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  • HadIt.com Elder

This is a moderated forum with rules please adhere to them or it will necessitate the deletion of your account. Anything a Moderator find to be erroneous is subject to review and deletion.

Everyone won't agree on many things, but the one thing we should agree on is that we are here so that no brother or sister veteran gets left behind, not on a jungle trail, not on a desert trail and not on a paper trail." Tbird

The biggest component of HadIt.com to help veterans is our very active discussion forum. Over 1000 registered users, with an average of about 100 posts per day. Please note that the discussion forum is made up of veterans just like you, they come to HadIt.com and its discussion forum from all over the world. Some come to ask questions, some come to help do research for other vets, some to answer questions, others come for the sense of community that HadIt.com provides and still others come just to provide an ear and shoulder to those veterans who have become weary.

There are some folks who for whatever reason sign on to discussion forums to cause disruption we discourage this by requiring a valid ISP email address when you register. However, we still have this problem the best advice is ignore them; they want a fight, a response, don't give it to them.

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Remember that most that come to our discussion forum have been wounded in one way or another. Be kind to each other, if angered take a day to respond. Personal attacks are not what we are about; we are about helping our brother and sister veterans.

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Any other claims that have been awarded, can affect the handling of this claim, so if you can, provide as much information as possible about your current VA status. If you know the Disability Codes (DCs), then give those also. You can find them in 38CFR Chap 1, Part 4. if the VA did not/will not provide them.

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Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


Thanks for an excellent post. However, T-Bird needed some help and we have evolved to a few Moderators who try to keep things going but not to apply heavy censorship. As we all pretty much know there are a few and I mean very few who thrive on strife and many who need Hadit. In the long past when a flame war would break out Hadit would be closed for a few days and than reopened.

All of the Moderators serve at the pleasure of T-Bird and hopefully with a little extra work behind the scene are making Hadit a safer place for members.

From time to time a post or thread has been closed hopefully to save the Board from being closed for a time out. You can argue a different point and not resort to personal attacks there will be no problems. I am saying this to everyone and not you in particular.

This Board is here to help Veterans and Family deal with VA and also to help Veterans learn how to help others with claims.

It has been a real blessing for me and I hope others.


PS I think that as Hadit grows it will need other Moderators and after a fixed period of time I plan to turn my Moderator Job over to someone else. I hope that I never forget that foremost I am a Member of Hadit and not that I am a Moderator.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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I think what Time is trying to say is that there are other methods to getting threads back on track and/or stopping folks from personal attacks. If a thread starts to get derailed and a rant ensues, a mod can always pop in and say, "ok, let's get this thing back on track"; or, if a thread becomes angry or overly argumentative, a mod *should* (not sure if they can) just delete the offensive post(s) and send the member a PM to help get things back on track.

The reason for this is, just as with the recent "nugent" thing that popped up in which I was a part of, the members can often resolve things on their own, which we did, and locking such a thread may hurt a veteran who was benefiting from the non-OT remarks.

Personally, I think the mods have done fairly well at this, but there have been a couple of threads that got out of hand that probably should not have been locked, because there was still some vital information in said thread despite the other nonsense.

So, I don't claim to speak for Time, but I think the point was just to hold off on locking any thread until every other remedy has been explored......some threads just get so out of hand that there's no option and some threads start off bad, which means it's better to cut them off before things get even worse. I know it's a fine line to walk, but it's a good reminder none-the-less.

Keep up the good work BTW; it's appreciated....

Edited by Jay Johnson
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Yes, T-bird needs the help and should have it. I commend you and all Mods on taking the extra time to do so. I do think the job is a necissary one. I think you are doing a very good job (all mods) and hope you stay at it for awhile.

Jay is correct. A post on the thread that say's to cool it, don't get personal, or something simular would be more helpfull. When the first post on the thread from a Mod says the thread is locked because of this or that, the issue remains unresolved. I have too much respect for Hadit and the Mods to start a new thread on the same subject so the question is never answered.

My post is only a comment for consideration. I am not complaining, nor do I feel I have been wronged in any way. I would not have mentioned it on the forums or in a PM without an invite to comment. I won't mention it again.



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  • Founder

excellent points, do keep in mind that mods or myself usually have pm'd or emailed the member and asking them to take it in a different direction before something is locked.

we do try to moderate with a light hand, believe it or not :rolleyes:


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


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Time Dedicated to HadIt.com Veterans and my brothers and sisters: 65,700 - 109,500 Hours Over Thirty Years



I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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Berta -and Pete too...

