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    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got the call at 11 am and we went through the entire situation.  Apparently the two that I reported tried to say that they were engaged in a conversation regarding Bill Crosby BUT that was a lie!  When I told my side of the story explaining the conversation to her and that they were discussing someone's case and I told her the lady's response about "well the VA just believes them" she stopped me right there and told me that they tried to lie!  I am so glad she believed me.  She indicated that she was processing this higher up and that they would be reprimanded.  She also told me that she was very grateful for reporting it and she only wished that other Vet's would report situations.  I told her I was not going to let this go.  That I would always speak up and not fear retaliation.  She told me that NO Veteran would be treated like that.  She also told me that while it was not a HIPPA violation b/c no actual names were disclosed, it was an uncalled for situation and it would not be tolerated.
    She also said the VA has been involved and she told me that she thanked me for mentioning that the doctor's were commended by me as being good and respectful.  
    Since I had her on the phone I asked her the process about the C&P exams and she told me that both my C&P's were completed and were with the compliance officer for final review BEFORE going to the VA.  She told as I already knew that I have to request a copy from the VA.  She indicated that the reports would be with the VA next week.
    So my message to ALL VETERAN's who feel they have been treated unfairly by the contractor's that are hired by the VA, to please voice your concerns!
  2. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just an FYI ---I received a call from the head director of QTC regarding my incident. I was unable to talk with her since I'm at the doctors with my mom. So she is calling me back at 11am. I am hoping that my voice is heard. I also hope others go the same route and speak up!!!
    will keep you all updated!!!
  3. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from OSC in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Got this in my email this morning!
      Clancy, Carolyn <Carolyn.Clancy@va.gov>  

    I am appalled by your experience , but most appreciative that you let us know.

    Please know that we are investigating this urgently.

    Thank you for your service.


    Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
    Deputy Under Secretary for Health,
    Organizational Excellence
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    810 Vermont Ave, NW
    Washington, DC 20420
  4. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    thst is completely irreverent and not for ANYONE TO DECIDE BUT THE DOCTOR. what you should be upset with is the fact that I a veteran like you and many others had to endure this. No veteran and their case should be discussed at all! Period!
  5. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Thank you all for your responses!
    I emailed my complaint to my MH doctor this morning.  I emailed my Congressman's office last night.  I filed a complaint with QTC.  I plan to do as you indicated Guaymas and email the above people as well.  I am a strong woman and yesterday tore me up and I mean really bad.  I was at a very low point but with all your guys/gal support and my therapist talking to me and my boyfriend who might I say is a prior Marine, talking to me helped a lot.  He wanted to choke the SOB out!
    Buck, I agree maybe you should do the same and file a complaint.  It sounds like they just don't give a shit there.  At least the front office doesn't.  The doctor's on the other hand were WONDERFUL!
    I don't drink but last night I had one to take the edge off.  I also have my wonderful ESA doggie to comfort me!  
    You all rock!
  6. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Who and what is an MFIC?  I will secure message the chief doctor of MH this morning to let her know.
  7. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I couldn't agree more with you.  Your wife is correct!  I filed a HIPPA violation this morning with the QTC headquarters.  They took an incident report from me and it is going up the chain of command.  I will not allow this to consume me nor take me back to "bad space".  I've worked really hard in therapy and I am so afraid of falling back to my old ways.  I have a call into my therapist and I am sure she will call me.  I want this guy and gal to understand it is NOT okay to discuss ANYONE's claim amongst each other.
  8. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Yep Derek is his name and Emma was the other one he was engaging the conversation with.  She knew I was taking names and she comes out to the waiting room to give me water. B**** please, what you need to do is go back in the office and leave me the F alone.....
    The elderly lady in the waiting room even motioned to her and the guy that they were out of line!
    I am not threatened at all by my C&P exam and I would just dare them to do something to my C&P exam.  That won't happen! Both doctor's spoke to me with favorable discussions and I am confident the C&P exams will be favorable.  
    What that office needs to worry about is their staff running their mouths about highly sensitive medical information.  I am a strong woman and I will over come this but tonight I have been through hell.  I have cried all I can.  I have thought bad things but won't act on them...I will wake up tomorrow with a vengeance and make sure this guy pays for his stupidity because I can tell you that I wasn't the first person to probably over hear him or maybe I was, but it will be the last time he defiles someone's claim, especially a rape!
    Again, thanks! 
