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Posts posted by brokensoldier244th

  1. I feel very fortunate to have the GF that I have. I am 64 and she is 28.

    She understands my ED situation and has no problem with it because there are other things that we can do, that she loves. We are on our 2nd year of being together and we are having a great time.

    All you need to do is become creative and then the ED issue goes away....That extra SMC-K $100 helps.


    Creativity, comfort, and patience is the key. Ive been married for 18 yrs, and have gradually lost erectile function over the last 10 since I was discharged. We 'used' to be able to walk a bed across a floor. Now, not so much, but understanding, knowing each other pretty well, and patience helps weather it. Sometimes it is like making out in HS- most of the time you didnt get to finish that, either, but it was fun while you were there.

  2. C&P mental notes

    Beck score 41, Notes from C&P below

    Source: VA
    Last Updated: 25 May 2015 @ 2301
    Sorted By: Date/Time (Descending)
    VA Notes from January 1, 2013 forward are available 3 calendar days after
    they have been completed and signed by all required members of your VA
    health care team. If you have any questions about your information please
    visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.
    Date/Time: 20 May 2015 @ 1054
    Date/Time Signed: 20 May 2015 @ 1054
    DATE OF NOTE: MAY 20, 2015@10:54:12 ENTRY DATE: MAY 20, 2015@10:54:12
    Beck Depression Inventory--Second Edition
    Date Given: 05/20/2015
    Location: L/C&p Local Ro Psy-Review-X
    Veteran: S
    DOB: Nov (38)
    Gender: Male
    BDI2 Score: 41 indicates severe depression. The overall range is 0 to 63
    with severe depression above 29.
    Questions and answers
    1. I am sad all the time (2 points)
    2. I do not expect things to work out for me (2 points)
    3. I feel I am a total failure as a person (3 points)
    4. I get very little pleasure from the things I used to enjoy (2 points)
    5. I feel quite guilty most of the time (2 points)
    6. I don't feel I am being punished (0 point)
    7. I am disappointed in myself (2 points)
    8. I blame myself for everything bad that happens (3 points)
    9. I don't have any thoughts of killing myself (0 point)
    10. I cry more than I used to (1 point)
    11. I am no more restless or wound up than usual (0 point)
    12. It's hard to get interested in anything (3 points)
    13. I have much greater difficulty in making decisions than I used to (2
    14. I feel more worthless as compared to other people (2 points)
    15. I don't have enough energy to do very much (2 points)
    16. I sleep a lot more than usual (2 points)
    17. I am irritable all the time (3 points)
    18. My appetite is much greater than usual (2 points)
    19. I find I can't concentrate on anything (3 points)
    20. I am too tired or fatigued to do most of the things I used to do (3 points)
    21. I am much less interested in sex now (2 points)
    Second Edition (BDI-II). Copyright © 1996 Aaron T. Beck. Reproduced,
    adapted and translated with permission of Publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All
    rights reserved.
    Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment
    and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment results
    should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic
    activities and procedures.
    Date/Time: 20 May 2015 @ 1000
    Date/Time Signed: 21 May 2015 @ 1837
    DATE OF NOTE: MAY 20, 2015@10:00 ENTRY DATE: MAY 21, 2015@18:37:07
    Mental Disorders
    (other than PTSD and Eating Disorders)
    Disability Benefits Questionnaire
    Name of patient/Veteran:
    1. Diagnosis
    a. Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a mental
    [X] Yes[ ] No
    ICD code: 296.23
    If the Veteran currently has one or more mental disorders that conform to
    DSM-5 criteria, provide all diagnoses:
    Mental Disorder Diagnosis #1: Major Depressive Disorder, Severe without
    ICD code: 296.23
    b. Medical diagnoses relevant to the understanding or management of the
    Mental Health Disorder (to include TBI): None
    2. Differentiation of symptoms
    a. Does the Veteran have more than one mental disorder diagnosed?
    [ ] Yes[X] No
    c. Does the Veteran have a diagnosed traumatic brain injury (TBI)?
    [ ] Yes[ ] No[X] Not shown in records reviewed
    3. Occupational and social impairment
    a. Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of
    and social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? (Check only
    [X] Total occupational and social impairment
    b. For the indicated level of occupational and social impairment, is it
    possible to differentiate what portion of the occupational and social
    impairment indicated above is caused by each mental disorder?
    [ ] Yes[ ] No[X] No other mental disorder has been diagnosed
    c. If a diagnosis of TBI exists, is it possible to differentiate what
    of the occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by
    [ ] Yes[ ] No[X] No diagnosis of TBI
    Clinical Findings:
    1. Evidence review
    a. Medical record review:
    Was the Veteran's VA e-folder (VBMS or Virtual VA) reviewed?
    [X] Yes[ ] No
    Was the Veteran's VA claims file (hard copy paper C-file) reviewed?
    [X] Yes[ ] No
    If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in
    the Veteran's VA claims file:
    The VBMS fiel whihc is the electronic claims file is reviewed.
    b. Was pertinent information from collateral sources reviewed?
    [X] Yes[ ] No
    If yes, describe:
    Statement from Veteran's Wife - Buddy Statement.
    2. History
    a. Relevant Social/Marital/Family history (pre-military, military, and
    The veteran is married to Kolette to whom he has been married for 16
    years. They have four children: Trevelian (15); Briallen (12);
    Rowen (11); and Haevyn (6). The veteran has special time with Haevyn
    the evening. His oldest child is now going to movies wiht her friends.
    His wife is a theatre manager and "we dont see each other a whole
