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First Class Petty Officer
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About bufloguy

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  • Location
    Buffalo, NY

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  • Service Connected Disability
  • Branch of Service
    Air Force

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  1. I think I messed up! I sent the wrong Form 9 to the RO . . .I had 2 Form 9's, 1 was incomplete, and I sent the incomplete one. Can I send another Form 9 with the rest of my issues. I have a hearing at the RO in March. Thanks for the help!
  2. Checked my account and $716 was there!!!!
  3. If you a listed as "static" then you automatically recieve the allowance yearly. If you are not "static" you have to apply yearly. If you don't get the allowance, check the prostetics dept at your VAMC.
  4. Got a nice surprise in the mail today. . . Approved 50% for Depression/Anxiety secondary to TBI. Award is scheduler and not P & T. . . VA said in letter that the TBI and Depression are cureable.
  5. gbachman, Thank you for your service, and welcome to Hadit! Larryj & berta have given you great advise. Get enrolled in the VA Healthcare system, and let your newly assigned primary care doc, that you think you have PTSD, you'll be diagnosed and treated for your condition. I receive treatment from the VA for PTSD, and they are great! BTW what is your 10% for? AS far filing for a PTSD claim, I think that you should file right away! If you have PTSD from your military service, you are entitled to compensation. . . you've earned it. Here is a link that explains the new PTSD regs http://www.va.gov/PTSD_QA.pdf
  6. The bebefit would be the same weither you file for Combat Or Non Combat Ptsd. I would reccomend going with the easiest to prove. IMHO
  7. Still getting error messages . . . Went to the Buffalo RO to signup, but they aren't participating. Guess I'll just have to keep trying.
  8. Looks great, and seems to load faster!
  9. Allen, Welcome to hadit! Not sure what you are looking for, IMO stands for independent medical opinion i've added a link below that explains IMO's. If this isn't what you are looking for, reply to this post with an explination of what you need. Hope this helps a vet! http://www.hadit.com/forums/lofiversion/in...php/t16846.html
  10. I understand what you mean. I think its most likely in a pile of other claims waiting to be rated?
  11. Hang in there. . . it takes a while to get used to. But once you get used to it, you won't be able to sleep without it.
  12. What kind of mask did they issue you? If it's a full face mask ensure that you use the humidifier, this helps to prevent the dry mouth. If you are using a mask that covers just your nose, then you are breathing thru your mouth and should be using a full mask. If you use the humidifier with the A/C on you may need a cpap hose cover wich will help with condensation. You can find one online, just google cpap hose cover. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to ask. . . I've been using a CPAP for 12 years now.
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