  9. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I was the the QTC office over in Euless today.  It was a VA contracted facility.  The discussion I heard was not about me specifically but about another claimant I assume.  The guy was discussing an upcoming C&P exam I am sure pertaining to PTSD/MST.  That is what enraged me and sent me into an emotional down spiral.  Tonight is the first night in a very long time that I have drank and I drank a lot!  I am very upset, trying to get ahold of my therapist b/c I am losing my shit.  This guy can't imagine what he has done to me mentally.  I am surprised I did NOT go to jail.  I almost decked his long hair/stringy ass!  I hope I get something done about this so NO MAN OR WOMAN has to her someone talk like that about a potential C&P examination of RAPE.  
    I appreciate your kind words too....
    BTW I am on the Platinum team 3rd floor!
  10. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I think I am going to email the military and veteran affairs liaison gentleman with my concerns.  He really screwed me up mentally.  I am trying to get ahold of my therapist as we speak.  I am so upset. 
  11. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from CoastieAirman96 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    So I went to the QTC office for my TWO C&P exams today.  First one was at 1300 and it was my MH C&P exam for PTSD/MST and my eating disorder.  Was with the doctor for about 1-1/2 hours and we went through everything thorough.  Apparently the reason I had this C&P was the fact that the VA originally rated me for Anorexia Nervosa back in 2014 separately from my MH PTSD/MST/Anxiety.  Looks like I should be under Bulimia rating because of my binging/purging with laxatives and the abuse of the laxatives.  The discussion was good, she did not have me 'totally' relive the disgusting event but we did touch on certain aspects.  I was personally assaulted resulting with a pregnancy where I lost the child in my late first trimester/early second trimester.  I felt pretty good about the exam and thanked her.
    So I had a few hours to kill before my next C&P at 1615 so I went and got something to eat and chilled.  Got back to the office around 1530.  Now mind you I was already a bit anxious from my discussion a few hours prior.  This exam coming up was for an increase to my L ankle.  I am currently on a knee bike and I have an ankle brace on my left foot. So there I am sitting in the waiting room minding my own business.  Look at FB to kill time and I over hear a conversation taking place behind the glass in the office area.  Now keep in mind, I suffer from MST!  here is the conversation:
    Employee #1 - So this lady was raped 12 years ago.  It's apparent you can't do a rape kit.  How does she prove this?
    Employee #2 - Well the VA takes there word I guess.  
    Employee #1 - Well that doesn't sound right, how do they know if she is telling the truth or not
    SO I F***** LOST IT!  I MEAN I FREAKED THE F'OUT!  Went up to the glass and said "who the hell do you think you are to even be talking about a patient and their personal file like that?"  And "who are you to determine whether the person is lying or not?" "It's not up to you but rather a doctor!!!!!"  I asked for his name and he told me it and I asked for a supervisor...Well guess who the supervisor was!  That guy!  WTF!  I got the other ladies name and by now he had brought into the back b/c of how upset I was and just kept saying "I'm sorry" "I'm Sorry"  Are you serious?  By now the doctor who had examined me for my MH C&P came out and brought me to her office to console me.  I was sobbing, I am mean literally sobbing like a baby.  She said that was uncalled for and I told her "you are damn right it is".  I am going to report this to the VA, the QTC corporation, anyone I can get ahold of!
    Needless to say I had to get myself together so that I could do my next C&P exam for my left ankle.  That doctor, too, heard the whole situation and was so appalled at his actions.  I told her thank you.  We were able to get through my L ankle C&P.  She said b/c of my right foot in a "non-weight bearing status" she couldn't do the "normal" testing of both feet/ankles.  She said I am noting it and she also said that the knee bike I am using now for my right foot, is probably causing even worse issues to my left foot ankle b/c now I have all the weight on my left foot/ankle.  She told me that I should get a wheel chair and to discuss with my podiatrist.  My calf muscle is significantly smaller now on my right foot but that is to be expected.  Over all the this exam went well and I believe favorable too.
    So with all that going on today I am just completely devastated and reverting back to my old self....
    Thank you for letting me vent!
  12. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from Andyman73 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    ^^^^Look at my responses
    I want to help all veteran's if I can and I would love to provide the numbers given to me but that would be doing the exact same thing I am accusing the two employee's of doing....
  13. Like
    Navy4life reacted to TALON II FE in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    People like this are extremely ignorant for employees dealing with this crap on a regular basis.  They REALLY need to be careful!  I know me and, if I had been there, it would have escalated!  I will take a lot of shit directed at myself, but if I witness an injustice, the fight behavior comes out.  I would really hurt someone like that...and it would never happen again.  There is nothing that takes someone off their high horses quicker then a beat down.  I guess that's why I am essentially homebound, lol.
