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Hearing Loss & Tinnitus C&p Progress Notes

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<X> hearing loss and/or tinnitus (audiologist, performing current exam)

1. Objective findings:

1. Puretone thresholds in decibels (air conduction):


500 10 5

1000 10 5

2000 10 10

3000 15 20

4000 20 25

6000 20 15

8000 10 15

Average 14 15

c. Validity of puretone test results

<X> Test results are valid for rating purposes.

2. Diagnosis

Right Ear

<X> Normal Hearing

Left Ear

<X> Normal Hearing

3. Evidence Review

<X> No records were reviewed

6. Remarks, if any

Claims folder not available for review at the time of evaluation. Hearing is within normal limits for both ears. Veteran reported dates of active duty from 1989 to 1997. He reported military noise exposure to artillery and equipment. No occupational or recreational noise exposure was reported.


1. Medical History

Does the Veteran report recurrent tinnitus? YES

Date and cicumstances of onset of tinnitus: Veteran reports tinnitus in the right ear only "for as long as I can remember, from Desert Storm."

2. Evidence Review:

<X> No records were reviewed

3. Etiology of tinnitus

<X> Cannot provide a medical opinion regarding the etiology of the Veteran's tinnitus without resorting to speculation.

Reason: Claims folder was not available for review, however hearing thresholds are within normal limits for both ears which would indicate tinnitus is not caused by military acoustic trauma.

5. Remarks, if any:

Veteran reported he had several ear invections while in the military when he was younger and is unsure if tinnitus is because of that. Veteran also reported he has had traumatic brain injury.

08/27/212 ADDENDUM

Claims folder has been received by Audiology clinic and reviewed.

Veteran currently has hearing within normal limits for both ears. Audiograms found in service medical records from enlistment in 1988 and others from 1994 and 1996 show hearing within normal limits for both ears with no standard threshold shift.

Veteran reports history of several ear infections while in the military when he was younger. Reports of otitis media and otitis externa were found in service medical records. Veteran reported during the audiological evaluation that he was unsure if tinnitus was due to that. Veteran also has history of traumatic brain injury.

An opinion is requested regarding tinnitus according to the 2507. After review of service medical records, personal interview and audiometric testing, it is the opiniion of this examiner that veteran's tinnitus is less likely as not a result of noise exposure during military service as veteran has hearing within normal limits now and during service. No complaints of tinnitus were found in service medical records. opinions regarding other possible causes for tinnitus, including history of: Otitis media, otitis externa, and traumatic brain injury, should be deferred to the appropriate medical specialty.

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Your hearing scores are pretty good. 0-25 is normal hearing. 35-55 hearing aids required but more than likely a 0% rating.

55-100 and thats when your likey to get a 10% or more percentage.

Takes a lot of hearing loss to get a high percentage for hearing loss.

My scores touch 85 in the left and right ear and im only 30% for hearing loss and 10% for tinitus.

Id pursue the tbi and see if tinitus can be linked secondary

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I was really surprised with the test results, so was my wife! According to my SMR's, my 4000 was at: Left: 1994 (15) 1994 (10) 1996 (10) Right: 1994 (00) 1994 (00) 1996 (05). So there has been some marginal loss, even if it still falls within 'normal' limits. My concern is more about the future than about today, even a 0% SC would be better than a denial.

And as far as the tinitus, as you can see by my TBI C&P (another post) that looks like it will be a fight, if anything comes of it. The better chance will be to have it as a residual to the otitis in my SMR's (but I have not yet seen anything in my file RE: request for MO on the Otitis/Tinitus link) Tinitus can also be linked to Thyroid Disorders so it will be interesting to see how that part pans out.

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These are not Progress Notes. This is the DBQ examination findings. I am not sure if you want to read what I have to say about the Audio DBQ. If you want an honest impression about this please let me know, as I would be happy to provide an opinion about the exam.- If you are willing to hear both the good and the bad I will give you my impression on the exam findings, as well as the findings on the rest of the exams you posted..- Harleyman

ps. please provide the date you were discharged and the date you filed your claim. Also please provide if you are currently s/c for any conditions. I will be brtutally honest if you want me to, but I need this information to process what you have posted here and all your other posts. - H

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Army 1989 - 1997

Desert Storm Vet

Not currently service connected.

Claim filed 10/14/2011

How I see my claims working out:

Hypothyroidism 60 or 100

Obesity Secondary to Hypothyroidism 0

PTSD 50 or 70

Sleep Apnea 50


Thorocolumbar 10 or 20

Shoulder 20

HTN 10


Hiatal Hernia 10

Liver 10

IBS 10

Arthritis 10

Voiding 0

Eczema 0

SMC-K and possible SMC-S

The weird ones - these came up because of my Gulf War Exam and SMR review by the examiner

Vision - 20?

Tinnitus - 10?

CFS - 10?

Fibromyalgia - 10?

TBI - 10?

Honest evaluation is what I want - I don't need or want smoke and mirrors.

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