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Va Now States Error With P&t

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When I received the VA's standard yearly I notice they did not have my P&T on it. So I sent them a letter through my senator asking them why this was not on it. (I sent it through my senator since my last four letters sent by mail for the clothing allowance they say they never got).

The VA's reply is that I am not P&T and I am scheduled for a review in June. They also said if I was P&T I would not be scheduled for the review.

So I sent them a copy of my award letter stating I was given P&T 6 years ago. I was already 100% IU before the DAV had requested the P&T rating for me. The VA replied that the P&T was in error. It has been six years now since I got the P&T rating.

The person I normally speak with at the DAV is gone for a few weeks so the person I spoke with had no idea what is going on. She did say when she called back that the VA states they have stopped my wifes DEA. This will also stop my waiver for S-DVI premiums I got for being P&T and affect other things.

The girl at the DAV also said they told her my 100% IU rating was right. Then she suggested I just wait for my review in June.

The DEA and VA insurance people stated in their approval letters that they had checked with the VA and verified I was P&T. I sent copies of those also so they would see I am not the only one that knows I was in fact rated P&T.

Both replies were faxes sent to me through my senator and not signed by anyone.

The VA gave no reason for doing what they did or said anything about how I can appeal. No other notice given and only after I sent them a copy of the P&T paperwork they stated that it was an error. It seems they also did not think I still had mine.

They also just decided on this according to the girl at the DAV and they let her know they have stopped everything.

I get all my medications through the VA. I see a VA doctor every month for one of my meds because it can only be issued 30 days at a time. I see local psychs, but get both my psych meds from the VA. I see the VA social worker about twice a year and she refills my meds. I got a letter from my VA doctor in 2006 stating that I am not now nor will I ever be able to work. I got that in case I needed something for ILP.

I was told this letter is too old for them to use. So I need to get a new one according to them. But that should have shown the VA that my VA doctor still agreed that my condition was permanent and total and that they made no error.

So I don't know what to do. Should I file a NOD? My wife wants me to go see my psych as soon as I can because I am losing it.

Even if I file a NOD they have already stopped everything. I just don't know what to do.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

They should have formally issued you a letter stating the AWARD was an error. Ask them for a copy.

A p and T evaluatuion is a determination made on medical information showing a disability is static and not likely to improve.

Using a Congressman or Senator on a regular basis is dangerous for any Vet who is receiving benefits. It can make the VA mad and they may retaliate. You appear to be a victim of just that activity.

If your medical situation has not change, you should send in a NOD askingthe VA to hold off ubntil a Medical determiniation is made regarding the severity of your condition and go get an IMO.

If you are drawing SSDI for the same condition you should have no problem.

Someone at that particular RO is trying to pull a fast at your expense. I would use the retaliation factor and write the senator again and ask for a Senate investigation.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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They should have formally issued you a letter stating the AWARD was an error. Ask them for a copy.

A p and T evaluatuion is a determination made on medical information showing a disability is static and not likely to improve.

Using a Congressman or Senator on a regular basis is dangerous for any Vet who is receiving benefits. It can make the VA mad and they may retaliate. You appear to be a victim of just that activity.

If your medical situation has not change, you should send in a NOD askingthe VA to hold off ubntil a Medical determiniation is made regarding the severity of your condition and go get an IMO.

If you are drawing SSDI for the same condition you should have no problem.

Someone at that particular RO is trying to pull a fast at your expense. I would use the retaliation factor and write the senator again and ask for a Senate investigation.


Yes I do get SSDI based on what the VA used for my rating. My SSDI was reviewed in 2007 and continued.

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They should have formally issued you a letter stating the AWARD was an error. Ask them for a copy.

A p and T evaluatuion is a determination made on medical information showing a disability is static and not likely to improve.

Using a Congressman or Senator on a regular basis is dangerous for any Vet who is receiving benefits. It can make the VA mad and they may retaliate. You appear to be a victim of just that activity.

If your medical situation has not change, you should send in a NOD askingthe VA to hold off ubntil a Medical determiniation is made regarding the severity of your condition and go get an IMO.

If you are drawing SSDI for the same condition you should have no problem.

Someone at that particular RO is trying to pull a fast at your expense. I would use the retaliation factor and write the senator again and ask for a Senate investigation.


Thank you for replying. My wife wants me to go see my psych. I told her I will if I am not better on Monday. It just made me so mad that they can do stuff like this because someone didn't like being corrected.

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  • HadIt.com Elder
Thank you for replying. My wife wants me to go see my psych. I told her I will if I am not better on Monday. It just made me so mad that they can do stuff like this because someone didn't like being corrected.

That is how these folks operate. You would be surprised how much I see it. Even on here. folks just done realize it.

Go see the Pshyc Doc. Tell them is is getting to you.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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That is how these folks operate. You would be surprised how much I see it. Even on here. folks just done realize it.

Go see the Pshyc Doc. Tell them is is getting to you.


I am going to go see my psych. My wife won't leave me alone until I do. I have had bouts of crying and then a lot of anger. Yes a lot of anger. She has always been able to deal with it. I do not know how she puts up with me. But she won't let me leave the house.

For john999: My wife has her certificate and yes we got the dependents educational assistance CH. 35. I also got the S-DVI insurance with the waiver for being P&T. Since I am retired military we use USFHP which is Tricare instead of ChampVA. Since we had Tricare we could not get ChampVA. This also affects when my wife will become able for DIC also. She would have had only 4 more years to be eligible.

Even though this was also brought to the attention of the VA they now say my P&T was an error.

I did get e-mail from a lawyer today that wants me to call him so I will call him Monday. I did not see the e-mail from him until after 7 pm. I was going to call him tomorrow and my wife explained to me today is Friday. I thought it was Wednesday. I have lost all track of everything. I think that is why she is so worried. Worried about what I might do. I thought I would be able to see my psych tomorrow. Have to wait until Monday now.

I did my best re-reading this and I hope it is readable.

Thanks for the replies.

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