    lot.... I am on FMLA leave until they terminate me."
    The veteran stated that he has been at home for the past 3 months on
    FMLA. he has had a hard time getting motivated to do dishes, cleaning
    in house, etc. The veteran stated that his wife and he have a white
    board, for his to do list and to schedule his time.
    The veteran will wear his clothes many days in a row. He may cook
    simple meals such as boiling noods or cooking pizza rolls, or frozen
    pizzas. His shopping lists are random and non directed.
    The veteran stated that he has one friend who has "bipolary type
    issues", but other than that he does not have any one with whom he
    associates with.
    b. Relevant Occupational and Educational history (pre-military, military,
    For the past few years the veteran has worked for a health care
    solutions provider such as RFID and WiFi Tagging (Arrow Scout Product).
    The veteran has been doing basic door locks and wires, and now had to
    step away from the work. Teh veteran stated that he is getting spacy
    "things that I should know... command line stuff... and basic
    communication is not consistent with good professional business... the
    days I am on I am on but days I am off it's off... they cant isolate me
    from others... I have a long list of absences such as 38 times last
    year....". The veteran is on FMLA. The veteran has applied at other
    businesses in town "but because of reference and performance issues...
    requirements I come here weekly... the places say that while we would
    like to hire you you have these issues...". The veteran stated that he
    has been in trouble for markedly irritability and outbursts of anger
    with others at work. Many times trainees ask for others to teach them,
    although he is an expert on certain systems.
    c. Relevant Mental Health history, to include prescribed medications and
    family mental health (pre-military, military, and post-military):
    The veteran is seeing Dr. Fl about one time per week. However, in
    the past three weeks veteran missed an appointment as he was not
    well, Dr. Fl had to reschedule due to life circumstances, and
    they are coordinating now for the next appointment.
    d. Relevant Legal and Behavioral history (pre-military, military, and
    e. Relevant Substance abuse history (pre-military, military, and
    None reported.
    f. Other, if any:
    I have reviewed the record by Stanley M of Stanely Healthcare.
    Customer compaints are noted for sarcastic outburts, lapses in
    concentration on a daily basis, he is an emoitonal roler coaster at
    and lacks the subtle socal skills. He is an extrem liability with the
    client base of hopsitals and elder care facilities.
    3. Symptoms
    For VA rating purposes, check all symptoms that actively apply to the
    Veteran's diagnoses:
    [X] Depressed mood
    [X] Near-continuous panic or depression affecting the ability to function
    independently, appropriately and effectively
    [X] Chronic sleep impairment
    [X] Mild memory loss, such as forgetting names, directions or recent
    [X] Impairment of short- and long-term memory, for example, retention of
    only highly learned material, while forgetting to complete tasks
    [X] Flattened affect
    [X] Impaired judgment
    [X] Disturbances of motivation and mood
    [X] Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social
    [X] Di
    fficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or a
    worklike setting
    [X] Inability to establish and maintain effective relationships
    [X] Neglect of personal appearance and hygiene
    [X] Intermittent inability to perform activities of daily living,
    including maintenance of minimal personal hygiene
    Behavioral observations:
    4. Other symptoms
    Does the Veteran have any other symptoms attributable to mental disorders
    that are not listed above?
    [ ] Yes[X] No
    5. Competency
    Is the Veteran capable of managing his or her financial affairs?
    [X] Yes[ ] No
    6. Remarks (including any testing results), if any:
    DBQ PSYCH Mental disorders:
    Please review the Veteran's electronic folder in VBMS and state that it was
    reviewed in your report.
    The Veteran is service connected for major depressive disorder (claimed as
    depression and chronic pain) which is currently evaluated at 70%. Please
    evaluate for the current level of severity of the Veteran's service
    connected disability. If the diagnosis rendered is different from the
    disability for which the Veteran is service connected, please indicate
    whether the Veteran's current diagnosis is a progression of the service
    connected disability or the original diagnosis was in error.
    ***Please comment on the effect of the Veteran's service connected
    disabilities on his or her ability to function in an occupational
    environment and describe any identified functional limitations. Please
    refrain from opining on if the veteran is unemployable or employable;
    instead focus and reflect on the functional impairments and how these
    impairments impacts occupational and employment activities.
    SUMMARY: The VBMS file is reviewed.
    The veteran is seen today for current serverity of service related Major
    Depressive Disorder. the veteran's MDD is severe. He is involved with
    psychiatric intervention with two medications as well as intervetion with
    F to address the psychotherapeutic aspects of his mental disorder. I
    have reviewed the veteran's statment from his employer as well as his wife's
    letter. The veteran's MDD would lead to Total Social and Occupational
    functioning impairment. The veteran's functional restrictions are:
    Functional Restrictions due to service related MDD:
    Shopping: Moderate
    Hygiene: Severe
    Cooking: Moderate
    Driving: Moderate
    Cleaning: Severe
    Toileting: None
    Dressing: None
  3. Here are the notes from my physical GM exam for IU. I had a mental one as well, which was my primary reason for filing for IU so Im not as worried about this one. Thoughts, though?

