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    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I know the C&P exams were received from QTC on 2/18/16 and I am now in Preparation for Decision.  I can't see the exam results but I was able to get bits/pieces of them from a VBA rep over the phone.  I think the C&P for PTSD is a bit concerning...Sounds like I might get reduced and the ankle C&P sounded good but who knows right...Waiting game..
  2. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    Navy, thank you as well, just saw your response. This gastro doc was actually my mothers doc, and come to find out he apparently does procedures at the VA hospital once a week, so more than likely that is where the reluctance is coming from.
  3. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I am so sorry to hear this...Is this your Gastro doctor that you see on a regular basis?  How long have you been treated by him? Did you ask him why he feels the way he does?  It isn't like you are asking him to do something that he shouldn't do. 
    It is tough to get doctor's to fill out documents for the VA, I know I have been there done that... 
    I am currently with the VA of Dallas and I was just referred last month to the Gastro doctor.  I think you need to get a referral from your primary doctor to get to the gastro doctor but I would look into it.
    Again, sorry about this....
  4. Like
    Navy4life reacted to USAF-Vet in 2nd Rejection - How to proceed?   
    Rated Today.
    70% for Anxiety disorder.
    0% for my nose fracture with migraines as secondary.
    Won a battle, war continues.
    NOD going to be prepared.
  5. Like
    Navy4life reacted to DevilDog12 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Sorry to hear about your experience, and I hope you are doing well!  Have you heard anything regarding your claim and C&P results?
  6. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I am so sorry to hear this...Is this your Gastro doctor that you see on a regular basis?  How long have you been treated by him? Did you ask him why he feels the way he does?  It isn't like you are asking him to do something that he shouldn't do. 
    It is tough to get doctor's to fill out documents for the VA, I know I have been there done that... 
    I am currently with the VA of Dallas and I was just referred last month to the Gastro doctor.  I think you need to get a referral from your primary doctor to get to the gastro doctor but I would look into it.
    Again, sorry about this....
  7. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    ^^^I have to agree 100% about the water intake!  You should try to drink at least 6-8oz glasses of water a day, especially regarding our IBS issues.  I used to drink coffee and cokes and I had to literally stop them but can't go cold turkey b/c of the caffeine I need!  There are "natural" sodas and I would suggest going to Trader Joe's if you have one and try to eat healthier.  I have started to go "gluten free" and it's helping me a lot.
    I have to take pepto daily and it sucks but it is a necessity for me.  
    I want to get the new medicine Xiflaxan and I hope it helps me.  I can't get any new med's until after my MRI tomorrow....
  8. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in QTC/IMA exam question   
    Although the VA Paid for the exam   they still don't own us and we have a right to any information they get on us.
    usually 2 weeks or so after a VA C&P  Performed at the VAMC and confirmed  a veteran can check with information & records release desk
    if a C&P is contracted out such as QTC, Then usually after a decision is made or close to 30 days  the Veteran can go to his VBA (Veterans benefits Administration ) office and request the C&P Results report  they can make  free copie's....that's what I did.
    I advise a veteran to get his C&P ASAP and start to gather favorable evidence according to his C&P If it looks unfavorable .
  9. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    i think you should have a good chance to get your SC with the NSAIDs based on your doctors letter and the fact that they have caused the secondary issue of IBS. 
    I was fortunate enough to have all my info in service and had further treatment out of the military. At my CnP the doctor said I should be SC due to my medical evidence and treatment. He told me he was putting IBS with chronic diarrhea. 
    The doctor will be your save and grace!
  10. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I am 30% IBS rated and I can tell you that it sucks and I am sure you are suffering...I had numerous episodes during my AD time and my IBS is due to my laxative in take.  I destroyed my stomach b/c of my eating disorder.
    As far as your situation, I have heard of a lot of Vet's that have IBS due to NSAIDS and I won't lie, it's tough up hill battle to get it S/C b/c of the NSAIDS.  I know you are smart and knowledgeable and I am sure you have your "ducks in a row" so I would say to make sure your "i" and "t" are dotted/crossed and get a good IME from your doctor.  I would also see about a colonoscopy for a check up.  My gastro doctor (outside doctor) filled out a DBQ for me.  I don't believe the VA doctor's will fill one out but if you have a good relationship with your gastro doctor or the doctor that is indicating the NSAIDs are a "direct result" of the IBS, try and get a letter from them.  As you know, I have had much success with my VA doctor's helping me out.  Especially if you have a long time of medical evidence.
