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Posts posted by brokensoldier244th

  1. I dont deny any of what you wrote, or that the VA is overtasked. Consider it an effect of being a discretionary item in the budget for the last however many years. 


    as for my "opinion on Hadit members" it was not an observation of members specifically, but tone overall. There are many threads in the General area for questions and answers that devolve off the rails into "the VA screwed me......" rather than helping the veteran that asked a question. I just feel that the social chat area is more appropriate for that discourse. 


  2. Point made indeed. I don't work for the VA.

    I just get tired of all the negativity here all the time. There is great help to be had here, but many long term posters carry over baggage from 20 yrs ago when the VA was still on paper. A lot of this automation and technical stuff online with the VA is supposed to help you, and a lot of the time it does. I get the feeling that some veterans have an idea that the VA will hold their hand while they file claims. Its not so. Its just like your paperwork in service- if you want to make sure it gets done then take some initiative and follow through. 



  3. Well, if you show a link its layperson evidence. If your doctor shows a link then its a medical opinion. thats the only difference. Nothing saying you can't do a lot of the legwork for the doctor, though, for free. You can talk to YOUR doctor for the price of a co-pay (if you're using civilian healthcare that isn't Tri, or Medi- somthing) rather than paying 1500+ for a guy/girl you don't know that contracts to do this stuff as a sideline. 

  4. Research is great but you still have to have a doctor that will say that X research about 'that' guy applies to you and your conditions.Finding 1 study doesn't always mean it was peer reviewed or well done or well researched. Getting a study published in a journal is a lot about who you know and how much you pay to the journal- you can get almost anything published in a journal without peer review if you submit to the right ones. 


    Google scholar is great, but there is a lot of junk on there, too. You have to be careful, sometimes. :-)



  5. It's your job to document and tell  them what the issues are, too. It's not sneaky for a doctor to not ask you symptoms specifically- they ask non specific open ended questions for a reason- to avoid spoon feeding or leading the patient to an incorrect diagnosis.

    A diagnostic evaluation is a two way street. Some patients in a disability setting agree  to any symptom because they think it will give them what they want, but not necessarily a correct diagnosis. 

  6. And you if you have a documentable claim then you aren't who is being discussed. If you are throwing shit against a wall just to get the next percentage because at some point the VA or the Army or whatever F*cked you over, then its bullshit and should be denied. This 'chip on my shoulder' shit needs to stop. Younger vets hear it and say 'screw it' and don't even bother because they get it so built up that the boogy man VA is out to get them. Over the last 10 years I have moved from 30% to 100% over time, several claims that I was able to back up, and only one appeal. Amazingly enough the VA isn't out to get 'you' and most of the time doesn't even know who 'you' are. There are about a million other vets in the system, too., you think they have time to single you out to ruin your day? 

    I don't expect an answer, nor want one. The whole idea of this thread is that you know if you are justified or not and can back up a claim. If you have support for whatever it is, then eventually you will prevail. Its not a personal mission against you. Asking all over the internet about how to get that next percentage rung, and claim wording, and 'can I use this BVA decision....' and whatever just makes it look like you are fishing. I don't have time for it, and it takes up thread/forum space and takes time away from another veteran that could be being helped. 


  7. Sure, why not? I did all mine through Ebenefits, attached all my stuff that I scanned, typed up a summary of a few pages with the  hightlights of my medical records (like, I have this. look 'here" on this scanned piece of stuff for it....*) and attached that, too. I used DAV only if I needed them to actually walk around the RO to check something. I always copied my claim to them/through them or sent them an email to let them know I filed but for the most part I handled it myself. I got compliments from a few VSOs that my claim submissions were easy to read, documented, cross referenced, and everything was attached, that they didnt really need to do all the much with it. Since they have 100+ or more people at a time to work with and you don't, its easier to keep eyes on your claim if you do it. 


    I have the luxury of having had my medical records when I got out carried with me, though, and I log on routinely to pull down medical notes off of BlueButton from MyHealthVet.com. I also live in the same city as my RO so I can go to release of information every now and again to get copies. I then scan it all when I get home and store it on a thumbdrive and on DropBox so I can get to it when I need to. 

    I am lucky in that I am a 'digital' person (im 38) and most of this type of thing is what I did when I was still enlisted, too. Many veterans aren't as fast, savvy, or don't have paper copies of their Cfile or Med records to work with like I do, where when VA says they cant find something or whatever I just send it to them again from my stash. 


    Good luck!



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