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Found a VA blog by VA C & P section. They had an article where they were patting themselves on back for reducing claims. My self and many other vets complained that this was more smoke and mirrors. Do a Google search for VA blog, and select the .gov one. Interesting reading, but b.s. as usual. Does anyone else follow this VA blog?, or is a waste of time? VAvantage Point is name of the blog.

Got an email today from the 2 moderators, seems Ms. Hickey read my comments and wanted to hear my story. I responded that I contacted her in Feb. 15, but still on the hamster wheel. Will post the response.

Edited by vern2

Vern 2

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vern2 the blog is what the va says and sadly they say a lot of things not all of them true and so now i just say we will see. here's some history from just last year

House Committee on Veterans Affairs

EVALUATION OF THE PROCESS TO ACHIEVE VBA GOALS - July 2014 http://veterans.house.gov/sites/republicans.veterans.house.gov/files/documents/113-80.pdf

Here is an excerpt from the opening statement by Rep Jeff Miller

We’re going to hear from GAO later about how 75 percent of the regional offices that they surveyed have agreements with the local unions that all veterans’ disability claims work done on this candle- burning overtime shall be exempt from any quality review.

I look forward to hearing from VBA on how that’s being sold as a veteran-friendly practice.

Now, essentially, it’s the equivalent of saying, ‘‘Just make a deci- sion and we’ll hope that the veteran doesn’t appeal.’’

Chronic incidents of unchecked oppressive and vindictive man- agement festers within many of the regional offices, and the honest expert input of VBA employees has been silenced, ignored and, at times, punished.

I’m told that the performance requirements on production and accuracy have been weaponized, if you will, to keep VBA employees in check. To what end? It’s certainly not in the name of service to America’s veterans. 


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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Thanks Tbird, Why do they always lie, management is the problem everybody stealing

money. 83 % provisional claims reviewed incorrectly process. But the backlog is down.  Bullcrap

they just get in another line. Reading this will give me something to do . And we suppose to play

by the rules and they are breaking all of them.  Thanks RU


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"This week, VA reduced the disability claims backlog to 98,535."


So why don't they talk about appeals?


Some 313k appeals were on the books as of 24 Aug. 2015.  (This is up 25k since Jan 2015.)


In Jan 2014, there were 180k appeals pending.


If you cipher the numbers, Jan 2014 they had over 600k claims pending.  That number dropped 80%.


The percentage increase in appeals didn't go up 80%.  That's not so bad, no?

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vern2 the blog is what the va says and sadly they say a lot of things not all of them true and so now i just say we will see. here's some history from just last year

House Committee on Veterans Affairs

EVALUATION OF THE PROCESS TO ACHIEVE VBA GOALS - July 2014 http://veterans.house.gov/sites/republicans.veterans.house.gov/files/documents/113-80.pdf

Here is an excerpt from the opening statement by Rep Jeff Miller

Seems that this is what they just did with a claim that I filed on 12 July 2014. It was scanned but never process into the system. Complained to Ms. Hickey in July and wow, it was just closed on 22 August (on a Saturday), so guess my claim falls into the overtime, exempt from quality review. Just like T-Bird says, just close the claims and make those figures look good. They are not fooling Congressman Miller and certainly not the Veterans that his hasty overtime process is impacting. Oh, my appeal dating from 7 October 2013, well it just disappeared from eBenefits as of today. This is one way to make the stats look real good. Wonder how many more vets suffered the same fate? I am only speaking about the St. Petersberg VARO, which IMHO is the worst of all the VARO's.

Still on the wheel!


Vern 2

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Thinking of going down to Congressman Miller's office and discuss my case with his liaison. Sure to stir some firestorm as my experience is not unique, but the norm. I live 5 miles from the Pensacola office:)

Vern 2

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Sorry regional office workers need to be fired.

They are getting the numbers down by overlooking evidence, staying within monthly budget, focusing on pay bonuses, providing biased C&P exams, and basically repeating previous denied claims reasons and basis information.

The truth lays with appeals.

I sure wish a congress person would investigate how appeals are handled and bring the truth to the light.

The VA is a fine organization; however some of the workers have forgot the mission statement: "SERVING AND HELPING AMERICAS VETERANS".

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