    Male Reproductive System Conditions
    Disability Benefits Questionnaire
    Name of patient/Veteran: Satterfield, Cedric
    Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this
    [ ] Review of available records (without in-person or video telehealth
    examination) using the Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) process
    the existing medical evidence provided sufficient information on which
    prepare the DBQ and such an examination will likely provide no
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Review of available records in conjunction with a telephone interview
    with the Veteran (without in-person or telehealth examination) using the
    ACE process because the existing medical evidence supplemented with a
    telephone interview provided sufficient information on which to prepare
    the DBQ and such an examination would likely provide no additional
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Examination via approved video telehealth
    [X] In-person examination
    Evidence review
    Was the Veteran's VA claims file (hard copy paper C-file) reviewed?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the
    Veteran's VA claims file:
    If no, check all records reviewed:
    [ ] Military service treatment records
    [ ] Military service personnel records
    [ ] Military enlistment examination
    [ ] Military separation examination
    [ ] Military post-deployment questionnaire
    [ ] Department of Defense Form 214 Separation Documents
    [ ] Veterans Health Administration medical records (VA treatment
    [ ] Civilian medical records
    [ ] Interviews with collateral witnesses (family and others who have
    known the Veteran before and after military service)
    [ ] No records were reviewed
    [ ] Other:
    1. Diagnosis
    Does the Veteran now have or has he ever been diagnosed with any conditions
    of the male reproductive system?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    [X] Erectile dysfunction
    ICD code: . Date of diagnosis: many years
    2. Medical history
    a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's male
    reproductive organ condition(s) (brief summary):
    The veteran states that his ED has progressed to the point that he is
    unable to have full penetration and ejaculation. He tried medication
    the past ("I think Cialis") and it was ineffective. He states that
    impacts his quality of life and his relationship with his wife.
    b. Does the Veteran's treatment plan include taking continuous medication
    the diagnosed condition?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Has the Veteran had an orchiectomy?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    d. Is there any renal dysfunction due to condition?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    3. Voiding dysfunction
    Does the Veteran have a voiding dysfunction?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    4. Erectile dysfunction
    Does the Veteran have erectile dysfunction?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, complete the following section:
    a. Etiology of erectile dysfunction:
    erectile dysfunction
    b. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is it as likely as not (at least
    a 50% probability) attributable to one of the diagnoses in Section 1,
    including residuals of treatment for this diagnosis?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, specify the diagnosis to which the erectile dysfunction is as
    likely as not attributable:
    erectile dysfunction
    c. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is he able to achieve an
    sufficient for penetration and ejaculation without medication?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    If no, has the Veteran used medications for treatment of his erectile
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, is the Veteran able to achieve an erection sufficient for
    penetration and ejaculation with medication?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    5. Retrograde ejaculation
    Does the Veteran have retrograde ejaculation?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    6. Male reproductive organ infections
    Does the Veteran have a history of chronic epididymitis, epididymo-orchitis
    or prostatitis?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    7. Physical exam
    a. Penis
    [ ] Normal
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
    with no penile deformity or abnormality
    [X] Not examined; penis exam not relevant to condition
    [ ] Abnormal
    b. Testes
    [ ] Normal
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
    with no testicular deformity or abnormality
    [X] Not examined; testicular exam not relevant to condition
    [ ] Abnormal
    c. Epididymis
    [ ] Normal
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy of
    epididymis with no deformity or abnormality
    [X] Not examined; epididymis exam not relevant to condition
    [ ] Abnormal
    d. Prostate
    [ ] Normal
    [ ] Not examined per Veteran's request
    [X] Not examined; prostate exam not relevant to condition
    [ ] Abnormal
    8. Tumors and neoplasms
    Does the Veteran have a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases related
    any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    9. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs
    a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
    conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis
    Section above?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
    complications, conditions, signs or symptoms?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    10. Diagnostic testing
    a. Has a testicular biopsy been performed?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    b. Have any other imaging studies, diagnostic procedures or laboratory
    testing been performed and are the results available?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    11. Functional impact
    Does the Veteran's male reproductive system condition(s), including
    neoplasms, if any, impact his ability to work?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    12. Remarks, if any:
    This condition does not impact the veteran's ability to function in an
    occupational environment.
    Veteran already SC for this condition and GU exam well documented in VA
    records (see 8/29/13 Urology clinic note for exam documenting normal GU
    exam) so this exam was not repeated today.
    Back (Thoracolumbar Spine) Conditions
    Disability Benefits Questionnaire
    Name of patient/Veteran: Satterfield, Cedric
    Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this
    [ ] Review of available records (without in-person or video telehealth
    examination) using the Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) process
    the existing medical evidence provided sufficient information on which
    prepare the DBQ and such an examination will likely provide no
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Review of available records in conjunction with a telephone interview
    with the Veteran (without in-person or telehealth examination) using the
    ACE process because the existing medical evidence supplemented with a
    telephone interview provided sufficient information on which to prepare
    the DBQ and such an examination would likely provide no additional
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Examination via approved video telehealth
    [X] In-person examination
    Evidence review
    Was the Veteran's VA claims file (hard copy paper C-file) reviewed?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the
    Veteran's VA claims file:
    1. Diagnosis
    Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a
    thoracolumbar spine (back) condition?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    Thoracolumbar Common Diagnoses:
    No response provided.
    Diagnosis #1: intervertebral disc syndrome lumbar spine; bilateral
    extremity radiculopathy
    ICD code: .
    Date of diagnosis: many years
    2. Medical history
    a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's
    thoracolumbar spine (back) condition (brief summary):
    The veteran's low back and bilateral radicular symptoms have gradually
    worsened over the years. He states that for the last 3 months or so he's
    been on FMLA leave due to a combination of back pain and mental health
    issues. He normally works as a computer technical support engineer. His
    back and bilateral radicular leg pain are now constant and flare up
    frequently. He reports missing work on average at least once a week due
    this condition. "I work on a computer and can remote from home" but
    is not always practical. He takes continuous medication (Diclofenac and
    Gabapentin) for these symptoms. His back and leg pain contributes to
    sleep at night and he sometimes sleeps in a chair.
    b. Does the Veteran report flare-ups of the thoracolumbar spine (back)?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, document the Veteran's description of the flare-ups in his or
    own words:
    "About a day a week" on average.
    c. Does the Veteran report having any functional loss or functional
    impairment of the thoracolumbar spine (back) (regardless of repetitive use)?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, document the Veteran's description of functional loss or
    functional impairment in his or her own words.
    "I can't travel for work anymore" and "because of that I can't get
    "My wife has to drive me" if going long distances because "I have to
    stop all the time to change positions" due to pain.
    "I can't go to client sites"
    "I've caught my toe and tripped on a step in my home" because "my
    are numb".
    "I don't clean stuff around the house" and "I have to get my kids to
    "I have to be able to get up and changes positions"
    3. Range of motion (ROM) and functional limitation
    a. Initial range of motion
    [ ] All normal
    [X] Abnormal or outside of normal range
    [ ] Unable to test (please explain)
    [ ] Not indicated (please explain)
    Forward Flexion (0 to 90): 0 to 50 degrees
    Extension (0 to 30): 0 to 20 degrees
    Right Lateral Flexion (0 to 30): 0 to 10 degrees
    Left Lateral Flexion (0 to 30): 0 to 15 degrees
    Right Lateral Rotation (0 to 30): 0 to 20 degrees
    Left Lateral Rotation (0 to 30): 0 to 25 degrees
    If abnormal, does the range of motion itself contribute to a
    functional loss? [X] Yes (please explain) [ ] No
    If yes, please explain:
    loss of full ROM
    Description of pain (select best response):
    Pain noted on exam and causes functional loss
    If noted on exam, which ROM exhibited pain (select all that apply)?
