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Posts posted by brokensoldier244th

  1. Anything you can download and do yourself, you should, as the Venerable Berta would say. No one can ultimately manage your claim better than you. Granted there are people at the VA tasked with various parts of this, but quite frankly it seems to differ by regional office how well that works. I never depended on my CO or my lower chain of command exclusively for stuff like this, either, nor should you. You have you to worry about, claims reps and raters have 1000 or more each (or whatever the backlog is)


  2. Okay, but the other side is if one who is not quite right of mind forgoes

    benefits because they think they are fine but aren't? Many of us want to work if we can. We can say "work and don't take the money...." but ultimately a mental disorder makes people think they can do all kinds of stuff they shouldn't. I guess, short answer is, don't defy your docs unless you have a lot of proof, our opinions. If they say you are broke, be broke, and take up painting or book writing and enjoy that you can.

  3. Thanks Vync. That clears it up. So, if I go back far enough to where my depression wasn't rated at all, yet, I was at a point where a 10 or 20% rating change would have made a difference (I know this because I had had something rated at 10%, it bumped me up, then it was taken away at a later point due to CUE). I would then calculate this forward probably to where my depression was first rated because at that point a 10% or 20% change would not have changed the overall rating.

    Basically you answered my question, but I wanted to confirm because I was looking at my total now and saying "well, 10 or 20% now would not change anything."

  4. Is retro based only on total percentage NOW? I had a claim close last week, that bumped me to 90%. (actual percentage is 85.something%) The remanded claim is for radiculopathy in the lleft extremity. Im currently rated 10% in the right leg for this. Based on the notes, etc, im figuring 10%, maybe 20% tops for the left leg.

    My appeal was from 4 years ago, when I was only 50% overall. If I'm rated for moderate radiculopathy in the left leg, bilateral, back that far, would there be retro involved?

    Is it only based on if it increases my current rating of 90% overall now or do they go back to what I was rated then at the appealed claim started (7/21/2010) and start figuring forward?

  5. I channel any extra energy I have into volunteering at teh VA clinic where I go. Most of my issues are chronic pain or depression related, but im still mobile and I get around okay, whereas there are others down there that do not. I hang out with them in the waiting area, smokeroom, etc, and just ' hang' and talk.

  6. claim closed dated yesterday. Checked Ebenefits letter generator and im currently rated at 90% effective January, 2014. Haven't gotten the letter yet, but I was rated at 80% so something bumped it up. I have a appeal that has to come back to the RO from BVA, but I doubt that will net more than 10%,l maybe 20% depending on the wording for radicuopathy being 'moderate'. If rated, it will make me 10% 1 leg (existing) and whatever on the other one that I appealed about 4 yrs ago.

    Anywho, a small win is a win. Ill take it, for now.

  7. Went from "Pending decision approval a few weeks ago" to "Gathering evidence" again.....then today, switched back to "Pending decision approval". Maybe something soon, for good or ill. It looks like this is the claim ive had pending for about a year. The appeal has disappeared from the Appeals screen, and the current claim screen. Might they have rolled it up together into one claim?

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