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I Am Going To Take A Few Days Off

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Dear Hadit Members.

I am not going to be able to deal with PM's and Members who need Moderating. Jbasser, Carlie and Sixthscents are going to have to hold the Fort. I have my eighth death to contend with and I am preparing to go to another funeral Monday and than a second one 6 days later.

All kinds of hell has broken out on Hadit but I will make this observation. If you are not a Mod leave the Moderating up to the people that TBird has selected. Any Mod can be replaced at any time just as any Member can be put on Moderator review or worse.In just a few days 2 Members have been placed on Moderator Preview and one suspended. The Mods here have been spending hours trying to get Hadit back to a good place its August and people are cranky.

If a Mod tells you to do something or not do something just do what is asked.

In a few days I will be able to resume my duties. Please do not provoke or fight with Members

I just don't understand how we can go months without a hickup. If you have a problem with a post you can use the report button and someone will take a look at it.

I can understand new people but not people who have been here a long time.

I enjoy being a Hadit member and I will pop in and read threads and answer but I am not going to do any more Moderating as I do not want to lose my cool.That is for a few days.

I have received over 30 PM's and answered as many or more last week. I have gone over and tracked down dozens of threads including policing potential flames. I am convinced that we have one seriously deranged person who operates under multiple identities causing problems among members.

If it makes any difference we have others here who are not in the mood for these silly games anymore either.

I also advise any new members not to do anything based on the advice of someone who has only been here a month or two.

Lets try to be nice to each other and to support those who are hurting.


Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Thanks for your service to hadit members/Veterans. Take your well deserved time off and attend to your family matters and dont worry about the flame wars. Yes, I think you are right there is one person with several identities causing some trouble. I dont know if it is the same guy or not, but one of the other boards had some pretty serious trouble with a guy who was convinced that any Veteran with PTSD was a fraud. He said there was a drug available to "cure" PTSD but Vets wont take it because they would rather just collect money. He was a real nut job. He raised a lot of trouble and angered a lot of PTSD Vets...I dont know about you, but I do NOT want to tick off a PTSD Vet. I just hope he did not land a job with the VA...

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Dear Hadit Members.

All kinds of hell has broken out on Hadit but I will make this observation. If you are not a Mod leave the Moderating up to the people that TBird has selected. Any Mod can be replaced at any time just as any Member can be put on Moderator review or worse.In just a few days 2 Members have been placed on Moderator Preview and one suspended. The Mods here have been spending hours trying to get Hadit back to a good place its August and people are cranky.

If a Mod tells you to do something or not do something just do what is asked.

Please do not provoke or fight with Members

I just don't understand how we can go months without a hickup. If you have a problem with a post you can use the report button and someone will take a look at it.

I can understand new people but not people who have been here a long time.

I have received over 30 PM's and answered as many or more last week. I have gone over and tracked down dozens of threads including policing potential flames. I am convinced that we have one seriously deranged person who operates under multiple identities causing problems among members.

If it makes any difference we have others here who are not in the mood for these silly games anymore either.

I also advise any new members not to do anything based on the advice of someone who has only been here a month or two.

Lets try to be nice to each other and to support those who are hurting.




Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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I am so sorry for your loss, I do know how you are feeling. I remember coming here a few times, asking questions about getting benefits for my grandmother who was the widow of a vet. I took your advice, and a few weeks after my grandmother won her claim and received her back pay, and first payment, she passed away. As a matter of fact, she passed away on Aug. 5, 2009.

Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. And I hope that you can find peace within yourself and don't allow others to "push your buttons".


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Take a few mental health days when you get back. Give yourself the time to grief. I promise I will behave while you are gone. Thanks for all that you do.

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up." Jimmy V

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