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Posts posted by brokensoldier244th

  1. IT would have been easier had you had treatment already logged-in or out of service. Filing for the disability prior to having treatment notes will get you an uphill battle . You'll probably have to request your exam notes from the private practice, since they did the exam, though eventually they will end up at VA. There is a template you can download from VA that covers exactly what they are looking for on the exam for the C&P, also. Your first job should be to get into the VA medical system, or private practice, and establish a diagnosis, then, try again by appealing your current decision with 'new and material evidence'.

  2. Says the politician that has just as much interest in their being 'wrong' so he can maintain election status? What is the point of VA lying about it? Its not 'their money' that they are spending for claims, etc, so if anything the blame would be more on various district politicians that like to consider us as a form of welfare-and there are some that do just that.

  3. First of all, congratulations. Second, the rating letter has always told me what my new percentage is, and the effective date, so the back pay is usually the time duration in between multiplied by the difference in the O rate vs. the N rate. Going forward from its effective date is when the new rate should take effect. Any back pay I have ever gotten was usually DD'd within 2-3 weeks, but ive never had more than about 1500 in back pay. If you are due for a larger amount 1. dont spend it all in one place :-) and 2. it may take longer.

    Good luck!


  4. The COLA change for 1JAN for payment was not figured correctly, so VA adjusted payments accordingly.

    The U.S. House of Representatives voted and passed Senate bill S. 893, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013. It was subsequently signed by the President and became Public Law No: 113-52.

    Section 12 of [House] H.R. 357 is similar to S.893 but includes a provision calling for rounding down the COLA to the next lower dollar; that `round down’ provision is not included in S.893 (which is the version subsequently passed and also approved by the President).


  5. What are you claiming as 'mass amnesty' when the current admins deportation rates make prior administrations look as if they had been standing still. Your assumption that the Secretary of the VA can wave a pen and change the entire organization is wishful thinking, but flawed. We aren't in the military any more and despite their best intentions, VA is a civilian organization. Just because it 'should' and we wish it 'could" doesnt mean that it works that way.


  6. Considering that this administration has deported more nonresidents per year than priors did, I don't really know what to tell you.

    As for the rest, well, I see it all the time in NE, where people (including our state and DC reps) continually attempt to either cut health care access, disability benefits, right along with everything else 'welfare' related. I work with local veterans and help them with claim filings and I can say that at the local level I see many that feel entitled to benefits they really have no reason to receive, much less apply for-yet its not my job to look at those determinations. I just help file the paperwork. How much of a stretch it is is not on me. With fewer of these types of claims, however, and better assessment at the exit physical, some of this could be caught at the service level and dealt with appropriately by the DOD.

  7. On the other hand, how is your relationship with your PCP and RO? I am under the Nebraska RO and I have never, in 10 years and 8 c&P appointments, had a claim denied on the basis of missing an exam that I rescheduled. For other reasons, sure, but not due to not having the exam. Maybe im lucky, but I am in regular communication with the RO or DAV, and every so often I send them a 'nudge' just to see what's up. If you don't manage your own claim to an extent proactively, then you face the risk of getting shuffled in to a corner somewhere.

    There are like 900,000 claims in the system. Are they all valid? Who knows, but they are to the veteran filing, and so they deserve to be heard. The VA is my primary health care for both MH and my nerve/lower back/disc issues. Ive not had any problems with them since 2002. Rescheduled on their end sometimes? Yes. Happened to me today, actually, with an MH appt with my Psychiatrist. I use the secure mail via MyHealthVet and email her a status update on my part and ask for a reschedule when she can. Same with my audiology appt. some of the practitioners are PA's, some of them contract, some of them travel a few hours every other week to be here. I get that. Is it frustrating sometimes? Yes, but I don't wear my stripes on my sleeve and expect a guilded hanky, either, and I accept that sometimes these things happen.

    Am I probably an outlier? Yes. Is the NE RO smaller than some of the others? Undoubtedly. Does that mean that every VA RO/Med center is awesome or totally sucks? No.

  8. I think there may be some confusion. Your c file it's not your medical file. It is your claim file. VA records and non va don't need to mingle in the same file-they are different things. You can put whatever you want into your c file.if your vs doctor needs to talk to your other doctor he can-the va asks every time I'm in there I'd I have other insurance and the name of my primary care doc if I have one. I give them the information so they can coordinate that information with each other.

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