    Forward Flexion, Extension, Right Lateral Flexion, Left Lateral
    Flexion, Right Lateral Rotation, Left Lateral Rotation
    Is there evidence of pain with weight bearing? [X] Yes [ ] No
    Is there objective evidence of localized tenderness or pain on palpation
    of the joints or associated soft tissue of the thoracolumbar spine
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    b. Observed repetitive use
    Is the Veteran able to perform repetitive use testing with at least three
    repetitions? [X] Yes [ ] No
    Is there additional loss of function or range of motion after three
    repetitions? [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Repeated use over time
    Is the Veteran being examined immediately after repetitive use over time?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    If the examination is not being conducted immediately after
    use over time:
    [ ] The examination is medically consistent with the Veteran's
    statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
    [ ] The examination is medically inconsistent with the Veteran's
    statements describing functional loss with repetitive use over
    time. Please explain.
    [X] The examination is neither medically consistent or inconsistent
    with the Veteran's statements describing functional loss with
    repetitive use over time.
    Does pain, weakness, fatigability or incoordination significantly limit
    functional ability with repeated use over a period of time?
    [ ] Yes [ ] No [X] Unable to say w/o mere speculation
    If unable to say w/o mere speculation, please explain:
    I am unable to opine whether pain, weakness, fatigability, or
    incoordination could significantly limit functional ability during
    flare-ups, or when the joint is used repeatedly over a period of
    I am unable to provide this information in terms of degrees of ROM
    loss due to "pain on use or during flare-ups." The veteran was not
    experiencing a flare up at the time of examination therefore I am
    unable to render an opinion regarding functional ability during a
    d. Flare-ups
    Is the exam being conducted during a flare-up? [ ] Yes [X] No
    If the examination is not being conducted during a flare-up:
    [ ] The examination is medically consistent with the Veteran's
    statements describing functional loss during flare-ups.
    [ ] The examination is medically inconsistent with the Veteran's
    statements describing functional loss during flare-ups. Please
    [X] The examination is neither medically consistent or inconsistent
    with the Veteran's statements describing functional loss during
    Does pain, weakness, fatigability or incoordination significantly limit
    functional ability with flare-ups?
    [ ] Yes [ ] No [X] Unable to say w/o mere speculation
    If unable to say w/o mere speculation, please explain:
    I am unable to opine whether pain, weakness, fatigability, or
    incoordination could significantly limit functional ability during
    flare-ups, or when the joint is used repeatedly over a period of
    I am unable to provide this information in terms of degrees of ROM
    loss due to "pain on use or during flare-ups." The veteran was not
    experiencing a flare up at the time of examination therefore I am
    unable to render an opinion regarding functional ability during a
    e. Guarding and muscle spasm
    Does the Veteran have guarding or muscle spasm of the thoracolumbar spine
    (back)? [ ] Yes [X] No
    f. Additional factors contributing to disability
    In addition to those addressed above, are there additional contributing
    factors of disability? Please select all that apply and describe: None
    4. Muscle strength testing
    a. Rate strength according to the following scale:
    0/5 No muscle movement
    1/5 Palpable or visible muscle contraction, but no joint movement
    2/5 Active movement with gravity eliminated
    3/5 Active movement against gravity
    4/5 Active movement against some resistance
    5/5 Normal strength
    Hip flexion:
    Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Knee extension:
    Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Ankle plantar flexion:
    Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Ankle dorsiflexion:
    Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Great toe extension:
    Right: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    Left: [X] 5/5 [ ] 4/5 [ ] 3/5 [ ] 2/5 [ ] 1/5 [ ] 0/5
    b. Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    5. Reflex exam
    Rate deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) according to the following scale:
    0 Absent
    1+ Hypoactive
    2+ Normal
    3+ Hyperactive without clonus
    4+ Hyperactive with clonus
    Right: [ ] 0 [X] 1+ [ ] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+
    Left: [ ] 0 [X] 1+ [ ] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+
    Right: [ ] 0 [X] 1+ [ ] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+
    Left: [ ] 0 [X] 1+ [ ] 2+ [ ] 3+ [ ] 4+
    6. Sensory exam
    Provide results for sensation to light touch (dermatome) testing:
    Upper anterior thigh (L2):
    Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Thigh/knee (L3/4):
    Right: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Left: [X] Normal [ ] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Lower leg/ankle (L4/L5/S1):
