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Laparoscopic Fundoplication

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Has anyone tried this aggressive treatment for GERD?

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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Glad your recovery is going well.

My recovery has gone ok. Still have a little bit of sore throat but I was able to go back on regular diet Tuesday. I can only swallow small amount of food at time and my taste buds are out of whack. Doctor said he would probably give me another sleep study in April.

I received a copy of my BCBS insurance EOB for my last sleep study. The sleep study clinic billed BCBS and medicare $5000.00 for my last sleep study but was only approved payment of $489.00 . Since the clinic was a PPO, I did not have to pay anything. I think it is outrageous that a person without insurance may have paid $5000.00 for the sleep study when insurance got by with a $489.00 total payment. JMO

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Yeah that's insane. My 8 days in the hospital with ITP was over $215k. Insurance paid like 18k. I payed around 500. It's crazy. On the subject of the procedure I just had a gyros sandwich and it was ok. The biggest thing with this procedure is just having to chew your food more thoroughly. So far ok even without the Nexium.

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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Well so far so good sort of. The fire has not returned so that is a positive and I've been tolerating most foods ok. The dysphagia is still there, however, no burning feeling which really is a plus. I have not been eating as much and I still avoid trigger foods that make my GERD worse. It is imperative that you chew your food extra well as your gag reflex is a little altered with this procedure. It's been about a week now since I was taken off the Nexium and the inferno has not come back which is grand. However, the runs are still there, but I wasn't expecting anything to change on that. I am still on OTC probiotics and the Enteragam so at least one end is doing better. :unsure::wacko::blink: . One day at a time. I'm still on appeal with the IBS and GERD but I imagine I may have a staged ratting on the GERD. I still meet the symptoms to have a compensable rating. Well see how that goes on March 19th with the DRO. I'm not going to be too optimistic as my rainmaker has advised me that we will be going to BVA on some of my conditions but you never know, hell might freeze over and the VA raters might rate my contentions correctly. Not holding my breath though. I've always wanted to do some more sight seeing at the capital. :smile:

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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I like your positive attitude. One day at a time, one end at a time.

Good luck with the DRO.

So far my recovery is going ok and I hope it remains that way. I have two more post op visits and then another sleep study.


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:biggrin::tongue: That was funny it made me laugh but thanks. I am so fed up with the Choice program and my VA PCP. I actually called and got info on it. I still have to go through the VA PCP and get the outside referral. I think this is such a waste of time. The VA PCP still has to authorize it. What is the point of this program? The way this is set up it will never work. I asked my VA PCP to either make the referral via choice program or fee basis.

I have to say though at least an appointment with a VA gastro specialist was made but for April 6th. That is the earliest. Wow what a waste of time. I am trying to give the program a go, but this so far has been a tease and IMHO just a smokescreen to cover up the embarrassment of VA's so-called quality and timely medical care. :wacko:

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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Totally agree. The VA should give veterans a real choice by placing all vets on medicare with copays, deductibles and premiums based on their disability ratings. A 100% vet would have no copays, no deductibles, no premiums and all medical bills would be paid in full by medicare. Transfer all funding from the VA to medicare and shut down the VAMCs. JMO

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