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ebennys account?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I finally got  ebenefits account.

it says I have 3 request  

1.describe sterssors and date /location

2.Name Dr and hospital that treated me?  VA?

3 Fill out Questioner enclosed.....(none was enclosed?)unless I need to upload all these documents?

it says I have 30 days to respond or til Dec 12 th to respond...I have not received this in snail mail   only until tonight I got into my e bennys account did I find this information

This is all new to me  I'm old school and filed snail mail before this internet stuff

In other words I don't know what I'm doing...eh!

Any help would be appreciated



Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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 I was never treated for any mental health issues until this year. My stressors dated back to 1966. When I went into my initial MH consult the VA Psychiatrist asked me what I there for. I said I didn't know but here is what is my life is like on a day to day basis. He came up with a PTSD diagnosis that same day and urged me to file. According to ebennies I am 70% for PTSD, Panic Disorder and Persistant Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia). As long as your stressors are valid (and yours will be), I wouldn't worry about no treatment for 40 some years. I'm assuming that you are in some sort of treatment now. I myself am going weekly to a group session and a one on one session also weekly. 

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Thanks Andyman


Yes I am in treatment with a VA Psychiatrist   (Medication) & Seeing a LCSW BCD  VA  Therapist.

I'll just wait now..if I get denied for no evidence it was the cause of my prior service   will be BS and I'll have to seek a private IMO simply because the VA Dr's won't say that it was because of my prior military service...all they will say about that is

''Veteran carries some guilt from his vietnam days & gives some symptoms  and is currently seeking help for his VA Diagnoses  PTSD DSM & Unspecific Depressive Disorders   so I don't know how they will look at that statement.? (in VA Notes)

All my systoms are in the 50% or close range  but the hygiene  and taking care of myself part..which I can still bath/shave and clean myself  so I'm not looking at a 100% rating  hopefully 50%/70%..but probably end up being lowballed at 10%

we'll see?

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Yep, just like my case where the examiner wrote he doesn't see how one injury, a minor leg injury, can cause depression.  Never mind that I pointed out to him several times that not only did I injure both knees when I fell, but my lower back also.  And that I went to the med clinic multiple times for pain in the back and both knees.  And that I also developed foot problems and had a second back injury.  And that I was SC right out of the box with knee pain syndrome and low back pain.

Which would seem to me to be the VA's own evidence proving my chronic pain, therefor the nexus for the depression secondary to chronic pain.  But what do I know?

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  • HadIt.com Elder


As for as I know the raters are suppose to rely on what the VA examiners mention in the C&P Reports and any or all favorable evidence is suppose to be to help the veteran 

Its like if the veteran don't have a lot of medical evidence from a private Doc  then what we get from the VAMC Dr's is useless.

Its because the VA Dr's won't help us  and be more veteran friendly and give the veteran a favorable report  based on the veterans evidence...but most won't do that  and that's the reason for being lowballed or denied.

and most don't read all the evidence....so being denied  only makes it harder for the veteran and he ends up on that old hamster wheel of appeals 

I think at times they just want us to get older before they award  and when were older that means they don't have to pay benefits very long because the veteran don't have that long to live...That's  all BS in my book.

when they do finally award....look at all that retro  so to me there actually just shooting them selfs in the foot by denying in the first place.....because eventually the veteran will prevail..it maybe years  but still..see my point!

when a veteran has the evidence for his claim  they should do the right thing & award so the veteran can at least live a more better & decent life with his family

I am not counting on them to do the right thing  so while I'm waiting on them to send me there decision,  I am gathering up more evidence...I wish they would hurry up and send my records and C-file in...been on order now 5 months.

I might have should waited to send in my claim  but I wanted to just get it in and start my EED.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Isn't that the truth!

You got to wonder, though, what is the reason for not doing their jobs according to the law?  Isn't that the whole point of the system to begin with? To care for and treat the Vets as they come? 

Have you filed any complaints about your c-file?  Maybe just use IRIS under the complaint tag-line and ask why you haven't received your c-file, that you requested 5 months ago.  And state the regulation that requires them to have it to you by a certain time after the request was made.

At least this way you do establish the EED.

I'm just begging my EED NOD wait...I hope it's not a long wait.  I found the C&P exam from 9.5 years ago that was never adjucated.  In the reasons and basis section of my letter there was no mention what so ever of my feet, but everything else that was also examined.  I also sent a copy of my exam from this year, where I was awarded 30% SC for the same DXs that were also in the original exam!

Pretty cut and dried, so I hope and pray it has a quick resolution in my favor.


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