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Va Hardship Question

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I am applying for the VA Hardship on Form #5655, Financial Status Report. It says on the instructions that this only applies for future out patient/in patient appointments only and does not apply to prescription co-payments. I am looking for help with my prescription co-payments. Is there a program that covers prescription help?

I am SC 0% and my claim is in Washington DC waiting for something to happen.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Brian

I've waited this long and I'm not giving up....NEVER!!

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As far as I am aware, you can only get no cost prescriptions for your rated service connected conditions or if you are rated over 50% then all prescriptions are free. I do not believe that the VA has a hardship program for drugs, but many drug manufacturers do have programs where they will give free drugs to financially strapped individuals. You just need to figure out the brand manufacturer of the drug and then go to their website. The current co-pay at the VA is $8.00 for a 30 day supply.

If the VA does have a program I am sure someone will come along and mention it!

Good luck,


Vietnam 66, 67/68. Combat Aircrewman doing search and rescue in N Vietnam. HS-6

Combat Vets Association

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You can contact the manufacturer of your medication and ask for paperwork. You will then have to have it filled out by your primary care provider. There is also this site too, They will probably ask you to provide financial information but the limit is pretty high.


Edited by navydoc2
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Yes, you can ask for a waiver on prescription co payments. I asked, and was declined because of my wifes income. However, if your income is very low, you should be able to get a waiver. Go to the "needs test" department at your VA. You should be able to deduct medical expenses from your income for this waiver. This is especially true if you quit taking your medicine because you cant afford it. The VA is not supposed to let that happen.

Edited by broncovet
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Been down that road. Had to quit working in 08, kept getting fired or into altercations. VA is only medical insurance I have, wife has medicare. My income was cut literally in half and I couldn't afford to pay for any co-pays whether medical or drug. I went to the "means" test office and the lady there filed a hardship for me and somehow got all co-pays including drugs waived until my next means test. This occured in May this year and I haven't received any billing for my drug co-pays, they used to be $72.00 a month. Go to your local VAMC and go see the "means" test clerk for help.

The person who has nothing for which they are willing to fight,

nothing which is more important than they're own personal safety,

is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free,

unless made and kept so by the exertions of better persons

than himself.

Semper Fi


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Make sure when and if your granted and if you're 50% or more you can get all those co-pays back for all medications Even if they award you less than 50 you can get the co-pays back for the meds that were for the SC condition.

That can add up over time and lord knows we need all the money we can get.


I am applying for the VA Hardship on Form #5655, Financial Status Report. It says on the instructions that this only applies for future out patient/in patient appointments only and does not apply to prescription co-payments. I am looking for help with my prescription co-payments. Is there a program that covers prescription help?

I am SC 0% and my claim is in Washington DC waiting for something to happen.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Brian

Edited by darkhorse
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