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New Controlled Substance Agreement Will Be Required For All Veterans

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Hello All,,,,,, I wish I had some positive information but this is not going to a good one for most Veterans. The loosing of more of our freedoms and more survellance yet even possiblities of making a Veteran into a criminal. Alerting the DEA and more invasion into our privacy. This looks like an attempt to blame all Veterans and paint with a broad brush. Yes I know there are a few Veterans that have stepped over the line and sold there medications , but because of a few now comes the ALL guilty one law for all. Adolph Hitler used these techniques very effectively and now our VA is trying to copy the likes of a madman. Please read closely the New Controlled Substance Agreement that is going into effect and will be required by ALL Veterans to sign. It has already start here in Texas and I am sure some of our Elders and Moderators would like to comment as well as the Hadit community. Remember that the wording in this leaves all Veterans up for grabs and may bring you into a criminal status without a Veterans intent or due process. I think our members need to "dissect" this one and really chew on it . This is one more thing that needs to be brought before our leaders in government and reps to try and fix or we all will be labled a criminal sooner or later. But above all remember ....NEVER GIVE UP. God Bless, C.C.





Edited by Capt.Contaminate
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Hello NSA, John, Rodin, Stretch, Pete, Chuck,

The standard form is for my region in Texas, however I was informed by several VA employees there that this is going for all Vets here and was also told that this is going to be the norm. How long will the regions of the different states happen , who knows . I do not have a directive as of yet but may be able to get one.

Yes Stretch I saw that I had missed a page but blotted it out.....so I thank you for that.

Just as John pointed out it is the 10 percent of abusers that make it hard on everyone. So everyone will be scrutinized by the DEA as a drug dealer. Reading the way it is written if you "hoard" drugs then you can be in violation. That means if you cut a pill in half because you did not follow instructions or any of the other restrictions then you are in violation. I doubt very seriously if every veteran everywhere has not missed a medication time slot sometime in their life. This paper makes you guilty.

NSA Saigon, I did find a directive from last year on how the new changes for dispensing VA and tracking controlled substances from every handling of each order and it was extensive. You can google it and read it as I did not save it .

I was informed by the VA not long ago that there was a ring of some sorts within the VA that was stealing meds from a large group of Vets and then the Vets did not get their meds. The tracking numbers thru the post office did not match so the FBI was checking it. It is this kind of activity that makes all of us have to suffer because of the choices of a few that criminally see a way to make money off of drugs. I live very close to the borders and this drug problem is so big that it is bleeding over here into Texas and putting all of us at risk. To have it happening at the VA is really concerning. It is ALL of our problem not just a few of us.

So what do we do about it. I for one do not like the idea of having to sign any kind of agreement that will give my government more and more rights to abuse or infringe our freeedoms or put more burden on the citizens. I am probably just going to ask to rescind the agreement and use my private doctor. But that could still cause problems with the VA if they change policy again. No matter where or what happens it seems the Veteran is always going to get the short end of the stick but hopefully we will all work together and NEVER GIVE UP, God Bless, C.C.

Edited by Capt.Contaminate
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I defiantly wouldn't sign something that would put me into a situation of being falsely accused of something interpreted as guilt without lawfully proving the accusations. Another words...Guilty until proven innocent! A perfect example, below is written as part of their agreement;

"I understand that absence of prescribed medications on a drug screen may be interpreted as evidence of selling or sharing of medications".

Say for instance, a veteran honestly loses or misplaced his meds, which does happen now and then, particularly a MH patient, and then being automatically guilty of wrongdoings, just isn't culture to me. How can you prove something that's lost.



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  • HadIt.com Elder

This is basically an agreement between the Veteran and the VA. Kind of like a contract.

They drug test you to make sure you are using the drugs and not selling them.

I have been tested before.

Hang in there CC. You have way too many hurdles to jump over.


A Veteran is a person who served this country. Treat them with respect.

A Disabled Veteran is a person who served this country and bears the scars of that service regardless of when or where they served.

Treat them with the upmost respect. I do. Rejection is not a sign of failure. Failure is not an option, Medical opinions and evidence wins claims. Trust in others is a virtue but you take the T out of Trust and you are left with Rust so be wise about who you are dealing with.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

What is sad is that you learn to horde your drugs because the VA is often late in sending them to you, and you will run out 5 days before you get your refill. If you complain too much then the VA may say that "If you could go five days without your pain meds then maybe you don't need them." If you admit to hording them for emergencies then you violate the contract. If you were to take a cough medication the night before the exam that contained alcohol you may have a problem. Now all they will do is kick you out of the opiate program if you violate it. You don't go to jail. However, they also tell you that if you were to have an accident due to being high on the drugs they prescribe to you then you are on your own. I have been on opiates ten years and a few months ago VA pain clinic told me they made a mistake by prescribing them to me. Is that malpractice? They swore that if I took Cymbalta all my pain would be fixed. I took it and I still hurt, of course. I just hope private pain doctors will step in and fill the void. Most in my state are in great fear of DEA and only the crooks will prescribe what you may need. This is a pitiful situation.

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You know what is really weird is that the VA has always been pushing pills almost at the drop of a hat. I go to a doctors appointment and complain of something and the next thing I have a new prescription to take every day. Now I realize that none of my medication is narcotic at the moment, but still it seemed to me to be a little too easy to get a prescription.

I find it absolutely appalling that the Va would withhold needed medication if you refuse to sign this agreement.

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