I meant to get back to both of you about posts on another thread a couple of weeks ago...but got involved taking care of business and didn't get back to you.

But it was a post where we were discussing people asking questions that had already been answered (not so much that the question had been answered at SOME point - but that THEIR specific question THEY had asked had been answered - and the question was re-asked as if it had not been).

I know sometimes it takes awhile to get used to the Board -- and that might occur if the person doesn't know how to find their original post. Or -since the threads sometimes change course, someone might ask something that was currently being discussed in detail in a thread that they haven;t read.

And Pete had made a remark about HIS pet peeve in group.

However, I did want to get back to you and Pete...as you had both indicated that you wish you hadn't even mentioned what bothered you - as some of us checked to see if it was meant at us personally.

I don't think either of you needed to apologize.

I did ask if I was the widow you had mentioned because I wanted to know. And I did consider if I had been "guilty" of Pete's pet peeve.

However, that is not a "bad" thing.

Both your and Pete's complaints were valid. By expressing them - you gae us the opportunity to consider them - and consider if we were posting in a way that aggravated other members.

I do not do forums a lot. I am sure I do things that might aggravate people who are "old hats" at the forums. So -- it was an oppotunity for me to learn. To think. Yes. I can see how doing that might bother people. I never considered that before. Do I do that? How can I take responsibility for MY actions on the group so I can post in a way that "works" for the group.

I think this is preferred to other options - such as for no one to ever mention it - so we just go posting away in total ignorance that our posts are out of line for what works for the group.

Or for us to NOT take any responsibility for our own actions in the group --and just figure that everyone should put up with whatever we do, instead of seeing our role in the group as just that - PART OF A GROUP - which means working together.

Berta -- Yes. I can see how you might hit burn out meltdown sometimes. Because you not only sure information - you put your HEART AND SOUL and 158% of your energy and your SELF into helping others.

So it is not just that you feel -- Dang.. I just spent my TIME writing that - You had just poured your entire heart and soul into trying to help someone. And if they didn't GET that help - yes..that would be frustrating as heck.

And Pete - I value you wisdom and support. Not just for me - but for everyone in the group. So if something does bother you -- I think it is FINE that you tell us. If I am doing something that bothers someone - I would rather know - so I would have the opportunity to say "Oops.. Yep. I can see how that might bug someone. I never thought of that before. Now I know how to change that."

Keep in mind I also have the option to say "Man - Pete sure is grouchy today." or to ignore your post - or whatever else.

So - I certainly don't think there is a need to apologize for ANYTHING you have said.

Those of us who responded where mostly exploring the idea of --Hmmm Have I DONE that? If I have -- here is why - but meaybe there is a better way to do it now that I know.

I don't think that challenging us to explore how we can be more effective as part of the group is a "bad" thing at all.


Well put and also good to have reminders Pete-

also- some of us do not open our emails and PMs-

but there are many here who will gladly answer your questions by email-

we arent anti social- just overwhelmed-

A public comment or advise on one claim can reach many others as guests who might need the same answer- another good reason to use the forum instead of one to one emails sometimes-

Some of us are getting burned out- it happens in this type of advocacy-

three local reps I know- who actually get paid real money to so this type work with vet org benefits etc- are quitting due to burn out.

One- a good friend of mine- stated the main reason for his burn out is having appointments with vets who have no real good basis for a claim or come unprepared to even determine what a service nexus could be.

We dont see much of that here fortunately-

Also he has given the best advise he can to many vets who only hear what they want and will not take the steps to try to find buddy statements or even access their own medical records-

He would love to have a search button like we have here for the countless questions that need answers to but become repetitive-

and unlike us -he cannot decide to withdraw from anyone who isnt heeding his advise-

he is paid to file every claim and do best he can to support it.

I will be off line here a lot myself soon-will be back when I can be-I am starting school again soon and

have other veterans issues ,not involved with hadit-that require time and attention-

We all need reminders Pete- I have really bitten my tongue and keystrokes a few times lately-at a few remarks here- but I can use the ignore button and save myself those problems.

well said- I hope all read this. Berta

Think Outside the Box!
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  • HadIt.com Elder

Dear Hadit Members:

As usual by chatting about stuff some insight was gained and I for one learned a lot. First of all as a father of four I have found that when talking in general some feel it is directed at them personally. My pet peeve of starting new threads actually was a comment that had nothing to do with free. What I was actually talking about is that a few will start a new thread on top of another one. Something that happened more than 24 hours ago is a lifetime on the internet. So I withdraw my pet peeve as I am more concerned about open and good communication. I should have thought about new members having a problem with the web board.

