2021


(I AM NOT A RATER- I work the claims BEFORE they are rated, annotating medical evidence in your records, VA and Legal documents,  and DA/DD forms- basically a paralegal/vso/etc except that I also evaluate your records based on Caluza and try to justify and schedule the exams that you go to based on whether or not your records have enough in them to warrant those)

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Like I said everytime a rater put in for exams or deffer the case it  go back in the national que.

With a hold until the action is take care of.

The next rater gets it a does the same thing Back in the national que.

Is this not a way for a rater to get a case off there workload.  Is this not prolonging the appeal or claim process.

I understand the process well.

Please don't say there is supervision so this doesn't happen.

Oig has made a report on it we don't need to go down that road.


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First let me say whodat I am not trying to take over your post.

I am also tired!

13 minutes ago, brokensoldier244th said:

OIG can find anything if it looks hard enough out of millions of claims. They literally justify their existence by finding things wrong

So now we are to take the oig report are wrong. 

Here it is I think it cover about everything you said.  Funny that they say it need to be more supervision.

Sorry I couldn't just post the link.

If some one can edit this it might be easier to read 

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If you are having problems with the VA ordering unnecessary

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Asked by Mr cue,
October 5


Title: VBA Could Improve the Accuracy and Completeness of Medical Opinion Requests for Veterans’ Disability Benefits Claims
Report Number: 22-00404-207 Download
Issue Date: 9/7/2022
VA Office: Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
Report Author: Office of Audits and Evaluations
Report Type: Review
Release Type: Unrestricted

For veterans seeking disability compensation benefits, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) requires a disability exam to determine the severity of a disability or a medical opinion on whether a current condition can be connected to military service. VBA has committed an estimated total of $6.8 billion in contracts to complete disability examinations and medical opinions over a five-year period starting in 2016. Because medical opinion requests can be vital to ensuring veterans receive the benefits to which they are entitled, the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) examined whether VBA staff correctly followed procedures when requesting medical opinions.

The review team found that VBA can reduce inadequate medical opinions, incorrect or delayed claims decisions, and wasted resources by improving internal controls, personnel training, and monitoring of medical opinion requests. The team estimated that 27,900 of 41,100 requests (68 percent) did not follow required procedures during the review period (October 1, 2020–September 30, 2021). Claims processors did not consistently identify relevant medical evidence for the examiner’s review, did not always use clear and accurate language, did not regularly request all warranted medical opinions, and sometimes requested unnecessary medical opinions. These failings can lead to inaccurate medical opinions, incorrect decisions on veterans’ claims, delayed decisions for veterans, and inefficient use of resources (such as when the medical opinion requires rework).

VBA concurred with OIG-identified deficiencies and recommendations to (1) implement electronic system enhancements to require claims processors to identify relevant evidence before a medical opinion request can be submitted, (2) enhance mandated training for all claims processors and demonstrate progress in achieving its intended impact, and (3) strengthen monitoring by refining quality review processes to help identify areas for improvement and show advancements in complying with required procedures

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13 hours ago, LadyVet said:

I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. It does feel like they don’t really care about us. Since you don’t have much in-service medical evidence, check your medical records within 12 months after your date of separation.


You can also try scouring you emails, letters, diaries, your military personnel records, and statements from buddies and family.

As an example, after 30 years of denials, I went through every scrap of paper I had from the military. I found two hand-written quarterly performance reports that they use to write the annual performance reports that had been inserted into my training file, which they gave me to hand carry to my final assignment. I never turned them in. These were the key to my service-connection because they showed clear changes in behavior and were dated and signed.

Another kind of evidence required, is a current diagnosis and evidence that you’ve been seeking treatment for the condition. So, you can see, the evidence you submit should tell the full story.

Look for clues in your denial letters. They almost always tell you what evidence you provided that is beneficial, then often will let you know what evidence is missing. 

I have spent hours and hours reading at VA.gov and every second of it was worth it when I was finally service-connected. It felt like a huge weight lifted and I was finally vindicated. 

Most of all, don’t give up! 

Great point ladyvet, but however I was one of those gung-ho type of soldier. Airborne, Air Assault Drill Instructor. Pain and sick call wasn't in my vocabulary. All of my NCOER,s were good. Nothing negative.

Medical within a year was the least on my mind. I was more concerned with my wages after the military so I went contractor which later turned into Civil Service.

I did not file my first claim until 2014.

Buddy statements are a no go. 


I do study my denial letters and hints are given, for example I do have a current diagnosis, I did have an event or injury while in service, but no nexus. That's the problem. Now in order to get a nexus, I have to spend big money just to get service connected.

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With VA claims persistence is the key and VA knows this.  Many just give up and quit.  VA keeps the money for those who persist and continue the fight.  If you can get to 100% then it is worth the effort. 

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