    I was fortunate enough to have AD records with numerous documents of IBS/Chronic Diarrhea issues as well continuos issues after I got out.  I thought I would have an uphill battle, especially since I got out in 97 and did not get S/C for anything until 2013.
    Good luck!
  11. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    Good luck and I know you have ammo and what you need in order to get the IME!!!
  12. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I appreciate the responses, and all of you are absolutely right, I don't drink quite enough water. I do drink as much as I can, but my greatest weakness is Mello yello, which I have, incredibly, at least gotten down to one can per day as opposed to three. I am currently in the parking lot of my gastro doctor, and if the IMEs are completed I will scan and upload them when I get home.
  13. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    ^^^I have to agree 100% about the water intake!  You should try to drink at least 6-8oz glasses of water a day, especially regarding our IBS issues.  I used to drink coffee and cokes and I had to literally stop them but can't go cold turkey b/c of the caffeine I need!  There are "natural" sodas and I would suggest going to Trader Joe's if you have one and try to eat healthier.  I have started to go "gluten free" and it's helping me a lot.
    I have to take pepto daily and it sucks but it is a necessity for me.  
    I want to get the new medicine Xiflaxan and I hope it helps me.  I can't get any new med's until after my MRI tomorrow....
  14. Like
    Navy4life reacted to broncovet in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    In regards to the chia seeds, they are not a "drug" they are food.  So, if you expect them to releive constapation in an hour, you have too high of expectations.  Give them 48 hours and take them in coffee in the am, may put in tea or water in the evening.  Wait until they "expand" to consume.  You can actually see the chia seeds begin to sprout within about 2 minutes put in water or coffee.  Sprouted, living seeds are exceptionally good for your health, on multiple levels.  
    Whenever I go on a trip, I drink chia coffee or tea a couple times.  
    I learned about these reading a book called "Born to Run".  These native american indians would brew a tea with chia, and, be able to run 100 miles, as chia absorbs water and then gives it back to the body slowly, keeping you well hydrated, for a much longer period of time.  
    This is good for us, too, to keep hydrated.  I would add that you need to drink more water, and avoid sweetened sugary drinks such as cola, 7 up, etc, if you are constipated.  (Diet soda does not help).  Fruit or 100% fruit juice is good.  
    Many people become constipated (like myself) from not consuming enough water.  When you dont drink enough water, the bowel absorbs more out of your food, making hard feces and very hard to pass.  When you consume enough water, the brain tells the bowel to stop absorbing it and you get loose, easy to pass stools.  Chia helps, in part, by adding fiber, and by helping hydration because chia seeds abosorb water like a sponge, giving it back to the body over time.  
    This helps to explain why sprouted grains are more healthful than non sprouted.
    Essentially, the nutrients in sprouted grains are easier to absorb as they are more bio-available.  The tough shell of a seed is "cracked" when sprouted and the new plant absorbs the carbs starting to grow.  Sprouted seeds are softer than hard shell seeds.  
    Perhaps as important, sprouted living seeds have many enzymes, and probiotics that are simply not contained in processed and cooked food.  These enzymes and probiotics and prebiotics "helpful or good bacteria" often multiply and take up residence in your bowel, helping you digest other food, too.  
    The only downside to sprouts is that a few companies have sold sprouts and done a poor job with cleanliness and contaminated these with "bad" bacteria.   But if you grow your own, this should not be a problem.  Simply keep the chia seeds dry and cool until you are ready to eat them, put them in water for 2 minutes and then eat them.  
    Some sprouts got a bad rap because of poor food handling, where any food could also become contaminated with "bad" bacteria such as e coli.  