  14. Like
    Navy4life reacted to canda65 in ebenefit status confused   
    thank you for your answers. They were done by VES and the VA received them very quickly. The examiner said she was submitting them as I sat there. I was surprised the process could happen that quickly, I had 2 C&Ps scheduled and completed by VES with n 3 weeks of filing. I was very surprised they happened so quickly. I have seen post on here that shows people waiting a long time for them to be scheduled.  Thank you again
  15. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from TALON II FE in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Thank you for your reply and support....
    The QTC director's phone number is on my cell phone but I won't provide it on a social forum.  I believe that would be an in just to the director b/c she would be open to any and all calls from Veteran's.  I believe if someone thinks they have a legitimate claimant to go the route I went and report the incident to the QTC "800" number.  If someone really wants to talk to her, I would suggest you PM and let's talk and go from there....
  16. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from TALON II FE in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Thank you all for your responses!
    I emailed my complaint to my MH doctor this morning.  I emailed my Congressman's office last night.  I filed a complaint with QTC.  I plan to do as you indicated Guaymas and email the above people as well.  I am a strong woman and yesterday tore me up and I mean really bad.  I was at a very low point but with all your guys/gal support and my therapist talking to me and my boyfriend who might I say is a prior Marine, talking to me helped a lot.  He wanted to choke the SOB out!
    Buck, I agree maybe you should do the same and file a complaint.  It sounds like they just don't give a shit there.  At least the front office doesn't.  The doctor's on the other hand were WONDERFUL!
    I don't drink but last night I had one to take the edge off.  I also have my wonderful ESA doggie to comfort me!  
    You all rock!
  17. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from TALON II FE in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Yep Derek is his name and Emma was the other one he was engaging the conversation with.  She knew I was taking names and she comes out to the waiting room to give me water. B**** please, what you need to do is go back in the office and leave me the F alone.....
    The elderly lady in the waiting room even motioned to her and the guy that they were out of line!
    I am not threatened at all by my C&P exam and I would just dare them to do something to my C&P exam.  That won't happen! Both doctor's spoke to me with favorable discussions and I am confident the C&P exams will be favorable.  
    What that office needs to worry about is their staff running their mouths about highly sensitive medical information.  I am a strong woman and I will over come this but tonight I have been through hell.  I have cried all I can.  I have thought bad things but won't act on them...I will wake up tomorrow with a vengeance and make sure this guy pays for his stupidity because I can tell you that I wasn't the first person to probably over hear him or maybe I was, but it will be the last time he defiles someone's claim, especially a rape!
    Again, thanks! 
  18. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from TALON II FE in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    I think I am going to email the military and veteran affairs liaison gentleman with my concerns.  He really screwed me up mentally.  I am trying to get ahold of my therapist as we speak.  I am so upset. 
  19. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    So I went to the QTC office for my TWO C&P exams today.  First one was at 1300 and it was my MH C&P exam for PTSD/MST and my eating disorder.  Was with the doctor for about 1-1/2 hours and we went through everything thorough.  Apparently the reason I had this C&P was the fact that the VA originally rated me for Anorexia Nervosa back in 2014 separately from my MH PTSD/MST/Anxiety.  Looks like I should be under Bulimia rating because of my binging/purging with laxatives and the abuse of the laxatives.  The discussion was good, she did not have me 'totally' relive the disgusting event but we did touch on certain aspects.  I was personally assaulted resulting with a pregnancy where I lost the child in my late first trimester/early second trimester.  I felt pretty good about the exam and thanked her.
    So I had a few hours to kill before my next C&P at 1615 so I went and got something to eat and chilled.  Got back to the office around 1530.  Now mind you I was already a bit anxious from my discussion a few hours prior.  This exam coming up was for an increase to my L ankle.  I am currently on a knee bike and I have an ankle brace on my left foot. So there I am sitting in the waiting room minding my own business.  Look at FB to kill time and I over hear a conversation taking place behind the glass in the office area.  Now keep in mind, I suffer from MST!  here is the conversation:
    Employee #1 - So this lady was raped 12 years ago.  It's apparent you can't do a rape kit.  How does she prove this?
    Employee #2 - Well the VA takes there word I guess.  
