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About StarVista888

StarVista888's Achievements

  1. I was rated 100% PTSD in Dec. 2006-after 5 years! Now, I'm scheduled for another C&P exam in 2009 to make sure my condition hasn't changed. I have had to apply for SSDI and am unable to work. I have been in ongoing therapy and take regular psych meds. I've had the condition for over 30 years-why didn't they just rate me "P&T. I have a friend who is a bit older (62) who was rated P&T off the bat when she applied for and received 100% for PTSD and she is P&T. 1. Do you have to apply for P&T? 2. Does my current age (52) have anything to do with it? 2. What should I expect from a follow up PTSD Exam? Nadia
  2. I haven't been able to keep a job in over 20 years. My GAF is about 48. It would probably be worse if I actually told the psychiatrist everything but I don't. I called the 800 # and was told I have no future scheduled disability exams. 1. Does that mean if my GAF changes, my SC Disability won't be threatened? 2. I want to try to work two days a week, because I need additional income. Will that hurt my disability rating? 3. Does my 100% SC disability rating translate into my ability to get some kind of social security assistance? I'm unable to live economically based on the amount of SC I receive because I have $1000 per month in student loan fees. 4. Does anyone know if my disability status with the V.A. can help get my government loans forgiven since I'm disabled? StarVista888
  3. Dear Friend- Anemia isn't part of DM 2 unless it is anemia secondary to kidney disease which is common in DM. So, it depends on the type of anemia you have. Good Luck!
  4. Hello- RE your clinic visit. I hd the exact same situation but worse. No, the letter to the Resident means close to nothing. You should get the Patient Advocate to give you contact info for the person who can legally remove false info from your record. It happens all the time in the VA. I know that as a patient and as someont who has worked for the VA. Always, Always, get every shred of info re your medical visits. You would be shocked at the amount of false info in your record and providers adding info that never occurred. Good Luck! StarVista888
  5. Hello Gus & Gals - let me give a little insight. From the TOP of the FOOD CHAIN - it was decided that only 4 viagra per month would ever be prescribed from the VA per month. Now Each VA has a head Pharmacist above all the Pharmacists- and they make decisions about saving money... if you get my drift. That may have decreased to 2. I personally feel that (MY OPINION ONLY) no man that has commited a sexual offense should be allowed to receive Viagra under any circumstances. Now - that would save a LOT of money right there. Offenders are Offenders for Life. There is no reason to help them with Viagra. That is insanity. ED is a problem for men on DM meds, heart meds etc. It can kill you by taking ED meds when you have hypertension. A lot of men take them anyway because they want sex so badly. Diabetes or hypertension in control is under a persons control which would improve ED two some degree.
  6. Your friend can file for tramautic arthritis secondary to gunshot of knwee which will continue to degenerate over time.
  7. I was told by my SO that some 100% xan work. Others cannot. In my case, I big part of my PTSD is inability to hold a jopb. Now - ther are exceptionms to what they call "gainful employment". Apparently gainful family business doesn't count for working... If you work a serious of short but basically jobs below your potential in a year - you are still not considered as having "gainful employment". As the SO dsaid - it depends on the reason you are 100% SC. Rose
  8. He may have to go to a Dermatologgist or Infectious Disious Specialist. Chemicals may be an issue as well - exposure. I v0te go then you will (eventually ) no! Starvista888 He needs to keep records of when it started, what makes it bettter a bit, what makes it worse, pain involved? what meds has he tried? etc. The doc will need to know all that to make a good diagosis. I forgot to add - parasites etc..
  9. I forgot to add - your blood pressure is always highest in the a.m. Hypertension to be diagnosed requires several readings confirming elevated blood pressure due to "white coat hypertension and drinking of caffiene etc." Starvista888
  10. Hello- They will ask you about "lifesytrle factors" that could be making your blood pressure high. Do you drink beverages with caffiene? Hoe much? How much exercise do you get? Do you drink Alcohol? Hoe much? Do you exercis? It weould help to know if blood cholesterol is in niormal range. Do you have kidney problems? Do you have chest pain or shortness of breath? Do you get headaches? Are they worse in the morning? He might look in the back of your eye with an opthalmascope to see if signs of samage to the back of the eye are present from high blood pressure/ Do you get pain in your thigh that causes you to stop walking and does it improve if you rest for a bit. Is there a family history of cardiovascular disease or early death in your famly from heart attack or stroke. High blood presssure effects your eyes, kidney function (he should do urinalysis to check for protein which indicates damage) and leads to enlargement of the (usually) left ventricle of the heart. StarVista888
  11. Response I used to work in Occupational Medicine and am very familiar with the Health Hazards of your work. The NHL - not surprised.I agree about the benzene exposure. Damage to liver, kidneys etc. Yes, do file. Include even the surgery that you are scheduled for. Unusual cancers derive from chemical exposures. They are rarely, rarely found otherwise in nature. File! Let Go. Then Breathe....It's great all records are in one place that helps them from losing them. I would try to get a personal copy though- for your protection. StarVista
  12. Asbestosi can take many years to show itself. There are many causes of obstructive lung disease. Asthma and smoking for example which both aggravate any particles of asbestos hiding in your lungs.
  13. When they do an x-ray they can tell from where the thickening ocurs as to what disease they are dealing with. Example: Asbestos settles in lower lun usually. Starvista (I'm a medical person by training
  14. RE how I became homeless.... Truth is stranger than fiction. I graduated from Physician Assistant School near top of my class in may 2004. After that it takes time to pass National Certification Boards which I did (also while homeless). It demonstrates your competency. I passed very easily there as well. It was hard to find work in AZ bc no experience and I didn't speak Spanish. I was out of all options when I received a paid relocation to Georgia for a Pain Mgt Practice. That job lasted 3 months. I had to resign for reasons I won't go into. I was unemployed a few months. I was hired for a job but the dr had issues with me which caused my PTSD to flare and he let me go after one month then unemployed several more months and hired by VA in Dublin GA thanks to hiring preference for service connected disavbilities. It was known at time of hire that I have PTSD 2nd to sexual assault and I was in active treatment for that. When I was hire my job was to perform physicals in part. Since it was an outpatient MH Clinic I had no reason to believe the physicals would involve performing Genital Rectal Exams on men. Now I know you guys don't especially like getting them never mind from a female provider but thats another story. The Psychologist was my supervisors boss. I informed my supervisor I was having pTSD worsening of symptoms from performing the mentioned exams. I requested Special Accommodation. Meanwhile the Psychologist removed me from my clinical duties saying I wasn't performing the exams (according to the paperwork) byt verbally to the union rep admitted that I was in fact performing the exams. During the time I was removed from my duties and stuffing envelops instead - one of my former patients stalked me. I can't say more about the patient for his privacy. I reported it to the vets counselor. Now - the Psychologist was looking fo dirt and so he told the EEO Officer that I was stalking the patient and he didn't investigate it due to that. Now the psychologist is passing on malicious info to potential employers and I cannot even get an interview once they get wind of this Psychologist and discharge. I need a lawyer willing to fight for me on a contingency basis or I will never work as a Physician Assistant again. I went back to school to forfill my life dream of doing this at the age of 40 and all I have to show for it is huge debt and wid espread prejudice agaisnst persons with PTSD. StarVista888
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