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New Controlled Substance Agreement Will Be Required For All Veterans

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Hello All,,,,,, I wish I had some positive information but this is not going to a good one for most Veterans. The loosing of more of our freedoms and more survellance yet even possiblities of making a Veteran into a criminal. Alerting the DEA and more invasion into our privacy. This looks like an attempt to blame all Veterans and paint with a broad brush. Yes I know there are a few Veterans that have stepped over the line and sold there medications , but because of a few now comes the ALL guilty one law for all. Adolph Hitler used these techniques very effectively and now our VA is trying to copy the likes of a madman. Please read closely the New Controlled Substance Agreement that is going into effect and will be required by ALL Veterans to sign. It has already start here in Texas and I am sure some of our Elders and Moderators would like to comment as well as the Hadit community. Remember that the wording in this leaves all Veterans up for grabs and may bring you into a criminal status without a Veterans intent or due process. I think our members need to "dissect" this one and really chew on it . This is one more thing that needs to be brought before our leaders in government and reps to try and fix or we all will be labled a criminal sooner or later. But above all remember ....NEVER GIVE UP. God Bless, C.C.





Edited by Capt.Contaminate
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  • HadIt.com Elder

The VA has been very controlling at times. All the existing restrictions on controlled substances are in fact impacting treatment now. I'd say that were I confronted with such a statement, I'd refuse to sign it.

Besides, if I had a problem serious enough to involve strong painkillers, I'd be seeing a non VA doctor anyway. If the problem was chronic, I might see about the VA filling the prescription under the veteran's drug act.

(Somewhat different rules than if a veteran is "enrolled" in VA care. Refusal to provide (get in writing)) might be a technical violation of the drug act law)

I'd have to talk to a good malpractice lawyer to see if the VA failed to treat properly as a result of a veteran not signing, and would that constitute malpractice.

In my humble opinion, proper treatment by the VA or anyone else should not involve waver of any civil rights. The document, as someone else mentioned,

can be seen as an assumption of guilt by the VA. Big Brother is trying to strike again!

I should say that in the past, VA physicians have offered to prescribe controlled substances when they were contra indicated.

When I end up taking prescription narcotics, they are usually in a hospital setting, often an injection, and a serious medical problem is involved.

To highlight the absurdity of the document, alcohol seems to be the only thing missing.

Edited by Chuck75
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  • HadIt.com Elder

So afr I have not been asked to sign such a statement. If I am I will just say no thank you and get my medication for xanax and hydrocodone from my Medicare Doc.

Maybe the VA should sign a statement guaranteeing delivery of said medications on time and that no one from VA will steal or sell Veterans medications?

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Disclaimer: My comments have nothing to do with anyone posting on this board/forum.

The agreement reminds me of our old "pillbox" program. As patients, we can all become "testy" with our healthcare providers from time to time. Unfortunately, there are a small amount of patients that tend to "screw" with the system. They do things like: constantly lose their pain medications, sell their pain medications, trade/swap their pain medications for illegal drugs, doctor-shop for additional pain medications, etc.

I know this posted "agreement" feels like the old adage- One guy craps his pants... and everyone has to wear diapers.

My initial reaction is, if you are asked to sign this type of agreement--- take a close look in the mirror and honestly ask yourself if you have been doing some of the things mentioned above.

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  • In Memoriam

Hey CC you for got to take your name off of the 4 item posted. FYI


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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Hello All,,,,,, I wish I had some positive information but this is not going to a good one for most Veterans. The loosing of more of our freedoms and more survellance yet even possiblities of making a Veteran into a criminal. Alerting the DEA and more invasion into our privacy. This looks like an attempt to blame all Veterans and paint with a broad brush. Yes I know there are a few Veterans that have stepped over the line and sold there medications , but because of a few now comes the ALL guilty one law for all. Adolph Hitler used these techniques very effectively and now our VA is trying to copy the likes of a madman. Please read closely the New Controlled Substance Agreement that is going into effect and will be required by ALL Veterans to sign. It has already start here in Texas and I am sure some of our Elders and Moderators would like to comment as well as the Hadit community. Remember that the wording in this leaves all Veterans up for grabs and may bring you into a criminal status without a Veterans intent or due process. I think our members need to "dissect" this one and really chew on it . This is one more thing that needs to be brought before our leaders in government and reps to try and fix or we all will be labled a criminal sooner or later. But above all remember ....NEVER GIVE UP. God Bless, C.C.

I appreciate you posting this document and clanging the alarm button, but I am confused when you state all veterans are required to sign this document. Could you post the requirement directive from the VA.



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  • HadIt.com Elder

If you want narcotic pain meds via the opiate program you have to sign a contract at my VAMC. If you want to get narcotic meds via private doctor be sure you can get what you need before you decide to reject VA agreement. Florida pain clinics got such a bad reputation that now the state is cracking down and making it harder. Quite a few pharmacies won't even dispense oxycodone, oxycontin or any of the other drugs that hit the news. My last experience with the VA sending my pain meds 7 days late is pushing me towards private market, but I have experience with private pain clinics and I was not happy with them. 10% of people who use pain meds make it hard on the 90% who use them for proper purpose. I have been using them for 10 years and I have been accused of "drug seeking" behavior and addiction by both private and VA circles. I have never abused them once.

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