    Right: [ ] Normal [X] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Left: [ ] Normal [X] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Foot/toes (L5):
    Right: [ ] Normal [X] Decreased [ ] Absent
    Left: [ ] Normal [X] Decreased [ ] Absent
    7. Straight leg raising test
    Provide straight leg raising test results:
    Right: [ ] Negative [X] Positive [ ] Unable to perform
    Left: [ ] Negative [X] Positive [ ] Unable to perform
    8. Radiculopathy
    Does the Veteran have radicular pain or any other signs or symptoms due to
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    a. Indicate symptoms' location and severity (check all that apply):
    Constant pain (may be excruciating at times)
    Right lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Left lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Intermittent pain (usually dull)
    Right lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Left lower extremity: [ ] None [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Paresthesias and/or dysesthesias
    Right lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Left lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Right lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Left lower extremity: [ ] None [X] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe
    b. Does the Veteran have any other signs or symptoms of radiculopathy?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Indicate nerve roots involved: (check all that apply)
    [X] Involvement of L4/L5/S1/S2/S3 nerve roots (sciatic nerve)
    If checked, indicate: [ ] Right [ ] Left [X] Both
    d. Indicate severity of radiculopathy and side affected:
    Right: [ ] Not affected [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe
    Left: [ ] Not affected [ ] Mild [X] Moderate [ ] Severe
    9. Ankylosis
    Is there ankylosis of the spine? [ ] Yes [X] No
    10. Other neurologic abnormalities
    Does the Veteran have any other neurologic abnormalities or findings related
    to a thoracolumbar spine (back) condition (such as bowel or bladder
    problems/pathologic reflexes)?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    11. Intervertebral disc syndrome (IVDS) and episodes requiring bed rest
    a. Does the Veteran have IVDS of the thoracolumbar spine?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    b. If yes to question 11a above, has the Veteran had any episodes of acute
    signs and symptoms due to IVDS that required bed rest prescribed by a
    physician and treatment by a physician in the past 12 months?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    12. Assistive devices
    a. Does the Veteran use any assistive device(s) as a normal mode of
    locomotion, although occasional locomotion by other methods may be
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    13. Remaining effective function of the extremities
    Due to a thoracolumbar spine (back) condition, is there functional
    of an extremity such that no effective function remains other than that
    would be equally well served by an amputation with prosthesis? (Functions of
    the upper extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc.; functions of the
    lower extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)
    [X] No
    14. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs,
    symptoms and scars
    a. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
    complications, conditions, signs or symptoms related to any conditions
    listed in the Diagnosis Section above?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    b. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
    conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis
    Section above?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Comments, if any:
    No response provided
    15. Diagnostic testing
    a. Have imaging studies of the thoracolumbar spine been performed and are
    results available?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, is arthritis documented?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    b. Does the Veteran have a thoracic vertebral fracture with loss of 50
    percent or more of height?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    16. Functional impact
    Does the Veteran's thoracolumbar spine (back) condition impact on his or her
    ability to work?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes describe the impact of each of the Veteran's thoracolumbar
    spine (back) conditions providing one or more examples:
    The veteran is very limited in his ability to perform physical
    tasks due to this condition. Due to his service connected back
    bilateral radicular condition, he is limited to sedentary work.
    For these purposes, sedentary work is defined as exerting up to 10
    pounds of force occasionally (Occasionally: activity or condition
    exists up to 1/3 of the time) and/or a negligible amount of force
    frequently (Frequently: activity or condition exists from 1/3 to
    2/3 of the time) to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move
    objects, including the human body. Sedentary work involves sitting
    most of the time, but may involve walking or standing for brief
    periods of time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
    required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are
    met. In addition, the veteran is limited to work which allow him
    to frequently change positions (change from sitting to standing