    Employee #1 - Well that doesn't sound right, how do they know if she is telling the truth or not
    SO I F***** LOST IT!  I MEAN I FREAKED THE F'OUT!  Went up to the glass and said "who the hell do you think you are to even be talking about a patient and their personal file like that?"  And "who are you to determine whether the person is lying or not?" "It's not up to you but rather a doctor!!!!!"  I asked for his name and he told me it and I asked for a supervisor...Well guess who the supervisor was!  That guy!  WTF!  I got the other ladies name and by now he had brought into the back b/c of how upset I was and just kept saying "I'm sorry" "I'm Sorry"  Are you serious?  By now the doctor who had examined me for my MH C&P came out and brought me to her office to console me.  I was sobbing, I am mean literally sobbing like a baby.  She said that was uncalled for and I told her "you are damn right it is".  I am going to report this to the VA, the QTC corporation, anyone I can get ahold of!
    Needless to say I had to get myself together so that I could do my next C&P exam for my left ankle.  That doctor, too, heard the whole situation and was so appalled at his actions.  I told her thank you.  We were able to get through my L ankle C&P.  She said b/c of my right foot in a "non-weight bearing status" she couldn't do the "normal" testing of both feet/ankles.  She said I am noting it and she also said that the knee bike I am using now for my right foot, is probably causing even worse issues to my left foot ankle b/c now I have all the weight on my left foot/ankle.  She told me that I should get a wheel chair and to discuss with my podiatrist.  My calf muscle is significantly smaller now on my right foot but that is to be expected.  Over all the this exam went well and I believe favorable too.
    So with all that going on today I am just completely devastated and reverting back to my old self....
    Thank you for letting me vent!
  20. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from flores97 in BVA denies EVERYTHING   
    I am very sorry to hear this....I know it was not what you expected nor what you wanted.  It frustrates me to see Veteran's fighting for what should be a "no fight" issue.  I know there are so many experts on here and I can't even begin to give you solid advice.  I am going to follow your case and I am going to hope you get your just deserve!
  21. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just another update!  I received another call from QTC and this time from the Chief Executive Officer (BTW he is a Veteran as well) Grant, and he was appalled at the situation.  My incident was escalated to his office after I spoke to Shawn yesterday.  I told him I appreciated his call and the fact that they were really taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen to another Veteran.  He told me that their actions were uncalled for and that they will be held accountable.
    This just confirmed to me that they are really taking care of the entire situation!
  22. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from pumibel in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Don't get me wrong, I am ALL about providing information to other Veteran's.  I have been provided a lot of valuable information to include emails, phone numbers, names, etc on here.  I agree that the ones that have "gladly" provided their information is very helpful.  However, the QTC director's number is not something I am going to put out there.  She didn't freely say "give my number out to other Veteran's" like the Under Secretary did, like the head VA rep, Carolyn did.  They have freely stated to provide their information publicly.  The lady I spoke to, did not say, "please feel free to give my number out", and to me that is something I am not just going to publicly post, but what I am going to do is call her tomorrow and see if she would not mind me sharing her number.  I am not sure if the number she called from is an office number or her cell phone and I certainly don't want to violate her privacy.  I am sure you can understand that right????
    I will take the step to ADVOCATE for other Veteran's and see if I can pass her phone number on to other Veteran's.  I certainly want to try and help other Veteran's.  
    Another route, is to do what I did, file the incident report with QTC b/c I got a call within days of my incident report from this lady.
    I appreciate your responses and I certainly appreciate your view on this.  We are on the same page.....
  23. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from ArNG11 in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just another update!  I received another call from QTC and this time from the Chief Executive Officer (BTW he is a Veteran as well) Grant, and he was appalled at the situation.  My incident was escalated to his office after I spoke to Shawn yesterday.  I told him I appreciated his call and the fact that they were really taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen to another Veteran.  He told me that their actions were uncalled for and that they will be held accountable.
    This just confirmed to me that they are really taking care of the entire situation!
  24. Like
    Navy4life reacted to Vync in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Receiving that kind of call is a good thing. Do you think they will really change or is this just damage control. When big $ contracts are involved, a common practice is to get out in front of it before the problem is made aware to the VA or the media. Does the VA have any knowledge of what happened?
  25. Like
    Navy4life got a reaction from rwskitch in C&P Exams went well but what happened while I was there infuriated me!   
    Just another update!  I received another call from QTC and this time from the Chief Executive Officer (BTW he is a Veteran as well) Grant, and he was appalled at the situation.  My incident was escalated to his office after I spoke to Shawn yesterday.  I told him I appreciated his call and the fact that they were really taking the necessary steps to ensure this doesn't happen to another Veteran.  He told me that their actions were uncalled for and that they will be held accountable.
    This just confirmed to me that they are really taking care of the entire situation!
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