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Second Class Petty Officers
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About willidx4

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  1. Yes I'm 90 overall but was granted 70% ptsd alone.The did send me the forum but I've been working all my adult life so don't think I would qualify.
  2. I wanted to followup on this I need up with a 70% rating for PTSD
  3. just wanted to follow up on this I ended up with 70% PTSD
  4. I was told toady that my ptsd increase was at the ratings control department. Can anyone give me some insight as to what that department does or if it even exsist
  5. My c&p exam reads almost exactly the same as yours I got a ra ting of 0%....but hey its the VA who knows
  6. good question same situation following this one
  7. same here the VA has been moving quickly compared to what Im use to. MY QTC exams have been very brief and straight to the point. It seems to me Doctors are treating these appointments just like they treat normal visits kind of an in and out attitude.
  8. Thanks Pete how they managed to get around this by stating "The evidence does not show a current diagnosed disablity"Think I need to get a good IMO?
  9. outside of the normal VA blah blah,no dx found in service,no diagnosable the only thing that stands out is" The VA examiner noted that your complaints of CFS is a symptom of your OSA and IBS. I will send this one to a lawyer not so sure a PA is really an expert in CFS,OSA or IBS.
  10. Thanks Pumibel my exam was at Schnitzer Psychology Duraleugh Rd Raleigh NC
  11. I was looking over my old claims last night and noticed I had an c&p done in 2012 for chronic fatigue by a PA. The reasoning she gave for the denial and not completing the DBQ was. -Veteran claims chronic fatigue from Gulf War exposure -Veteran already has IBS diagnosis and therefore excludes CFS (This PA granted my IBS claim the same day she didn't examine me for CFS) - As a result, the remainder of this DBQ was not completed I wanted to get you guys opinion is there anything I need to do concerning the above before I seek a IMO
  12. I had a QTC exam for a PTSD increase on 1/19 (30 percent currently) The exam lasted 20 minutes at best. First of all the appointment was at 9:30am the doctor did not call me back until 9:45 it appeared she just walked into her office because the computer was still booting and she had her coat on. As I sat down the Doctor asked me what stressors gave me PTSD. I responded with "did the VA give you my MH records?"The doctors exact words were "yes but I need you to tell me so I can build your case for an increase." I gave her a run down on my symptoms and she stopped me after 30 seconds and said "Im going to recommend an increase". The doctor then asked me about my employment history and if I had ever been fired from any jobs. I told her I had been from several jobs due to my inability to work under stress and angry outburst.She thanked me for my time told me again she would recommend an increase.She also stated "but the VA doesnt always listen to me" which I thought was odd. I thought the C&P examiners findings carried the most weight in determiing compensation? I have no idea what I could have said in such a short time for her to decide to grant an increase but I will take it.
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