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Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Oxygen Concentrator

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snake doctor



 A few days ago i had a overnight Pulse Oximetry test done. I got a call from my local VA stating that they had submitted a order to a local contractor to have an Oxygen Concentrator install in my bedroom. I was told to use it at night why sleeping. I was told that i'm not getting enough Oxygen why I'm sleeping. What is the rating for this?? I'm already getting 50% for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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You will be still at 50%, there is no other rating associated with Apnea issues.  The only exception would be if your need for O2 was surfacing from another issue and you were to submit a claim for that issue.  Apnea is an 'all or none' rating.  Hope this helps.

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Snake: As a long time Bipap with 02 concentrator user and recently bumped SA SC from 50 to 100%, may I opine.

In doing my due diligence research regarding my 14 FDC for the SA Secondary, I came across BVA Decisions where the use of the 02 at night, was considered as "Respiratory Failure." You would be well served to file an FDC request for SA increase based on the DX of your 02 Sat dropping below 90.

I still haven't received my 07/15 Award Letter but I had (2) of the "OR's" listed in the 100% Rating. All you need is "ONE."  Anytime you read a rating requirement that states "OR," any one of the (OR's) is all that's necessary. You get that SA bump, you'll also pick up the SMC S (1), "Get'R Done!"

I trust your 100% compliant with the use of your Cpap & 02, SA is a KILLER!

Semper Fi



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I was just told that my Oxygen dropped to 76% while sleeping. That is the reason why they put me on oxygen at night. I'm totally new at this. Please let me know what I need to file so I can have it raised from 50 to 100%.




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That is very low O2 saturation rate.  !  I am bowing out of this convo, let these guys with firsthand experience respond.  I have a CPAP, but no real O2 issues.  I want to say 88% or 84% is the O2 percentage where they need to start looking at the BIPAPs.  Looks like you blew that up.  This is the first time I have heard of this angle for a higher percentage using respiratory failure though, realistically, even if you had heart issues, you could possibly get it secondary.  Good luck!

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As I am still on the outside looking in(for SA SC) during my sleep study my O2 dropped into the low 70s.  My AHI % was in the upper 60s, too, I believe.  My dentist, who was the one that got me to get the sleep study done, was blown away by my numbers.

He also has SA, and said in his 20+ years of tooth work, most often serious tooth wear(bruxism and clenching) is directly related to OSA/SA.  He said that his numbers are not even half as bad as mine, and he has weight issues to contend with. 

I'm still trying to find the right nexus to link my SA to my service.

snake doctor, 1st off...Welcome to Hadit, 2ndly ya gotta do like Gastone says and use your CPAP EVERYNIGHT!  I know I sure do, I'm too afraid to not use it!

Semper Fi.

Edited by Andyman73
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Any drop in P02 below 90 is reason for concern, day or night. Snake 76% is a severe problem, were you ever a smoker, think possible COPD; not out of the question.

Review your NHV Clinician notes regarding the recent Night 02 tests results, any discussion regarding other Heart/Lung tests needed?

Go on your E-Ben site and start a VONAP FDC SA Increase due to Chronic Repertory Failure, then copy and Scan copies of Tests & VA Clinician notes, to attach to the claim. We'll discuss this again before you hit the Send Button, but get the Date locked in, right.

Semper Fi

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