    E coli can/does contaminate any food.  Yes, sometimes processed foods are less vulnerable to e coli because they have preservatives that "kill" e coli.  However, these very preservatives that kill e coli also kill healthy bacteria (pre biotics or pro biotics) and then "unhealthy" bactieria grow in your gut, such as a yeast infection.  
    You want to improve your ratio of "good bacteria" to "bad bacteria" in your bowel.  (you will always, have both).  Healthy gut bacteria, from eating live foods, such as salads, fresh fruit, or any non cooked, non processed, non preservative foods is excellent for your immune system.  This way, if/when you do actually consume "bad bacteria" they enter the gut and are outnumbered and overwhelmed by good bacteria, so they can not easily establish themselves as the friendly bacteria has a firm hold, keeping unhealthy bacteria numbers low.  
  15. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    i think you should have a good chance to get your SC with the NSAIDs based on your doctors letter and the fact that they have caused the secondary issue of IBS. 
    I was fortunate enough to have all my info in service and had further treatment out of the military. At my CnP the doctor said I should be SC due to my medical evidence and treatment. He told me he was putting IBS with chronic diarrhea. 
    The doctor will be your save and grace!
  16. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I am 30% IBS rated and I can tell you that it sucks and I am sure you are suffering...I had numerous episodes during my AD time and my IBS is due to my laxative in take.  I destroyed my stomach b/c of my eating disorder.
    As far as your situation, I have heard of a lot of Vet's that have IBS due to NSAIDS and I won't lie, it's tough up hill battle to get it S/C b/c of the NSAIDS.  I know you are smart and knowledgeable and I am sure you have your "ducks in a row" so I would say to make sure your "i" and "t" are dotted/crossed and get a good IME from your doctor.  I would also see about a colonoscopy for a check up.  My gastro doctor (outside doctor) filled out a DBQ for me.  I don't believe the VA doctor's will fill one out but if you have a good relationship with your gastro doctor or the doctor that is indicating the NSAIDs are a "direct result" of the IBS, try and get a letter from them.  As you know, I have had much success with my VA doctor's helping me out.  Especially if you have a long time of medical evidence.
    I was fortunate enough to have AD records with numerous documents of IBS/Chronic Diarrhea issues as well continuos issues after I got out.  I thought I would have an uphill battle, especially since I got out in 97 and did not get S/C for anything until 2013.
    Good luck!
  17. Like
    Navy4life reacted to flores97 in Gerd, IBS, and Urinary Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS   
    I am getting ready to file an FDC claim for IBS-C, Gerd, and Incontinence secondary to NSAIDS and wanted to see if anyone has any opinions or suggestions, if i might have missed anything. So here goes. I have been on a high daily dose of NSAIDS to treat my sc systemic lupus for well over seven years. About two years ago, i began having moderate gastro problems, that has worsened to the point that these conditions are almost as bad as the lupus, which leaves me bedridden about a week a month. Every time i go to urgent care for the lupus, i complained of the constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, and at times, vomiting. After about a year of these symptoms worsening, i was diagnosed with gerd(i thought i was having a heart attack twice, was admitted for severe chest pain, began vomiting/diarhea both times shortly after), and of course, IBS with constipation predominant. Around the same time frame-2 years ago, i began leaking urine frequently when sneezing, coughing, bending, etc, now i leak continuously and must wear pads. I was told by several VA Docs that the NSAIDS were more than likely responsible for the ibs and gerd. Then i was told that constipation also causes urinary incontinence. I am getting an IMO for all three conditions, from my triple board certified gastroenterologist, as well as submitting all relevant treatment records for past three years, medications side effects lists on the meds i take, some medical articles discussing how NSAIDS can cause/aggravate ibs and gerd, and more articles on how constipation can cause incontinence. I am also submitting the IMO(I will upload copy as soon as its complete), and the doctors resume/certifications. I do wear pads due to incontinence, usually go through three a day unless im bedridden, then its more like five a day. If anyone has suggestions/opinions i would really appreciate the input. I wouldnt have filed fir these conditions, but its to the point i only leave the house for med appts. I have daily abdomial pain, nausea, have trouble swallowing(especially meats), and i vomit if i eat more than small portions of food. The cramping feels like food poisoning, this is with taking omeprazole, pantoprazole?, ondasetron, and ranitidine. Thanks again
  18. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Went to PFD today   
    So I filed my FDC claim on 1/12/16 - had C&P exams on 2/4/16 and today I am in Preparation for Decision.  I went from GOE to PFD in a matter of a week.  My timeline changed too.