I have always advised that even if a thread is closed to not give up if you still have an issue or something that you want to discuss. Open a new thread and we can continue on. Please remember that when a flame war started sometimes the whole web board had to be closed for a time out.

Like T-Bird said most of the Mods are also in cimmunication with Memebers by PM when there is a problem. When a thread is closed you can still access it and review and mayse see why it was closed. If there is bad info for Members or something that will lead members asstray it makes it hard to decide what to do.

Like I said I know that I want comment and suggestions and I know that T-Bird is open for them also. We also get and I try to answer everyone complaints about one thing or another so if you have a gripe and don't want all to see you can PM any of the Mods and let us know. I investigate as best as I can every gripe and try to answer.


Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • Our picks

    • These decisions have made a big impact on how VA disability claims are handled, giving veterans more chances to get benefits and clearing up important issues.

      Service Connection

      Frost v. Shulkin (2017)
      This case established that for secondary service connection claims, the primary service-connected disability does not need to be service-connected or diagnosed at the time the secondary condition is incurred 1. This allows veterans to potentially receive secondary service connection for conditions that developed before their primary condition was officially service-connected. 

      Saunders v. Wilkie (2018)
      The Federal Circuit ruled that pain alone, without an accompanying diagnosed condition, can constitute a disability for VA compensation purposes if it results in functional impairment 1. This overturned previous precedent that required an underlying pathology for pain to be considered a disability.

      Effective Dates

      Martinez v. McDonough (2023)
      This case dealt with the denial of an earlier effective date for a total disability rating based on individual unemployability (TDIU) 2. It addressed issues around the validity of appeal withdrawals and the consideration of cognitive impairment in such decisions.

      Rating Issues

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    • I met with a VSO today at my VA Hospital who was very knowledgeable and very helpful.  We decided I should submit a few new claims which we did.  He told me that he didn't need copies of my military records that showed my sick call notations related to any of the claims.  He said that the VA now has entire military medical record on file and would find the record(s) in their own file.  It seemed odd to me as my service dates back to  1981 and spans 34 years through my retirement in 2015.  It sure seemed to make more sense for me to give him copies of my military medical record pages that document the injuries as I'd already had them with me.  He didn't want my copies.  Anyone have any information on this.  Much thanks in advance.  
      • 4 replies
    • Caluza Triangle defines what is necessary for service connection
      Caluza Triangle – Caluza vs Brown defined what is necessary for service connection. See COVA– CALUZA V. BROWN–TOTAL RECALL

      This has to be MEDICALLY Documented in your records:

      Current Diagnosis.   (No diagnosis, no Service Connection.)

      In-Service Event or Aggravation.
      Nexus (link- cause and effect- connection) or Doctor’s Statement close to: “The Veteran’s (current diagnosis) is at least as likely due to x Event in military service”
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    • Do the sct codes help or hurt my disability rating 
    • VA has gotten away with (mis) interpreting their  ambigious, , vague regulations, then enforcing them willy nilly never in Veterans favor.  

      They justify all this to congress by calling themselves a "pro claimant Veteran friendly organization" who grants the benefit of the doubt to Veterans.  

      This is not true, 


          About 80-90 percent of Veterans are initially denied by VA, pushing us into a massive backlog of appeals, or worse, sending impoverished Veterans "to the homeless streets" because  when they cant work, they can not keep their home.  I was one of those Veterans who they denied for a bogus reason:  "Its been too long since military service".  This is bogus because its not one of the criteria for service connection, but simply made up by VA.  And, I was a homeless Vet, albeit a short time,  mostly due to the kindness of strangers and friends. 

          Hadit would not be necessary if, indeed, VA gave Veterans the benefit of the doubt, and processed our claims efficiently and paid us promptly.  The VA is broken. 

          A huge percentage (nearly 100 percent) of Veterans who do get 100 percent, do so only after lengthy appeals.  I have answered questions for thousands of Veterans, and can only name ONE person who got their benefits correct on the first Regional Office decision.  All of the rest of us pretty much had lengthy frustrating appeals, mostly having to appeal multiple multiple times like I did. 

          I wish I know how VA gets away with lying to congress about how "VA is a claimant friendly system, where the Veteran is given the benefit of the doubt".   Then how come so many Veterans are homeless, and how come 22 Veterans take their life each day?  Va likes to blame the Veterans, not their system.   
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