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Varo Claim Development Stinks

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Guest jangrin


Guest jangrin

Well we finally figured out why it takes so long to process and rate and get final approval on our claim. Yesterday we got a call from the VARO (after we sent them an email status request). The very nice lady on the phone said they were waiting for records. We asked what kind of records, she said records for gastrointestinal problems. We stated ALL records have been sent to RO and All VCAA notices are signed stating no more records available. Then I stated that we requested my husbands SMRs but we couldn't get them because ARCHIVES sent the records to the RO. She said oh yes, we have the SMRs. I said what is the hold up then.

Her answer, "WELL,WE JUST HAVE A FOLDER, WE DON"T READ THE PAPERS WE GET.OK folks-they actually admit they don't read this stuff.

Then she tells us we are suppose to write a letter saying no more information or records.

So much for the legal VCAA election box being checked. :(


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  • HadIt.com Elder

I received my official letter today from the AMC:

This is what it says.


We are writing in connection with the claim that was remanded by the Board of Veterans Appeals on April 10, 2006, however we need additional information or evidence.


We asked the VA medical facility who conducted your August 2005 examination ( actually the date of the exam was April 12, 2005), Hope that this doesn't matter?) to review and make a new medical opinion in your appeal. They may contact you to report for a new exam. This exam is very important. If they ask you to report and you fail to attend the exam, we may have to deny your claim, or you might be paid less than you otherwise would. If you can't report for the examination as scheduled, contact the medical facility and arrange a more convenient place or time. This letter will give you the phone number to call.


If you can't report for the examination as scheduled, contact the medical facility and arrange a more convenient place or time.

When have they ever cared about me?


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Guest jangrin

You have to remember that the lady you talked to was probaly a VSR (Veteran service representative) in the Pre-Determination Team. They don't really read every single page of every document as would normally a Rating Veteran Service Representative (RVSR) would. By this I mean, let's say there was a request for SMR's that went to St. Louis from the RO. The VSR would just check to see if the SMR's as whole had been recieved. They wouldn't necessarly check to see if, for example, treatemnt of a knee condition was in there that the veteran claimed. Another example, is let's say there was a request for records from Dr. so and so. The VSR would probably just make sure that records were received by that doctor. Do you see what I mean? I'm not saying this is actaully a good practice, but in the big picture of things at the RO the actual reading of the records takes place at the rating board. Granted, if the VSR would take the time to see if something particular is in the records before sending a claim to the rating board in the "ready to rate" status, and then having the RVSR turn around and send the claim back to the Pre-Determination Team for addtional developement, it certainly would reduce the time it takes to finish a claim. But this ultimately has to do with the huge back log and the VA being under staffed and under funded by congress!

Vike 17

Vike 17,

I truly understand what you are saying. I am so frustrated with the obvious lack of organizational processes involved in having a claim filed with the VA. I was just trying to find something humerous about the situation to take the edge off so I could sit down and type another letter stating we have no further evidence at this time and to please send the claim for rating. But I realize that the helper bees are just that and they really have no other function than to try and organize what has been recieved in the mail. It just seems that there should be ONE person that can truly cull through the file efficiently and not let it gather unecessary dust.

The social security admin. goes through many many claims and they don't seem to have the problem that the VA does. I think this system is in need of a revamp or "new" staffing. I certainly understand why many vets believe the VA is out to discredit them and deny their claim. Mainly, I believe caused by a lack of accountability of the work product by VA employees. But the old saying is, "IT TAKES AN ACT OF CONGRESS for a VA employee to loose their job." No penalties for one not doing thier job.

Oh well, we write the letter and then we wait, what other choice is there. I thought a singing telegram might get some attention to the file. :( It got us to laugh around our house today!

Thanks for your thoughts I know you speak from experience.


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I like the singing telegram idea. I wish I were clever enough to write a parody of Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" based on the VA disability claims process. It would start,

"I do not like the AMC/

Nor do I think they care for me/

I'd rather tear my toenails out/

Than have to wait to ask this clout/

If he could find out where I stand/

With the various claims all on remand/

He's very rude and quite abrupt/

In such a hurry to hang up/

We send them proof of claims galore/

The information they ignore/

I do not like the way they stall/

I do not like those folks at all.

Feel free to add on, I'm tapped out...

Edited by Vicki
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  • HadIt.com Elder

It is not an accident that the VA is understaffed. The government just does not want to pay these claims. If they delay long enough many vets will die off and they don't have to pay.

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It is not an accident that the VA is understaffed. The government just does not want to pay these claims. If they delay long enough many vets will die off and they don't have to pay.

Die off or get pissed off and quit like I did in the past. How many others have done the same, countless numbers for sure!

No doubt the stalling, sending c-files all over the country (mine set in Alaska for a year once after I called my senator's vet. liason and pissed the RO off really bad) it's by design...nothing in government just happens.



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Guest fla_viking

Dear Fellow Veterans & Friends

The VA medical system made the news as being a number one medical center. I belive it is. the VA over the 90's turned itself around. We all know what the VA was like in the 70's and 80's. How much harder and costly is a hospital system v. a claims office?

This is delibert that the claims office is so screwed up.

Terry Higgins

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