    17. Remarks, if any:
    No remarks provided.
    Sleep Apnea
    Disability Benefits Questionnaire
    Name of patient/Veteran: Satterfield, Cedric
    Indicate method used to obtain medical information to complete this
    [ ] Review of available records (without in-person or video telehealth
    examination) using the Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) process
    the existing medical evidence provided sufficient information on which
    prepare the DBQ and such an examination will likely provide no
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Review of available records in conjunction with a telephone interview
    with the Veteran (without in-person or telehealth examination) using the
    ACE process because the existing medical evidence supplemented with a
    telephone interview provided sufficient information on which to prepare
    the DBQ and such an examination would likely provide no additional
    relevant evidence.
    [ ] Examination via approved video telehealth
    [X] In-person examination
    Evidence review
    Was the Veteran's VA claims file reviewed?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the
    Veteran's VA claims file:
    If no, check all records reviewed:
    [ ] Military service treatment records
    [ ] Military service personnel records
    [ ] Military enlistment examination
    [ ] Military separation examination
    [ ] Military post-deployment questionnaire
    [ ] Department of Defense Form 214 Separation Documents
    [ ] Veterans Health Administration medical records (VA treatment
    [ ] Civilian medical records
    [ ] Interviews with collateral witnesses (family and others who have
    known the Veteran before and after military service)
    [ ] No records were reviewed
    [ ] Other:
    1. Diagnosis
    Does the Veteran have or has he/she ever had sleep apnea?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    [X] Other sleep disorder, specify: sleep apnea
    ICD code: . Date of diagnosis: many years
    2. Medical history
    a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's sleep
    disorder condition (brief summary):
    The veteran has well documented obstructive sleep apnea and requires
    regular use of CPAP. The CPAP has been effective but his still has
    daytime sleepiness at times. Per the veteran's history this is in
    part related to insomnia. "I have to sleep in a chair" due to back and
    leg pain and "then I'm still tired and grumpy" and "I sometimes nod
    and "it can affect my concentration".
    b. Is continuous medication required for control of a sleep disorder
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    c. Does the veteran require the use of a breathing assistance device?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    d. Does the Veteran require the use of a continuous positive airway pressure
    (CPAP) machine?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    3. Findings, signs and symptoms
    Does the Veteran currently have any findings, signs or symptoms attributable
    to sleep apnea?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    4. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs
    a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
    conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis
    section above?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
    complications, conditions, signs and/or symptoms related to any
    listed in the Diagnosis section above?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    5. Diagnostic testing
    a. Has a sleep study been performed?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, does the Veteran have documented sleep disorder breathing?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    Date of sleep study: 2011
    Facility where sleep study performed, if known: Omaha VA
    severe obstructive sleep apnea
    b. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
    [ ] Yes [X] No
    6. Functional impact
    Does the Veteran's sleep apnea impact his or her ability to work?
    [X] Yes [ ] No
    If yes, describe impact of the Veteran's sleep apnea, providing one or
    more examples:
    CPAP has been very effective in treating this veteran's sleep apnea,
    but he still has some residual fatigue at times which will impact his
    alertness and concentration. The sleep apnea component of this does
    not rise to the degree that it would prevent him from operating
    equipment or function in an occupational enviroment.
    7. Remarks, if any:
    Per the veteran's testimony today, his daytime fatigue at this time appears
    more related to insomnia related poor sleep and sedation due to medication
    rather than sleep apnea related fatigue. His sleep apnea related fatigue
    appears well managed by use of CPAP and would not be expected to have a
    significant impact on his ability to function in an occupational
  4. KIM it does depend a little on what RO he uses, too. The Ne RO is pretty on the ball, being smaller, for example, and usually gets claims done in under 6 months unless they are truly heinous while other ROs that are larger take longer. Appeals take longer , though, so SMR's (hand carry them if you can get them whle out processing) will save you a lot of time later- you'll see what your SMRs say and you can form evidence to support your claim around that to supplement what is there.