    Status of Your Claim
    Submitted: 01/12/2016 (Compensation) Estimated Completion: 03/24/2016 - 04/30/2016  I am a bit worried but will be optimistic....
  19. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in 2nd Rejection - How to proceed?   
    C&P exams done by a VA facility are available in MyHealthyVets.  C&P exams done with Contractor's can be requested (see my image attached from my QTC documents).  The VARO is correct to a point, most QTC exams you can't get them until after the decision but it's worth a try to call per the attached document I provided and see.
    As far as an examiner stating to you %, I wouldn't get my hopes up on that.  Technically they shouldn't say that b/c they are not a rater.  However, if they are obviously stating this, then your C&P exam sounds favorable.
    Sounds like you are about done so I wish you the best!

  20. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Bobbo in C&P Exam Results - Need Help Deciphering   
    Thanks for the input everyone, it helped me put all their writing into a bit more of a perspective of where I stand. Today my claim status went to "Preparation for Decision" so hopefully I have an answer soon!
  21. Like
    Navy4life reacted to green in Went to PFD today   
    Don't worry, expect a positive outcome.  I have to say that I have absolutely no faith in the accuracy of eBenefits as my status changed like yours, it then went to prepare for notification for a month and then back to gathering evidence, where it as been since November.
  22. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Okay so I talked to a lady I know that helps veterans and she was able to read me what the C&P exam over the phone.  She is not able to send me a copy so I will do as Buck advised and go to the VA hospital and get copies of them from the VBA office.
    This is exam was for my L ankle synovitis 10% increase on my FDC claim.
    "Diagnoses from VA originally L ankle synovitis has changed - new and separate diagnoses.  Worsening symptoms of pain with rapid progression since right foot was injured.  Weight and pressure to L since using knee scooter and using L to propel.  Tendonitis & Tendinopathy of Peroneus Brevis." 
    She noted constant pain and swelling - ROM Left dorsiflexion is 0 to 15; Plantar flexation is 0 to 25
    Functional loss YES
    She noted Left instability of station; disturbance of locomotion; and pain/weakness
    If the examination is not being conducted immediately after
               use over time:
               [ ] The examination is medically consistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
               [ ] The examination is medically inconsistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
                   time.  Please explain.
               [X] The examination is neither medically consistent or inconsistent
                   with the Veteran's statements describing functional loss with
                   repetitive use over time.
    She indicated all the way back to 1991 while in the service and reviewed all previous records from service time to current to include, SMR's; DBQ's submitted in 2013 and all my VA medical records with my current podiatrist since 2014 to present.
    She noted - functional impact - regardless of veteran's current employment - effects standing, weight bearing, and walking she checked YES
    The doctor noted unable to do ROM due to Non-weight bearing of the right foot and she noted the scars and measurements as well.  
    She noted that I had multiple injuries to Left ankle
    All C&P exams according to the Ebennies calendar has been acknowledged as received as of today so they are in the VA hands now...
    This all I got from a phone call thoughts????
  23. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in Flat Foot (Pea Planus)   
    Take a look at this link:
    http://www.militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/thefoot.html#top - specifically code 5276
  24. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    There is a question on the C&P that states:
    If the examination is not being conducted immediately after
               use over time:
               [X ] The examination is medically consistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
               [ ] The examination is medically inconsistent with the Veteran's
                   statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
                   time.  Please explain.
               [ ] The examination is neither medically consistent or inconsistent
                   with the Veteran's statements describing functional loss with
                   repetitive use over time.
    She apparently checked the above for me....I think that is good!!!
  25. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Buck52 in Left Ankle Snyovitis C&P Exam   
    Yes it is...most of the questions need the word yes  checked
    I'll try to post my ptsd c&p on here....most were checked yes but some was no ,no to all tbi questions, they said I met the 70% criteria for the closes rating.
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