  5. kate- So does my chronic pain, but if you are regularly going to treatment or renewing your medications then this should not worry anyone. My own doctor requires me to see her more than VA does. Considering that I get free medication, healthcare, and money (not to be flippant, but I hope you all know what I mean) I think fulfilling a minor request every few years is the least I can do.

  6. There has to be a metric of some kind, The VA can't just assume that all conditions continue on forever in perpetuity. MH issues can fluctuate daily, weekly, monthly. I don't think going to an exam every few years, especially if you aren't already going to some kind of regular treatment, is that onerous of a request.

  7. I didn't want to hijack his thread, so I started this one.

    If you are already SC for Severe Depression, but have a stressor (non-combat) and symptoms of PTSD, how do you go about changing it from 1 to the other? Im currently seeing both Psychiatric and Psychologist, 1 monthly (for now) and 1 weekly. Im 'employed' in the sense that im on FMLA leave for depression, anxiety, mood flare ups, lapses of concentration of anything but rote memory procedures, memory blanks, insomnia. I work as a support engineer for hospital location systems for patient safety and over the last year and a half ive had over 40 absences from work mostly due to above, and performance issues as well. I was told on the sly that if I didn't take FMLA I would probably get fired-3rd job in 8 years for these issues.

    I was injured and discharged due to the failure of an obstacle during a field exercise. I ruptured two lumbar discs by falling onto a SINGARS radio ruck as I climbed some arbitrary obstacle during our 'Victory Forge' exercise. I fell about 10 feet and landed on the ruck right across the lower hips. I didn't know what it was at the time, just that it hurt like fire, and was told that If I wanted to graduate Basic that I had to finish- so, I road marched 12 miles with a ruck and weapon. Then went to sick call. Ibuprofen. Was not allowed an MRI until after I went got to AIT, and that was 2 months later. Along the way I was subjected to charges of malingering, 'sick call soldier' by both cadre and company, while daily dealing with major pain and neuropathy in my toes and feet. Depression, limited *shit* duties, no passes, no classes, no graduation(s). I watched 5 AIT classes including my own AND the recycles get moved to other posts after graduation and I was continuously bunked with the NOOBS, so I got everything they got. Nobody believed me until after my MRI- suddenly 'Oh shit, Satterfield, you are broken, like for real!" but still, nothing changed while I waited for my MEB/PEB to come back

    Finally, after a year of this, I was discharged honorably at 0% by the Army. That was in 2001. So, now I am dealing with the after effects of all this-depression, chronic pain, feeling like a failure, 'failure' to adapt into normal corporate culture, always feeling anxious or paranoid that everyone is talking about me (boss, co workers), that every office call in is a negative where Ill get crap duty or something. Constantly hounded at work, coworkers dont like me because im jumpy, etc.

    So, that's me in a nutshell. Currently rated 70% for depression and riding the edge of termination from work. 90% overall, 40% for pain, etc.

  8. Thank you for that, but my rating is extraschedular due to them not being able to separate which condition was fully causing the insomnia. My Apnea was diagnosed at the time and was originally claimed as 'hypersolemnance' because I didnt know what it was. It was diagnosed then, and rated 50%. Then it was reduced to 0 due to CUE. I appealed and another doctor said that while I had obstructive apnea that was treated by CPAP , its level of disability vs the insomnia caused by pain was indeterminate, so the ratings appeal board gave me 20% for the Apnea. I didn't want to appeal it any further after 4 yrs. They also could not determine the etiology of the Apnea, and it was not diagnosed in service, so I was able to get it rated analogous to my lower lumber DDD, due to reduced activity, weight gain, and it not being diagnosed before, or during service. Convoluted, I know, but I didnt want to push it any further.

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